Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Human Rights Commissioner Against Gay Rights

Mr. Joel Edwards was appointed as an Equality and Human Rights Commissioner as part of this non-departmental public body in Great Britain. Unions and activists are currently asking for his removal.

Mr. Edwards is director of the Evangelical Alliance, an organization which works tirelessly against LGBT rights.

"Last year they gave evidence to a House of Commons committee opposing a new crime of incitement to violence on the grounds of sexual orientation.

They also launched large-scale campaigns against the Sexual Orientation Regulations, which ensure equality of gay, lesbian and bisexual people when accessing goods and services."(Pink News)
Mr. Edwards is at odds with the mission of the EHRC which is supposed to promote racial equality, disability rights, and is responsible for age discrimination, sexual orientation, religious plurality as well as human rights.

Please help us in asking for the removal of Mr. Joel Edwards as a commissioner.


3 More London, Riverside Tooley Street, London, SE1 2RG
Telephone 020 3117 0235 (non helpline calls only)
Fax 0207 407 7557

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I bet he's another one of those closet


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