Monday, February 9, 2009

Freedom to Marry Week 2009

People across the country are pledging to take part in 7 Conversations in 7 Days in honor of the 12th annual Freedom to Marry Week, February 8-14, 2009. Join in the pledge today!


Having conversations is the single most important action you can take towards achieving marriage equality nationwide.


Get involved by joining in any of the 7 different ways to have conversations Feb. 8-14. We will highlight different ways to get involved each day, but feel free to get involved any way possible any day of the week!

Sunday, February 8th: YouTube Challenge

Submit a video to our YouTube Challenge for a chance to win cash prizes.

Monday, February 9th: Make Your Voice Heard

Add your face and voice to the conversation. Create a blog post, vlog, comment on our blog, change your status on facebook, or change your picture on social networks.

Tuesday, February 10th: Email for Equality

Sign the marriage resolution and email it to friends. Support your state’s equality organization and sign and circulate their petitions too!

Wednesday, February 11th: Button Up for Equality

Sign up to receive a button to wear or put our html button on your website, blog, or social networking page.

Thursday, February 12th: Face to Face to Equality

Have a face to face conversation by attending or hosting an event. Tell us about any events happening during the week, and we’ll post them.

Friday, February 13th: Txt 4 Equality

Receive a text or tweet about why marriage matters and forward on to friends.

Saturday, February 14th: Get Local With It

Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

Encourage your friends, family, and co-workers to take the pledge to have 7 Conversations in 7 Days this February 8-14!

Stuck on what to say? Pick up some talking points and conversation starters here: How to talk about marriage equality.

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