Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.


Anonymous said... <- Grishno (Erin) the youtuber who has been accredited with starting the "transmovement" on youtube. Getting members of the transcommunity to vlog about themselves, to show that we're just regular people. <- My "translog", Youtube Edition: "The Life of a Transgirl" <- My ... "Translog" documenting the start of my translife

Phillip Minton said...
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Phillip Minton said...

It can't be denied a lot has been happening here in California since Prop 8 passed. However, there's been a disconnect between a lot of the major cities. Not that we haven't wanted to communicate and coordinate, it's just been, "How?"

We've slowly cleared this hurdle and are now all determined to converge, literally, but outside our city limits. Where? In Fresno, CA of course!

Many have asked, "Why?" Natural follow up question. In my post The Movement is Headed to Fresno, CA, I explain how I feel that members of the LGBT community in CA's major cities have faulted in not looking passed our own noses, let alone our cities. Fresno was a victim of that, especially during the No on 8 campaign. We intend to amend that.

I really hope to see many of you there for Meet in the Middle. It's going to be big! Hopefully historic.

Phillip Minton said...

Grr. I keep messing up. So sorry. Here are the posts I referred to: The Movement is Headed to Fresno, CA and Meet in the Middle.

T. R Xands said...

For some reason I'm just now feeling the black history month spirit and wrote a post about erasure of LGBT history in the black community. Still working on it if anyone wants to give feedback.

Anonymous said...

A new music website designed to help gay artist CONNECT, COLLABORATE, AND CREATE. Just in it's prelaunch stage, new visitors can join the site and be known as Founding Members.

With the limitations of facebook, and the saturation of myspace making it hard to find good gay artist. plans to put all gay artist in one location on the web.

Anonymous said...

Check me out at

Lhjunkie said...
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Lhjunkie said...

Here's a blog post I made about corrective rape:

And this is a YouTube channel I follow called 5awesomegays: Click Here

Anonymous said...

Here's my blog!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Check out my Podcast called Ramble Redhead I interview members of the GLBT community and our allies. Past guests include Kate Clinton, Leslie Jordan, Chad Allen, ANT and so many more.

Anonymous said...

I posted about having "man-breasts" (I'm a transguy) and the emotional effects of testosterone.

Anonymous said...

PROP 8 Alert!

"Decision Day" Protest or Celebration

There is a plan for a march and rally on DECISION DAY that is being talked and spread to other cities. Because the decision comes out during the week, can be almost any day now, and would be hard to reserve the protest site or celebration site for everyday, it looks like it will be a last minute announcement.

I hear the frustration in one of the previous comments, "We don't know what's going on."

WELL KEEP YOUR EAR OUT and check (and other sites)

and follow the red link to CLICK HERE to FIND EVENTS in your city.

and Check in with your local group. Make sure they are coordinating with other cities like San Diego and have a plan.

Supreme court decisions usually come out on Monday or Thursday at 10AM (but could be any day). The supreme court announces that it will release a decision 24 hours before it does. AT THAT TIME, the night before, A RELEASE WILL BE MADE OF THE PLACE AND TIME.

I personally will be taking fliers to bars and gay businesses to have them keep a heads up for the news and am going to call each when I hear the announcement.

So, I am telling you to:

-TALK TO SOMEONE in your city at a gay organization.
-TELL FRIENDS and bars or gay businesses you go to TO KEEP AN EAR OUT and to tell people.

Your city protest or celebration will be at one of the sites you have already marched from or to.

If we win, then we will probably be out celebrating in our area of town and showing unity. If we lose, we will be out in their area and be protesting in unity.

Anonymous said...



IF you scroll down there are event cities shown already with facebook links.

Remember to check them and the night before for a time and place. REMEMBER it should be at a central place you have already met at before.

Anonymous said...

Are other people aware of this and participating?

Anonymous said...

Great website - a professor who studies homophobia, hate crimes, etc.

Anonymous said...
A great blog

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of local hate crime coverage.

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