Friday, February 26, 2010

Tell CW Network Racist and Transphobic Language Have No Place On TV!

High Society Trailer - Real Look. Series Premiere Wednesday, March 10 on the CW network is the subject of controversy. The show is about rich people doing and saying whatever they want. The trailer below shows how racist language like the N word is condoned, and how transphobic insults such as "tranny" are aired.

Please tell the CW Network that racist and transphobic language does not belong on the airwaves and that the women using it must be educated as to why it is wrong.

H/T to Planetransgender.


Tom Lowery said...

I am gay and I see nothing wrong with any statements made in this video. This is overkill when people cannot say what they like in an innocent fashion. Far more important things to take issue with than this silliness.

Queers United said...

You find nothing wrong with the N word? You find nothing wrong with the use of the word "tranny" as an insult.

Garen said...

"Innocent" instances of discrimination dismissed as "silliness" give people carte blanche to discriminate on a larger scale. I hate when people pull back from speaking out against biases just to seem pragmatic, reasonable, level-headed. God forbid we should actually get angry and have necessary difficult conversations. I challenge you to rethink your statements, TomL. It would be courageous to make it your responsibility to disagree and invite difficult conversations with those who wield their white/male/hetero/cisgender privilege as a badge of honor, as this ad clearly does.

planet trans said...

Response to TomL

Misogyny always sticks it's ugly head up when people speak up on behalf of womankind. Kinda like wackamole. That form of bigotry can paralyze our human rights movement and is infused in all genders regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or religion.

TomL let me ask you a question and please do not take offense because I am blunt.

What if the actress had sneered in contempt "You look like a faggot!" would you be offended? Or if you are a person of color, or Jewish or christian or republican or.......whatever.

Her offensiveness was meant to target the most unprotected segment of society and was a lowlife ploy to increase viewership by creating a web buzz.

TomL, cheap and offensive as the CW is, anyone who demands equality yet decries advocacy or is unconcerned about others within there own community merits a place of dishonor with the CW network.

THERishouldbeAPY said...

I'm queer and African and I think it's pretty unreal to see non-Blacks freely and openly admit that they use the "N". I'm not a big "you need the Black community's permission to do XYZ"-type person, but honestly?? Does she know or understand the meaning and hurt behind that word?? Doesn't she have any friends (Black, Brown, or otherwise) who can put her IN CHECK?!

The use of the word "tranny" is also unacceptable. Its diminutive spelling denotes contempt and disregard.

Overall, I am tired, TIRED, T-I-R-E-D of seeing shows full or rich people with NOTHING else better to do with their lives than spend excessively, demean others, and complain about "how hard" their life is. I'M OVER IT!!! But America apparently can't get enough...

Anonymous said...

The quote the "N Word" is not being racist but expressing a very liberal term while being moderately polite. I look at it as expressing ignorance anyway. If you tell a friend that they look like a "Tranny" I consider freedom of speech has been expressed, as I myself have on numerous occasion made that quote. I am a gay man and see nothing wrong in this commercial, it quite easily depicts freedom of speech! If you don't like freedom of speech, do move to North Korea!

Queers United said...

Anonymous she said she uses the "N Word" frequently. She only said it like that because she knew it would be bleeped out or censored if she said the word. Of course it is freedom of speech to use the N word or "tranny" but it doesn't make it right or acceptable. They have the right to air it and we have the right to take them to task for it. That is called freedom.

Anonymous said...

This blog is so stupid and bitchy. Should the CW not be allowed to air the word "Bitch" because it is sexist against women? Should they not be allowed to air the term "White Trash" because it is racist against Caucasians? Should they not be allowed to show people eating pork or beef, or show women wearing pants because it may be offensive to East Indians or Muslims?

If we censor everything on television which may be deemed "Offensive" to any group of people, then there'd be no television to watch. People are going to say things which offend other people, because THAT'S life, so get over it!

This blog has become so stupid, silly, and pointless, and has clearly "Jumped the Shark". Instead of posting real concerns or issues that matter, now you are posting complete nonsense, just because you have nothing better to post about. To the writer of this blog: GET A LIFE!

Maxi said...

I think what's important to note is that this is not a scripted show. It is a real look at these people and I believe it should be as "raw" as possible. Airing this is not an endorsement of either of those offensive terms. Ultimately, your complaint should be with the individual and not the network. If this were a scene in "Gossip Girls," I might see your point.

libhom said...

Is the CW or the show's producers sending trolls here to make idiotic defenses of the show?

Maxi's comments are particularly silly given the fact that the unreality shows like this one are scripted. The writers just don't get union pay scale.

ernasty said...

boycott the show and tell others. i know i won't watch it.

Ishmael said...

Another talentless reality show created to plug Covergirl makeup and Clearasil products. Whatever.
The participants are morons. The only thing that offends me is the Networks choice of programming.

Bryan said...

outrageous! this was my response to them
I saw the trailer for this new reality show and I do not appreciate your condoning of some rich women casually using the N word and calling each other "tranny" as an insult. That is just as bad as using the word "gay" to describe something bad, which as you have seen in recent media, is something we are trying to end in society's vocabulary. These women need to be educated to why what they are doing is wrong, and airing this, you are responsible for teaching them. If not, you are just contributing to the filth and ignorance of a really uneducated society in America, and further perpetuating hate and inequality.

Dancy said...

Honestly folks. Can we really expect anything else from a reality show about the high life? It's a show that follows real people around doing and saying the things they say everyday. People aren't always going to be PC. yeah the words are offensive to some, but if this was a scripted show that was just using the words to use them, then I'd be mad but this is a reality show showing stupid people doing and saying stupid things. I don't think I've ever seen a reality show that was 100% PC.

I'm sure it only gets worse. It's trashy T.V. And racist or homophobic or not, people are still gonna tune in to see what crazy thing so-and-so says today.

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