"Ghey" is a postmodern redevelopment of the pejorative usage of the term gay. The term is supposed to convey a sense of being lame or uncool without offending gay people.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Word of the Gay: "Ghey"
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Word of the Gay: "Leather Spinster"
Maryland Delegates Holding up Marriage Equality!
Maryland is poised to become the sixth state to gain marriage equality unless the opposition forces change delegates minds. Democratic delegates who previously promised to support marriage equality are now backtracking and holding up a vote. It is essential to contact your state representative and urge them to support full marriage equality.
The following delegates are particularly crucial committee member votes, please email and call them to demand they vote for marriage equality immediately.
Delegate Sam Arora
(410) 841-3528
*Now citing religious beliefs for opposition (Arora Twitter account shows former support for marriage equality).
Delegate Tiffany Alston
(410) 841-3692
Delegate Jill Carter
(410) 841-3283
Delegate Melvin Stukes
(410) 841-3544
The Maryland Senate has passed marriage equality and Governor O'Malley has pledged to sign the legislation should it reach his desk. The House of Delegates is our last hurdle and our opposition is out in full force.
Please repost, forward and tweet this to your friends #Marryland.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Kids of LGBT Parents: "We're All Right"
The Human Rights Campaign has begun the "We're All Right" video campaign to showcase the stories of kids of LGBT parents. The point is to demonstrate to the world that LGBT families are not that different than heteronormative families and that kids raised by queer parents grow up just as bright, loved, and successful as they with heterosexual parents.
In the word of Zach Wahls (19 year old son of 2 moms): "The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero to do with the content of my character."
Submit your video or help spread the word about the "We're All Right" video campaign.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Word of the Gay: "Santorum"
"Santorum" was a word proposed in 2003 by sex advice columnist Dan Savage to poke fun at then Senator Rick Santorum's egregious statements about homosexuality. The term means a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Buying for Workplace Equality 2011
The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT civil rights organization in the country has released their 2011 "Buying for Workplace Equality" guide. This comprehensive listing shows which companies are supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality and treat their employees fairly.
Support the companies who stand with our community in the fight for liberty and justice.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Organization Spotlight: The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Bisexual and Transgender Addiction Professionals
NALGAP; The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Bisexual and Transgender Addiction Professionals is a membership organization founded in 1979 and dedicated to the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse, and other addictions in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer communities.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dr. Phil on "Extreme Gay Marriages" and "De-Confusing" Gender Variant Kids
So called "doctor"Dr. Phil continues to give bad advice to millions of families across the nation when it comes to the subject of sexual orientation and gender identity. His current advice column suggests how to "fix" a gender variant child and another part of his website paints LGBT marriage as "extreme".
Whether it's giving a platform to transphobia, bi-phobia or anti-gay voices there seems to be a fairly consistent message that paints our community in a damaging and inaccurate way.
Dr. Phil has been most inaccurate and down right offensive when it comes to the transgender and gender variant community. His current online advice column called "My 5 year old son prefers girls clothes and toys" encourages a mother to modify her child's behavior.
"Direct your son in an unconfusing way. Don't buy him Barbie dolls or girl's clothes. You don't want to do things that seem to support the confusion at this stage of the game ... Take the girl things away, and buy him boy toys. Support him in what he's doing, but not in the girl things." (Dr. Phil)Dr. Phil operates under the premise that gender variance is abnormal and that the child must be confused when it is really the adults in this situation who are confused because they are faced head on with their own internal misconceptions of gender identity/expression.
Dr. Phil also has a section of his website called "Extreme Marriages" where he talks about marriages involving LGBT individuals. Scary right? If he wants to convey unusual or challenging circumstances there are different words that can be used to express that.
There have been changes in recent months that indicate that perhaps he is softening his heart and standing with the LGBT community. He has spoken out against gay bullying and admits that being gay is not a choice. We must continue to pressure him to accept our transgender brethren and eliminate all forms of queerphobia.
Send your comments to Dr. Phil demanding he stop his anti-LGBT commentary. Demand he pull these and other offensive columns and segments.
Dr. Phil show
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Sunday, January 30, 2011
16th Annual Rainbow Families Conference in Minnesota
The Rainbow Families Conference is the premier community building and learning event for current and prospective LGBT parents, their children, family members and friends, area educators and community members.
This incredible conference is a special resource for Minnesota and surrounding states and is the largest of its kind in the nation. Participants enjoy a day of learning and sharing together and also leave with concrete skills and information relevant to their own lives and needs.
April 9, 2011
Anwatin/Bryn Mawr Schools
256 Upton Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Click here to register and/or learn more.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Chick-fil-A Tied to Anti-Gay Funding Campaigns
U.S. fast food chain Chick-fil-A has been receiving LGBT media attention over its ties to anti-gay groups and sentiments. Through its foundation the company has been sponsoring anti-marriage events and organizations throughout the country.
Chick-fil-A's charitable arm, the WinShape Foundation, has been particularly active in the fight against marriage equality. They've hosted conferences with some of the leading opponents of gay marriage in this country. A higher up at WinShape has even praised the efforts of anti-gay activist David Blankenhorn for working against marriage equality, and for articulating a solid reason why American culture should reject same-sex couples (Change.org)But there's more...
WinShape Foundations Retreat Center does not cater to LGBT people!
"WinShape Retreat defines marriage from the Biblical standard as being between one man and one woman. Groups/Individuals are welcome who offer wholesome, educational conferences and programs that are compatible with Biblical values and WinShape's purpose."Sign the petition demanding Chick-fil-A pull its sponsorship of anti-gay events.
"We do not accept homosexual couples because of the statement in our contract." (Good as You)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Urge U.K. Prime Minister to Denounce Anti-Gay/Anti-Trans MP
Roger Helmer a conservative member of the British Parliament has made a controversial tweet defending so called "reparative therapy" for gay, lesbian and bisexual people. He ignorantly compares sex-change operations to sexual orientation an offense that should be taken by the entire LGBT community being that sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same thing.
In his tweet he says:
"Why is it OK for a surgeon to perform a sex-change operation, but not OK for a psychiatrist to try to "turn" a consenting homosexual?"His remarks not only show that he believes sexual orientation can be altered but it also goes to show that he considers a sex-change operation to be a choice. While electing for surgery is a choice in the respect that one is not forced to undergo the procedure, it is often a life-saving procedure for transgender people who would otherwise not want to live in a physical body that does not correspond with their gender identity.
Urge Prime Minister David Cameron to reject MP Helmer's controversial and dangerous suggestion that "conversion therapy" works.
You can also contact the representative himself at roger.helmer@europarl.europa.eu