Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Republican Leadership to Bring Gay Marriage to Vote in NY

In what has been a shocking turn of events in the New York state senate, two democrats defected from the democratic party to become republicans giving control of the senate back to the GOP. Former senate leader Malcolm Smith refused to bring the gay marriage bill to a vote until he was assured it had the votes necessary to pass.

The new senate President Dean Skelos wants to bring up the bill for a vote before the legislative session ends in 10 days. Pedro Espada Jr. one of the democrats who changed his party affiliation still maintains that he firmly supports marriage equality and wants to see the bill voted on swiftly.

If republicans are the ones to bring this bill to a vote and pass marriage equality this will signal an entirely new shift in politics.

Urge President Skelos to bring the bill for a vote before the session ends and to vote in favor of marriage equality!

E-contact form for President Dean Skelos

Albany Office
Room 907 LOB
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: (518) 455-3171


Kristi said...

Wild. Just wild.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder if they are really bringing it up because they want to pass it, or because they want to kill it...

Breenlantern said...

I can't help wondering if the republicans are now hoping it will pass so they can take credit for it and try to obtain the gay vote now that the self-righteous religious right is losing favor in the American eye and their support no longer guarantees a win...so sick of politicians vying for power and money and playing with the rest of our lives like bargaining chips....

libhom said...

The numbers I've seen are that same sex marriage will lose out in a Senate vote, regardless of whom is in charge. I think the Goppers want their caucus to get a chance to vote against it.

James said...

Republicans won't get my vote away from the Democrats. I'm voting Green. It's time America got a new political party to compete. Republican and Democrats have merged into 1 party and we're no longer given a choice.

A vote for Nader is not a wasted vote.

Anonymous said...

this was a secret plan in the works for many weeks by the republicans to push the bill forward so they could deny it before the overwhelming support we have been recieving from other states, could sway some people into actually passing the bill....a typical republican move which will bite them in their collective ass*s

Anonymous said...

Well, we'll see - if gay marriage passes, and these new republicans vote for it, then they will at least have 10% reedemed themselves.

But if it fails, they will have proven that the republican party is our own Taliban. Bring the troops home. Fix religious terrorism here first.

Queers United said...

Most of the republicans will vote against it, but I am encouraged that atleast they will allow it to come up for a vote like any legislation.

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