Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.


M Jules Aedin said...

This is a blog made by a sexually-queer, genderqueer bio-female who is exploring what hir queerness means in the broader scope of hir life. It's interesting to follow.

Ileana Jimenez said...

The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice does excellent work for queer social justice groups both in the US and internationally. Readers may have heard international program officer Dulce Reyes earlier this week on OutFM talk about Uganda and LGBT rights. They are also partnering with queer groups in the Dominican Republic to help with Haiti. Check out their website:

Ileana Jimenez said...

I am an educator and activist who teaches LGBT literature to high school students. Please check out my blog to follow future postings on my teaching queer lit in secondary classrooms.

Jason said...

The Nonconformist...

Unknown said...

Questions, commentary and general thoughts on the Prop-8 trial going on in CA.

Truthspew said...

Some Thoughts n the Prop 8 Trial

B.Graff said...

I've started a blog that deals primarily with current events and culture with an emphasis on black gay life.

libhom said...

I did a posting on the frustrations many lgbt people are having with GLAAD.

Ryan Kennedy said...

I'm a transguy who co-wrote a young adult fiction book. f2m:the boy within, published by Ford Street in Australia.

CHIC-A-PIC Photography & Picnic said...

Keep up the good work, queers! Happy New Year.

Your friends at QueerGasm blog

Kris-Ty said...

we are queer and do photography, crafts, etc. etc. with our glbtQ family in mind!!!! Hope to do much much more for glbtQ fam :)K

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