Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Norway Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

"Members of Parliament in Norway today approved a bill that will allow same-sex couples to marry by 84 votes to 41.

The new law will make marriage gender neutral.

The Scandinavian country already allows gay and lesbian couples to enter into civil partnerships, but LGBT rights groups had long complained the law does not go far enough.

Norway, which is not a member of the EU, joins Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, South Africa and Canada in granting gay people full marriage rights."

For more on the breaking news check out Pink News


Ily said...

Yay Norway!

Laurie said...

WAY TO GO NORWAY! That's some
wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

Dears, just imagine how BACKWARD the USA will be viewed in the coming years!

Anonymous said...

WOO! Go Norway! Europe is slowly moving forward!

Now if only we Americans could do the same...

Miss Vicki said...

wow! 84 to 41 vote - go Norway!

Anonymous said...


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