Wednesday, October 15, 2008

E! Online Makes Mockery Out of Bisexuality!

E! Online has posted an offensive and biphobic article titled "Polling All Body Parts" which questions Lindsay Lohan's sexual orientation and paints an ugly picture of bisexuality.

"Say it ain’t so. Could Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson’s “special” relaysh already be on the fritz? It’s only a matter of time before L.L. retreats back and finds comfort in her fave male body part. ‘Course, we’ve been warning this one since that gal went all lesbyterian, anyway, but makes us wonder..."
They are asking readers to vote on whether bisexuality is a legitimate orientation. The poll which is titled "Bi Now, Gay Later" has the following options:

"*Not a chance, it's a stop on the way to homoville.

*Sure, I'm a little Anne Heche. I've experimented with both sexes.

*Angelina Jolie dabbled with a woman and found her way to Brad Pitt. Works for me."

All of the above choices are offensive and not characteristic of bisexuality.

This article makes a joke and a mockery out of bisexuality. Please take a moment to contact E! Online through their "Polling All Body Parts" article. Just scroll down to contact at the bottom of the page.


Laurie said...

I was told there was no such thing as
BISEXUAL by a lesbian couple that my hubby
worked with....And to think that one of them
had been married and had a couple of children.
I just told them that I wanted the same thing
with a woman that I have with my hubby....
They thought it was funny...they have since
gotten 'divorced' because one of them was....
(say it with me)...WITH A MAN!


Anonymous said...

i don't even know if being previously married and then finding love with someone of the same sex warrants "bisexuality" just like lindsay's finding love with sam ronson makes her bi or gay. the way you identify is up to you. sexuality is fluid, and most of us experiment. most gay people aren't gold stars, and with society's pressures to be straight, most of us have doubts at some point or another. just like straight people can. e-online IS being really offensive about bisexuality, but i also think that cheating on your partner with someone of a different sex does not make you bisexual, gay, or straight. you decide how you want to label yourself.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I have written extensively on how inaccurate and offensive much of the portrayal of bisexuality in our popular culture and our society is, but this is one of the most offensive things I have ever seen. It's actually fucking disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I actually wrote a post of my own after reading this because I was SO angry!

T. R Xands said...

As much as the gossip about Lindsey & Sam irritates me, E! will always irritate the fuck out of me 10 times over.

-I hope this doesn't send twice, I'm having some issues with commenting...

T. R Xands said...

Oh and the link you posted for customer support leads to a session time out? I can't find another on the site...

Queers United said...

T.R. thanks for bringing the expired link to my attention. Does this work?

T. R Xands said...

Link still gives me a session time out but I may just not have gotten to it in time or something...I figured out that just going to the contact page and under customer service works. Or maybe emailing Ted directly? It seems like all the comments on the poll are doing a good job of expressing people's disgust as well :P oh E! Online, look what you've done.

Queers United said...

T.R. I don't know why that is happening but yes you got it. Anyone else wishing to voice their outrage place just scroll down to contact on the page.

Anonymous said...

as usual thanks to these good people at Queers United for covering issues that also effect the Bisexual/Pansexual portion of Our Community

For those interested, more links for complaining to tragic Teddy's corporate masters can be found on our post on this topic here:

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