Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Isn't HRC Behind the "Every Child Deserves a Family Act"?

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) has introduced a new bill H.R. 3827 called the Every Child Deserves a Family Act which will prohibit federal funding to states who refuse to allow people to adopt on the basis of their marital status, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.

The bill is a measure to reduce the number of children who "age out" of the welfare system, and as a result have an increased likelihood of ending up homeless or within the criminal justice system while also ensuring that our government doesn't discriminate against single parent or LGBT families.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nations largest LGBT advocacy organization has announced that while they are supportive of the bill "they will not lobby for the bill until and if it gains traction in congress"

HRC should be behind all LGBT bills (popular or not) if we can't count on the largest LGBT rights organization to lobby for this change, how can we expect this change to gain traction?

Demand HRC actively lobby for the Every Child Deserves a Family Act.

Contact your congressperson and kindly request they support and co-sponsor this legislation.


CrackerLilo said...

Damn good question, honey. Thank you for passing this along.

Paul Decelles said...

Earth to HRC...this sounds like a no brainer to me.

David Elijah Nahmod said...

This bill sounds wonderful and is badly needed.
I'm reminded of when HRC excluded trans people from the Employment Non Discrimination Act~~even though they claim to support trans people in theory.
I've given up on the HRC~~the only thing they support are their high end cocktail parties.

Anonymous said...

HRC only cares about $$, not human rights!!!



My question is, will this force the hand of states to reverse their discriminatory practices or will they stand firm in their bigotry? If so, the only people who will suffer will be children very much in need of that federal funding. Unless I am misunderstanding this bill, it doesn't seem like a very good approach to me.

Esprix said...

You'd think they would have learned their lesson after forgetting to fight for transgendered rights and everyone was so pissed they thought twice about it. Again? Come on, HRC - stop politicking and start standing up for us again.

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