Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Homophobe Tucker Carlson Strikes Again, This Time Mocking DADT Repeal

Fox News guest Tucker Carlson mocked the effort to repeal the anti-gay Don't Ask Don't Policy in the military. He called the issue a "waste of time" being run by a "politically aggressive interest group." When challenged by his left-wing commentator he jokes that "most translators are gay, and flamboyant."

This isn't the first time Carlson has had issues with the LGBT community. He proudly maintains that he bashed a gay guy who hit on him. He argued that efforts to educate children about gay families are "controversial" His website The Daily Called referred to political pundit Rachel Maddow as a man.

Tucker Carlson can be reached for comment via Twitter.


Anonymous said...

haha, I love how you just explain who he is and then basically set us loose on him.

Queers United said...

It's important that people be held accountable for their words when they are in the public eye. So I definitely encourage people to tell him how wrong his bullying language and behavior is.

Diane J Standiford said...

He is so far in the closet it is just sad. They lash out the most.

libhom said...

Carlson is so effeminate.

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