Friday, October 3, 2008

Bible "Love Poem" Against Prop 8 Video


Scot said...

That's great.

Does it say that I'm a pessimist to be bracing for the Romans 1 response video from the yes on 8 folks?

Bill Graber said...

It has already happened Scott... this vid was a response to that

Truthspew said...

Bravo, use the very verses of the Bible to show how wrong those that are for Prop 8 are.

Unknown said...

this brought tears to me beautiful

Anonymous said...

Well Done

Anonymous said...

This is lovely and so, so moving. Bravo, guys. <3

Anonymous said...

Not saying this in an arrogant way, but you really need to get right with God because in these last days, it would be wise to return to Him before that day comes because this is the time that we are unsure of what day Christ will return. Those who choose to continue their ways will find death, destruction, eternal seperation from God Burning in Hell with Satan and his demons, and spiritual death, Along with The Great tribulation from God. If you think I'm nuts about saying stuff about he'll, your the one that's nuts. I dare you to go on you tube and type in "The End Times" and include the quotation marks and watch all 7 videos in numerical order, and you'll know what I just said was Biblical truth. Be wise, watch and learn, repent and serve him. He will bless your life as you walk with him. He saved me from my sin and my life has joy, purpose, peace and guidance. You can't get life better than that.

Anonymous said...

If you write against what I just wrote, your pretty much an idiot without any type of sense and I don't take that back. And yes I'm a child of God(christian) and i stand up for what's right in his eyes and you should also. Excuse my language, but This blasted world has nothing for you and this makes me so angry that innocent people like you get sucked into all of this hoobaloo and this is not something God approves of. Seek him for your life please! He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, but can't cause he hates your sin and that's the roadblock from him
Getting to your heart. he sent his son Jesus Christ do die a death we were all suppose to face because of our sin, but christ took that punnishment for us and now because of that sacrafice Christ did for us, we can have a relationship with God now and be saved. If your interested in a relationship with him, please find a solid Christian to pray with you to be saved or if you don't know anyone, just simply pray to God and ask him to send you someone to pray with you and he will. Following God is so much better than following this dark world. Trust me.

Anonymous said...


The Bible clearly states that marriage should be shared between a man and woman.

Marriage is a sacred thing.

Sexual intimacy should only be enjoyed between a man in a woman in a marriage.
Anything else outside of that is a sin.

Queers United said...

anonymous - that is your bible, i dont believe in the bible, and others interpret the bible differently. plus we have a separation of church and state.

if marriage is so sacred why are 52% of heterosexuals getting divorced?

prop 8 will not eliminate sex between gay couples, so thats a silly assertion.

vote no on 8.

Anonymous said...

I have an answer to the fool who dared asked the question "why are 52% of heterosexuals getting divorced." number one, Whether you agree or not, marriage Was Made By GOD and that's true fact( read genesis in the Bible for proof) and was made for only A MAN AND A WOMAN and marriage was already a religious term and a sacred union between the opposite sex, so don't even think about lying saying that it isn't sacred, because it is and you know it, yet you choose not to admit it . IT'S ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE! second, it was made by God so that man and women can be together in harmony and to glorify God. And third, 52% of married couples get divorced because they don't understand that being married simply means to unconditionally devote yourself to your spouse (of opposite sex) and to love them no matter what. And the main causes of divorce in this country are the following: selfishness, cheating, lying, abuse, and the most important, not serving God together. If a married couple chooses not to glorify God in their relationship, then things become unstable and thus problems arise. God is the substance that fills a married heterosexual couple's relationship to eachother and a real traditional marriage without substance is just trash, useless and destructive. And what people don't understand is that whenever a couple decides to marry, when they both stand and pledge to eachother, they are not only making a commitment to eachother and proclaiming their bond in public, but They are making a Holy vow unto God and when they don't keep that vow safe, things go wrong. And Marriage is only between a Man and woman only. Gays can't change that, that's how it's been, that's how it's going to be and that's how it needs to be. So build a bridge and get over it. I have said the truth and my back up is the Word of God and I mean that with an Iron fist! I stand firm upon the Bible and every little detail and word in that book is 100% true and is the guidline that our stupid country needs to start following again. It's people like you that bring down our country by saying these evil satanic things! You seriously need to think twice about what your saying is complete rebellion against the one and only true God who is very capable of wiping out this entire wicked planet within a second and you better be prepared to have a valid argument when you attack one of Gods children like me, because many people that our on Gods side of this battle will tell you this same thing. I am saying this right out of my very soul and my job as One of God's children is to show others the truth which he hath spoken in his word. And I don't give a hoot if your just another worldly liberal, But what I am saying is pure rich truth AND YOU CANT CHANGE THAT! Good day and good grief!

Anonymous said...

Preach it anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Ya nailed it!

Anonymous said...

What a blasphemous video! What a stupid homemade christ rebelling video! How dare you take Gods powerful pure holy word and make it your own to please your filthy Godless lifestyle! You are such a dipwad for leading others astray from God and you don't even know squat about the Bible if that's how you think it's interpreted. You honestly have no ounce of Knowledge about God and his very nature according to that dumb video. If that is what your doing then your a real enemy Of God! As of right now, if you have not already humbly turned back to God, your on your way to Hell. You are a stupid satanist who doesn't know squat about The Bible and you have just taken little tiny bits of it and made it fit what you support! Duh. I come from a strong Pentecostal church and I certainly know more than you about the Bible to know that the core values of the book are against homosexuality. You can debate and share with me your two cents worth opinion on how you as a Satanic liar view the Bible, and I won't care and will probably once again shove the truth down through your closed mouth down your tiny lying throat. When judgement day comes, all will be judged by God according to what they have done and will be held accountable of what they did here on earth during the time they had lived here. And Unless you turn back to him asap, you will be judged along with this unrepenting world and you will be punished for leading others asray and when he serves justice, it is not a fun moment, intact it's so bad that on a scale from 1 to 10 from from one being good and 10 being bad, it's about 37. And you can tell me I'm a religious freak And I need to stop trying to preAch, I ain't preaching, I'm telling you the truth. Read revelations in the True Bible and it will all make sense. You know what's wrong with this video. Delete or fix it and make it right. You've Got some nerve to Go against God. When you try to battle him, and his word, you will lose and be will bring you to your knees.

Queers United said...

I didn't make this video, I do not believe in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

don't care. The fact is is that people are believing it to be true when it isn't. By you allowing it to be on this looser website has led at least one person down a false path to hell. Whether yoy think so or not, Your held accountable to whoever gets sucked into this garbage and for you on your part, that's very scary. It's ashame and I can't do anything about it, but God sees all and what happens and he never forgets about what happens and will judge you according to your won't deeds. You may not believe the Bible, but it's true, just like the entire book is. The only valid reason you have to not believe the Bible is that you just don't like what it says cause it contradicts what you do and support. It's been proven to be true and has been a rock throughout centuries and has been backed up by Christian and nonchristian historians and historical artifacts. The book of the future Is the only true prophetic historical book that talks about events that will happen in the future and tribulation will happen whether you choose to believe it or not. If my God said it will happen, THEN IT WILL HAPPEN! And when Christ comes, it says every knee will bow and tongue will confess that he is Lord even the ones that hate Christ.

Queers United said...

Um that's nice, many devout Christians are gay and lesbian. The sinners are the ones who aren't loving as the Bible taught. Regardless I believe in the Bible no more than I believe in Moby Dick, so your words fall upon deaf ears. Why are you on a queer website, aren't you sinning by being here?

Anonymous said...

Wrong. As usual. # 1, im straight and if im trying to correct whats wrong and put in the given truth, thats not a sin. #2 True Christians abide by God through his word and are always suppose to be hetero. There is no such thing as a gay christian. You can't serve God halfheartedly. Your either with God 100% or your automatically on the devils side. There is no middle ground in this battle and God even says so in his word. We love God and we try to reach out to people that do not know him and right now i may not sound so nice and loving because I have posted some stuff that is contradicting and harsh, but My job is to make sure that really nip it in the bud. God is a loving God and he wants you to come back to him. If your not aware, true Christians have his holy spirit living in them and be speaks to us through his spirit. When you turn to him, he will open his arms to you and will take you in as his child. And I honestly don't know you in person, but I feel that he wants me to tell you that no matter how far you have gone from him, he still loves you and wants you to become his little child. On a personal level, I was just like you. I was lost, heard about Christianity, but thought it wasn't cool and was just a bunch of rules and phony religion. But someone prayed for me one day and one evening, I went before him and asked him to forgive me of my sin and to make me his own child and my friend let me tell you the moment before I finished my sentence, he filled me with his spirit and completely changed me inside and told me that he has a plan for my life. Now life is a complete overwhelming source of Joy, peace blessing and full of Christ. I can walk in him and know that he is by my side and that he speaks his love and protection into my life.

Anonymous said...

And im not going to throw stuff at you anymore because that's enough, but I want to tell you that it's never to late to turn to him. He will expect you to do your best to stay away from the things of this world, but when you come to him, he will fill you with his very spirit and you'll want to please him and hate what he hates. Even though Idk you, I still don't want you to go to hell, and unfortunately it's a real place. I believe that God allowed me to find this website to speak to you. O how he wants you back and he thinks the world of you and wants to give you a happy joyful sin free life. You will never regret turning to him once you see him come into your life. He made you for a specific purpose and idk what that is, but he will tell you if you come to him. I can't make you turn to him, but I can only advise you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you once you turn to him and I'm a living testimony for that because he did that for me.

Anonymous said...

Your very special to him, but he can't get to you until you return to him. If your interested, there's a very powerful, yet cool song called "return" and you can buy it on iTunes for 99 cents. The artist name is Dorinda Clark cole and she is a annointed woman of God. Trust me. God is Good and he is merciful and full of grace. Whatever he speaks is true and he
Will bless you, but you have to want to change and you have to want to leave your lifestyle behind and you need to know that without Christ sacrifice, your guilty of going to hell.

Anonymous said...

Your probably going to tell me off, and that's fine. But know that he says he's here for you, but at the same time, there are not many days left. I'll pray for you and may God bless you.

Queers United said...

Know that my God of tolerance, is here for you. You can leave your "heterosexual lifestyle" anytime, just pray hard. If you don't you will goto hell.

Anonymous said...

I'm already the only true Gods child. I have a real relationShip with him and name is Jehovah and he saved me. I talk with him everyday and he is always with me and I can feel his comfort in my life. You can go to him and become saved if you would like

Anonymous said...

Plus because he's the one and only true God, he rules overall and reigns over heaven and earth. He works out everything for good for those who love him and that strive to serve him.

Queers United said...

I too have a relationship with God, I talk to him, and he is totally accepting of the way he made me - gay.

Anonymous said...

He did not make you gay, you chose to be that way. The reason why you feel that way is because Satan has tempted you and you gave in. Before I became a Christian I faced the same thing you are facing now. But i have never really told anyone that I was being tempted in that area. Fortunatly, I overcame what Satan through at me and you can do the same. Now, there's no need to tell that to anyone because I'm a new creature in Christ and the old has gone and the new has come. I am my new spiritual self and techically In Gods eyes, I have never went down that road even though I did in the past. I don't know if your a guy or a girl, but God put a natural desire for the opposite sex inside of you and that's a Godly desire. Satan hates God and tries to get us humans to be confused and to the opposite of what Saddens God. Satan is the bad guy here, not God. I know this from experience and right this very second I have just realized now why God allowed me to go through that long ago.

Queers United said...

Satan is tempting you to be heterosexual, see the light don't be fooled by the lies of scripture! Repent!

Anonymous said...

I am a hetero sexual and I'm not sinning. To be honest I think you need to see the light. Open up the word and get into it. Or are you just mocking me. The Biblical scriptures do not lie so why are you saying that. Who brainwashed you?

Anonymous said...

Seriously what your saying is invalid and not true. Why are you lying? One of ten commandments says thou shalt not lie. So why are you doing it?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to explain this as clear as I can and your just mimicking me. K obviously this is just getting thrown back at me for your own amusement, but I tried my best and i've told you everything you need. You go ahead and you do what you want to do and mess up your life. My best advice I have Is don't run from God, but turn to Him before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

I'm out. Later.

Anonymous said...

O ya and one more thing. If you are ever asked if someone had told you about Jesus, dont lie and say no because i just told you and when God will ask you that when that day comes, you will say I have heard it but I have never accepted it. He makes sure that we all get a chance at eternal life in himbbefore the rapture comes, but you have to accept it for yourself, it's not going to get spoon fed to you. You have to take it and apply it to your life and live after him and have a relationship with him. That's what being a Christian is all about, not just going to church. They way you can tell someone is real Christian is when they are acting like it. Actions speak louder than words and a true Christian displays the fruit of the spirit in their life: love joy peace patience kindness faithfulness gentleness and self control. And real Christians also stay away from the things of this world such as o I don't know homosexuality. That's how you define a true Christian, but you have to be careful when you meet people down the road that say they are Christians, but they don't display the fruits in there life and they go and live like Hell on a daily basis. A majority of the country says they are Christian when actually a minor percentage of America actually is Christian. The term " Christian" is a common label that non Christians wear to make themselves look good, but true Christians act and march accordingly to Gods drum beat. Don't be mislead by false Christians. This world is full of lying snakes.

Anonymous said...

o and according to your comment, I'm going to hell. You have no clue to what your saying and if you want to experience a real sample of hell,
Go on YouTube and type in with quotation marks, "sounds of hell" and click on the video that has a picture of a plain blue backround with white writing on it. The user of that video is jars92. However this video is very intense and will probably shake you to your core. It has put people in the hospital because it's so real and frightening, but it's true and I didn't do too well myself when I watched it. This is a warning from God and this is a real video. This is no joke and millions of people are there.

Anonymous said...

If you have any health problems resulting of fear, than I would highly advise you not to watch it. Its so scary that hollywood has nothing compared to this. This is a real thing and is still going on as we speak.

Anonymous said...

I have trouble watching it myself. It's so scary and it not only scares me physically, but the satanic tormenting fear it stirs up scares your very soul. I have seen it and I have been terrified of it. When you watch it, there is no visual display of hell while the video is playing, but the sound clip they play you is from the firey Gates Of Hell and is so real that no man can make such a sound here on earth. But honestly, this is a video that can do medical harm depending if your easily frightened or how you take it. It is a very satanic clip, but we all need to hear it especially the ones who are not following Christ so that they know what there getting themselves into. And you mocked me in the following comments above, but you will find out how serious this is and how bad this is. Just the sound clip will be 20 times worse than any rated r movie you will ever see. Except for the passion of the Christ. You shouldn't play this for anyone under 14 years of age because eerie sound will make them cry there eyes out and they wouldn't understand what it's about.

Anonymous said...

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Anonymous said...

It's really ashame that the real definition of marriage is being attacked and trying to be used to promote a behavior that is destructive, fake, unnatural and immoral. Just too bad. whatever. It's not marriage no matter how much you people try to fight for it. The chances of it ever becoming true marriage is slim. It's your small community against many powerful forces: The Bible, Ethics, the constitution, American familes that strive for a normal household environment, and the greater percentage of the country's population who agree with the rest of society that anything being described as a marriage that is not between a man and a woman is just a bunch of crap. The chances of the Homosexual community winning this rather pointless war, knowing that it is impossible to outsay all 5 forces regarding this situation, are 1 out of 10. (My opinion based on facts)

Anonymous said...

Just sayin, save all your precious energy for somethin more useful and productive.

Lisa said...

I'd rather go to hell then to treat another human being like he was below me because of who he loved

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