Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama Speaks to MTV News on Gay Marriage

Obama says he does not support gay marriage but is against amending state constitutions and therefore against proposition 8.


Shauna said...

So he is saying he is against it and that he is not going to vote for Prop 8. Sometimes it makes me wonder if he will help us at all? We'll have to see, Never make a promise you can't keep.


T. R Xands said...

I'm still bugged about the fact that he says no to prop 8 but still opposes gay marriage... won't tamper with tradition, come on *sigh*

Anonymous said...

he needs to say this to appease the general public guys. the fact he's against prop 8 is enough of a start. all the crazies will focus on the fact he supports gay marriage if he says he does, and it will cost him the election.

baby steps...

Anonymous said...

Jerk. He's the first democrat I really hope loses, even though I know he won't.

Anonymous said...

he needs to say this to appease the general public guys

You are so right here!
and it is a step in the right direction

Anonymous said...

What a croc! Obama had said that is was for religious reasons - he needs to look at everything again. 1st of all, I belong to UCC (Cathedral of Hope) and we're the largest gay church, so it's not because of UCC. 2nd the marriage vows str8s say are from what Ruth and Naomi said to each other for God's sake!

Unknown said...

But what you have to remember is, he said he's against gay 'marriage', not gay partnerships. Marriage implies a religious context. It would be interesting to know if he approves of a Gay Civil Union. Marriage is different.

Anonymous said...

While it is true that coming out in favor of gay marriage would cost Obama the election, it shows how he has pandered to different groups when it helps his cause and purpose-to get elected.

It is interesting that days before the election, Obama did not mention proposition 8. The Obama campaign made a decision to not put any more emphasis on the issue than what already been done( as reported by CNN). It would have helped tremendously if he would have encouraged his African American supporters to vote against it. The Exit Polls indicate that 70% of AA women that voted for BO also voted YES on 8.

So, while AA felt it was their time to tear down one form of discrimination, they upheld another form of bigotry. Oh yes, many newly registered latino voters also voted for hate.

Bottom line, electing a biracial president more than likely took precedence over our rights. Women and LGBT community are still the "niggas of the world". Yes We Are.

So fight on we must. Our day will come; hopefully sooner than later.

I say this community puts the pressure on President Elect Obama to deliver on his promise to unite this country and the world. I do recall him using us in his speeches..."We are the United States of and straight..."

I, for one am not holding my breath.

Queers United said...

I am hopeful with Obama, but lets see we have been sold out by many politicians including Clinton who used gays in his speech yet instituted DOMA and DADT

Anonymous said...

Obama wants to bring change. And in order to do so, he has to appease the majority of America. Not just the ones who wants civil rights for ALL Americans, gay or straight. And while it is disgustingly hypocritical for AA women (if this statistic is true) to vote yes on 8 due to the fact that they, once upon a time could not marry whites, we cannot blame Barack Obama. He says what he must. Listen carefully to his messages, and you'll understand that he's fighting for all Americans the only way he can. While he openly says no to gay marriage due to religious reasons, he would never vote yes on 8. Is that not enough for now?

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