A Newly Conservative Lesbian is a blog run by a 55 year old lesbian Cynthia Yockey whose views evolved over her lifetime from liberal to fiscally conservative. She has changed her party status and blogs about her opinions on being a gay republican
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Blog Spotlight: A Newly Conservative Lesbian
Persuade 48 Democrats to Endorse ENDA
48 Democrats in the House of Representatives have yet to come out with their position on the Employment Non Discrimination Act which would protect employers from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. The bill is currently about 20 votes shy of the 218 votes needed to pass.
The following is a list of undecided Democrats:
Bobby Bright (AL), Parker Griffith (AL), Vic Snyder (AR), Dennis Cardoza (CA), Allen Boyd, (FL), Sanford Bishop (GA), David Scott (GA), Walt Minnick (ID), Bobby Rush (IL), Daniel Lipinksi (IL), Deborah Halvorsen (IL), Jerry Costello (IL), Peter Visclosky (IN), Joe Donnelly (IN), Brad Ellsworth (IN), Ben Chandler (KY), Frank Kratovil (MD), Dutch Ruppersberger (MD), Bart Stupak (MI), Mark Schauer (MI), Travis Childers (MS), Bennie Thompson (MS), Dina Titus (NV), Michael McMahon (NY), Scott Murphy (NY), Paul Tonko (NY), Daniel Maffei (NY), Earl Pomeroy (ND), Dan Boren (OK), Kathleen Dahlkemper (PA), Jason Altmire (PA), Christopher Carney (PA), Paul Kanjorski (PA), John Murtha (PA), John Spratt (SC), Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD), Al Green (TX), Solomon Ortiz (TX), Henry Cuellar (TX), Gene Green (TX), Glenn Nye (VA), Bobby Scott (VA), Thomas Perriello (VA), Rick Boucher (VA), Gerald Connolly (VA), Alan Mollohan (WV), Ron Kind (WI), David Obey (WI).
Please visit the google docs listing of telephone, emails, and fax numbers of these representatives.
Let them know the ENDA will protect LGBT people from unfair and unnecessary job discrimination and that you urge their support.
Word of the Gay: "Demisexual"
A "demisexual" is someone who is experiencing a level between sexuality and asexuality. The person does not experience sexual attraction to people based on appearance but rather on their level of intimate connection with the person.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Blog Spotlight: Living Out Loud With Darian
Living Out Loud With Darian is a blog that discusses a range of issues from an African-American gay male perspective. This same gender loving blog has been nominated for Best Gay Blog in Southern Voice's annual Best of Gay Atlanta.
Asexual Visibility at London Pride on July 4th
Looks like activists in London are taking a hint from the successful and first ever asexual contingent in an American pride parade and don't want to shy away from making some asexual history of their own!
On Saturday July 4th, London will see its first public asexual visibility campaign at the gay pride parade with participants wearing t-shirts and other items to show their support.
The parade starts off at Baker Street at 1pm and proceeds down Oxford Street and Regent Street taking in some of the major sites of London and calls round through Piccadilly to Trafalgar Square.
To network and get more details check out the thread on AVEN.
Word of the Gay: "Lean Cuisine Queen"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Uprising at Stonewall Inn 6/28/1969
Learn about the riots that sparked the gay revolution. 40 years ago today the Stonewall riots occurred, Democracy Now shares the story and exclusive interviews.
Candles Across Our Commonwealth in Kentucky
Tonight a vigil will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and raise awareness of the need for a statewide Fairness law, protecting Kentuckians from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, and public accommodations.
Host: Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Sunday, June 28, 2009, 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Location:at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park (6th and Chestnut)--within the shadows of the Mazzoli Federal Building.
Phone: 5028930788
Email: tomlou742@yahoo.com
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to Protest at White House
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) is organizing 265 veterans, allies and supporters to march on the White House 2 p.m. Saturday, June 27, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots and urge President Obama to break his silence on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" repeal.
The 265 marchers represent the number of service members discharged since the President and the new Congress were sworn in. The marchers will be led by five of the plaintiffs in Cook v. Gates, a Supreme Court case that was filed by the plaintiffs and SLDN in December 2004 on behalf of 12 lesbian and gay veterans discharged under DADT.
Open Forum: Gay Exorcisms
Bizarre attempts to de-gay people have been going on for years by fringe psychologists and religious people who subscribe to the so called 'ex-gay' movement. Attempts to alter sexual orientation have included but are not limited to electro-shock therapy, psychoanalysis, hormone therapy, aversion therapy, behavior modification, and hypnosis.
One of the more egregious claims by some religious groups is that homosexuality is the cause of some evil spirit holding the body. They operate under the misguided premise that homosexual demons can conquer bodies and that the devil can embody a person manifesting itself in homosexual behavior. They believe the only way to help this person is through an exorcism.
This has recently come to the spotlight and received nationwide media attention after a 16 year old was subjected to a gay exorcism at the Manifested Glory Ministries Church in Connecticut.
Below is a video of a new clip discussing the story:
Where does freedom of religion cross the line and become child abuse? The video above shows a minor being attacked physically and verbally while he is faint and vomiting. Are gay exorcisms freedom of religion or is this a new form of abuse that must be stopped swiftly?
Today is National HIV Testing Day
In 1995, the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) launched the very first National HIV Testing Day, which urges all sexually active people in the United States to get an HIV test to encourage early detection and treatment which is key for maintaining health if HIV positive.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1 million people were living with HIV in the U.S. in 2006, and an estimated 21 percent of HIV positive people are unaware of their status.
Getting tested, knowing your status and receiving treatment if needed, people are taking a big step towards protecting their own health as well as the health of current and future sexual partners.
Help get the word out and encourage your family, friends and loved ones to get an HIV test today, June 27.
Click here to find a testing facility in your area.
Crossposted via Gay Agenda.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ireland Grants Civil Partnership Rights
Ireland joins a host of nations in the European Union that recognize and grant rights to same-sex couples. While the legislation falls short of full marriage equality, this marks a historic step in the staunchly Catholic nations history towards granting full equality to gay, lesbian, and bisexual Irish citizens.
"This bill provides legal protection for cohabiting couples and is an important step, particularly for same-sex couples, whose relationships have not previously been given legal recognition by the state," Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said in a statement.More work is needed to fight for full equality for LGBT people in Ireland. Please join the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network to ensure full equality in the country.
The legislation provides a range of previously denied rights including maintenance obligations, protection of a shared home and succession. "Balance is achieved by maintaining material distinctions between civil partnership and marriage, in particular between the rights attaching to both, while at the same time reflecting the equality rights protected by the constitution," Ahern said (Reuters).
Urge Your Member of Congress to Cosponsor the Reuniting Families Act!
Congressman Mike Honda’s Reuniting Families Act ends harmful practices -- such as long visa wait times and discrimination against LGBT families -- that prevent loving families from being together.
In an historic move, Congressman Honda has included lesbian and gay people as part of this remarkable legislation -- marking the first time in Congressional history that lesbian and gay couples have been included as part of a multi-issue immigration bill.
As our country begins a conversation about comprehensive immigration reform, this important first step helps to ensure that, moving forward, we’re included, too. The president supports us, and Congress is increasingly on our side. Now, our community can be part of fixing our nation’s broken immigration system by supporting their efforts.
Please stand with Congressman Honda and our families, and urge your elected representative to co-sponsor the Reuniting Families Act.
Take action:
Call NOW to urge your representative to cosponsor the Reuniting Families Act!
Contact the Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to be directly connected to your representative. (If you don’t know who your representative is you can find out at www.congressmerge.com.)
Also join the mailing list or make a donation to Immigration Equality.
Word of the Gay: "Fish"
"Fish" is a derogatory term used among gay males to describe women. The term insinuates that women's private parts smell bad.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tell Senator Eichelberger: No One "Allows" Us to Exist
Pennsylvania Senator Eichelberger has found himself in hot water after remarks suggesting he "allows gays to exist" when interviewed about his legislation to ban same-sex marriage in the state.
21:15You can listen to the whole debate at: http://www.whyy.org/91FM/radiotimes.html
Leach: How would he [Eichelberger] want to encourage stability in gay couples?
Eichelberger: I wouldn’t. I mean they can practice whatever sexual activity they like to practice, but there’s no reason to give them special consideration. We don’t give them special consideration in Pennsylvania for any reason. Why in the world would we allow them to marry?
Leach: How would he want to encourage stability in gay couples?
Eichelberger: There is no reason to encourage that type of behavior in Pennsylvania.
Eichelberger: That comes back to the definition of family and that’s where we differ. We can call all kinds of things families. I mean, we can say a 3 party marriage is a family, or 7 or 8 people or marrying younger and younger children these days .
Host: Are you saying that by their very nature homosexual relationships are dysfunctional?
Eichelberger: [Pause] Ummmm. I guess I would say that. I would say that.
Eichelberger: This changes the definition of marriage, allowing same-sex, and then like I said, 5-10 years from now it’ll be polygamy, marrying younger people, it’ll be whatever…It won’t be a 6 year old, it’ll be a 15 year old, then it’ll be a 14 year old, then it’ll be a 13 year old.
Leach: Should our only policy towards [same-sex] couples be one of punishment, to somehow prove that they’ve done something wrong?
Eichelberger: They’re not being punished. We’re allowing them to exist, and do what every American can do. We’re just not rewarding them with any special designation.
Take action with the Keystone Progress petition to let the senator know your appalled by his words and his discriminatory legislation.
New York to Consider Same-Sex Marriage Today
The New York senate via the direction of Governor David Patterson will hear the same-sex marriage bill today at 3pm. The bill was supposed to be heard yesterday but the republicans did not show up for a vote. Today both the Republicans and Democrats are promising to attend the session. With no majority control over the senate due to the 31-31 democrat and republican split, there is no telling if the bill will finally reach a vote or what the outcome may ultimately be.
Be sure to contact your state senator and tell them to support marriage equality.
Call your senator before 3 p.m. today via the senate switchboard at 518-455-2800
Lt. Dan Choi Unveils 'Don't Hide' T-shirts Supporting DADT Repeal
Lieutenant Dan Choi, recently famous for being discharged under the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy has come out with new t-shirts. The "Don't Hide" t-shirts are available hand painted or silk screened, and you can get your t-shirt signed by Lt. Choi for an additional cost.
"Don't lie, don't hide, don't discriminate. Don't weaken the military" -Lt. Dan Choi
Word of the Gay: "Virgin Queen"
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tell CVS to Unlock Access to Condoms
In CVS stores across the country, condoms are kept locked in glass cases. Public health advocates criticize this practice, saying it creates a barrier which could decrease condom use.
Even more worrisome than CVS's practice of locking condoms is where those locked cases are located: locked condoms have been found disproportionately in minority areas.
With the disproportionate rates of HIV/AIDS among LGBT communities of color, it is appalling that CVS is making condoms less accessible to those who may be uncomfortable or fearful to ask an employee to unlock the case.
Sign the Cure CVS petition and tell them to stop this discriminatory and harmful practice by unlock the cases!
We Made the Best 100 LGBT Blogs List!
It was a nice surprise to see that Queers United and many of our blogger friends has made the 100 best LGBT blogs list by the Lesbian and Gay Foundation.
The blogs chosen cover diverse issues from all sides of the LGBT equation. There's blogs from gay parents, gay conservatives, gay activists, young people coming out, older people coming out, and gay asylum seekers to name but a few.
Check out the top 100 LGBT blogs.
Word of the Gay: "Barsexual"
"Barsexuals" are straight girls who only make out with other girls when drunk for fun and/or attention.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
DNC Fundraiser Protest in Boston Tonight
Join the Impact Massachusetts will be protesting the Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser this evening at Boston's Fenway Park over the lack of fulfillment on promises to the LGBT community.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
4:15pm - 5:00pm
Fenway Park: Gate B Entrance
Corner of Van Ness St. and Ipswich St.
Boston, MA
For questions or to get involved contact Paul Sousa at sousa.plm@gmail.com
The protest will be held in front of the entrance from 4:30pm till 5pm to bring awareness to the lack of Congressional and Presidential action on LGBT rights and particularly to the egregious DOMA legal brief.
A Mormon Plea for Reconciliation
A petition has been created by moderate Mormons who disagree with the church's opposition to homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The petition will be delivered to Church Headquarters on the first anniversary of Proposition 8 being passed in California.
This is an attempt to show that it is time for reconciliation between the Church and the millions of Mormons and LGBT people who have been hurt by the LDS involvement over proposition 8.
Mormon, or not, everyone is welcome to sign the petition to show their support for reconciliation between these two communities.
To sign the petition please send an e-mail with your name in the subject line to:
ldsapology@gmail.com or goto ldsapology.org
Organization Spotlight: Loving More
Loving More is a national not for profit corporation, educational website, online community and magazine dedicated to support and education of polyamory and polyamorous issues, supporting the polyamorous community both nationally and internationally for more than twenty two years.
Word of the Gay: "Civil Union"
A "civil union" is a government sanctioned recognition of a couple that is similar to marriage but lacks the name and hundreds of rights. Civil unions have traditionally been entered into by same-sex couples, but increasingly by heterosexuals who oppose the institution of marriage but want to receive government benefits.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Senator Chris Dodd: "I Support Marriage Equality"
Former presidential candidate and current U.S. senator from the state of Connecticut Chris Dodd has come out in support of marriage equality for same-sex couples. Senator Dodd who formerly voted for the Defense of Marriage Act and supported the distinction of civil unions now feels that he should not stand on the wrong side of history.
"My young daughters are growing up in a different reality than I did. Our family knows many same-sex couples - our neighbors in Connecticut, members of my staff, parents of their schoolmates. Some are now married because the Connecticut Supreme Court and our state legislature have made same-sex marriage legal in our state.Thank Senator Dodd for supporting full equality for LGBT Americans for receiving a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign.
But to my daughters, these couples are married simply because they love each other and want to build a life together. That's what we've taught them. The things that make those families different from their own pale in comparison to the commitments that bind those couples together.
And, really, that's what marriage should be. It's about rights and responsibilities and, most of all, love.
I believe that, when my daughters grow up, barriers to marriage equality for same-sex couples will seem as archaic, and as unfair, as the laws we once had against inter-racial marriage.
And I want them to know that, even if he was a little late, their dad came down on the right side of history" (Pam's House Blend).
U.S. Senator Chris Dodd
448 Russell Building | Washington D.C., 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2823 | Fax: (202) 224-1083
E-contact form
Tell NY Senate to Take Up Gay Marriage Vote!
Even in the midst of a power battle for for the New York senate between the Democrats and Republicans, Governor David Patterson has promised a vote before the legislative sessions ends. The governor can force discussion on the topic, but whether the bill comes to a vote is the decision of the senators themselves.
The senators below just want to vote on a tax bill and end the session without giving a fair chance for the marriage equality bill. It is essential to call them if you reside within their district.
Sen. Diane Savino (Staten Island, BK – Southwest): 518-455-2437
Sen. Daniel Squadron (Lower MH, BK – Northwest): 518-455-2625
Sen. Liz Krueger (Manhattan- UES): 518-455-2297
Sen. Eric Schneiderman (NW Manhattan): 518-455-2041
Sen. Jeff Klein ( Bronx, Lower Westchester): 518-455-3595
New Yorkers, be sure to email your state senator and let them know you demand a vote in the affirmative on marriage equality for same-sex couples, regardless of their previous stated position.
HRC has phone banks set up across New York State, email them now to help volunteer:
NYC: 111 W. 40th St. (@6th Ave.) 5th Floor from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. *Additional time can be provided if needed. To RSVP, please e-mail roryjomalley@gmail.com with your name, cell phone number and availability. Note: To clear security, all volunteers need valid ID and to be on the RSVP list.
Rochester: e-mail Jeremy at jpmull@gmail.com or call 617-669-4412
Syracuse: e-mail David at HRCSyracuse@gmail.comor call 301-651-8518
Westchester: e-mail Brendan at nymon02@gmail.com or call 914-420-3596
Word of the Gay: "Progestin-Induced Virilisation"
"Progestin-induced virilisation" is the creation of male hormones in the womb as a result of the pregnant mother taking the drug progestin. The internal and external genitalia of the child is female, but the intersex child will develop male secondary characteristics.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Pride Month Resource Kit for Journalists
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has created 2 kits to honor the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion and for LGBT pride month for journalists to use in their coverage.
The Stonewall Kit provides an introduction, history, progress and setbacks, and information about the current status of the LGBT community.
The Pride Kit provides history, information about pride, story ideas, and terminology suggestions for accurate reporting.
Happy Father's Day!
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Organization Spotlight: The Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration
The Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM) is the first non-governmental organization (NGO) to focus exclusively on refugees and asylum seekers fleeing sexual and gender based violence.
Demand the Democrats Treat LGBT Americans Equally!
The Democrats and President Obama have campaigned on change including civil rights for the LGBT community. Very little has changed, the administration continues to kick qualified service members out of the military based on sexual orientation, the Department of Justice defends the Defense of Marriage Act. Websites like Obama's Plan for Gay Right's have popped up to criticize the lack of action. The congress has not pushed any gay rights legislation and we are left with no hate crimes protections, no employment protections, no anti-bullying measures, no federal recognition, a continued ban on HIV + travelers, and no action to end Don't Ask Don't Tell.
The Democrats, the Administration, and politicians in general care about one thing; MONEY. Now that the community is pulling out on donations to the DNC they are concerned and trying to throw a few bones our way.
The administration is granting federal employees in domestic partnerships some limited rights and now also seeks to include gay marriages and civil unions in the 2010 census.
While these actions are certainly applauded, they are too little too late and do little to nothing to implement the rights and benefits millions of LGBT people rightfully deserve.
Take action by contacting the White House and the DNC. Let them know that donations will be withheld until the promises to the LGBT community are implemented.
Open Forum: Does the Pride Flag Need a Make Over?
PRI/WYNC's Studio 360 radio show is having a design firm reconceptualize the pride flag and allowing their listeners to submit their own renditions as well. They believe the flag is old fashioned and in need of a 21st century makeover. The results air on the weekend of June 27th.
The show is sure to spark a debate among those who are loyal to the flag and those who are sick and tired of seeing rainbows abound. Some of the user submitted designs are quite funny, artistic and interesting.
What do you make of the effort to have a 21st century pride flag? Can this be something to replace the historic rainbow flag, is the notion ridiculous or are we in need of a more unison and universal complementary symbol?
Word of the Gay: "Lesbian Bed Death"
"Lesbian bed death" is a term invented to suggest that the longer lesbians stay together in a relationship, the less sexual it becomes overtime. The study which originally made these claims has come under intense criticism on the account that it was ambiguous and views sex in terms of male sexuality.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Nature Nurtures Homosexuality
Forget the whole nature versus nurture debate, that is so twentieth century! The reports are coming in nearly daily from scientists, biologists and zoologists around the globe whether in humans or within the animal kingdom it is becoming more and more evident that nature nurtures homosexuality.
Homosexual behavior is a nearly universal phenomenon in the animal kingdom, according to a new study. It is also not only widespread but part of a necessary biological adaptation for the survival of the species.How do our opponents respond to the science, psychology and facts on the ground, in the air and in the sea? Well, they say "we shouldn't act like animals." While there is no homophobia in the animal kingdom, conservatives continue to oppose hate crimes legislation, granting equal rights to same-sex partners, and won't pass legislation ensuring LGBT youth don't face taunting in schools. Maybe it's time they embrace their message of love, and adherence to the "natural" order of things.
They found that on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, almost a third of the Laysan albatross population is raised by pairs of two females because of the shortage of males. Through these 'lesbian' unions, Laysan albatross are flourishing. Their existence had been dwindling before the adaptation was noticed.
"Same-sex behaviors – courtship, mounting or parenting – are traits that may have been shaped by natural selection, a basic mechanism of evolution that occurs over successive generations," he said.
"But our review of studies also suggests that these same-sex behaviors might act as selective forces in and of themselves" (Telegraph).
Tell Obama to Dump DOMA Now!
DOMA stands for the Defense of Marriage Act which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex unions. President-elect Barack Obama has vowed to overturn DOMA.
In light of the increasing pressure the administration has felt over the recent Department of Justices defense of this antiquated legislation, the time is now to let Obama know we demand he keep his campaign promises to the LGBT community to repeal DOMA.
The Dump Doma campaign is urging us to pressure the house speaker Nancy Pelosi, majority leader Harry Reid and the rest of congress to act quickly to send the bill to the president for him to sign.
Please fill out the action alert at dumpdoma.org and tell your friends!
'These Cuts Won't Heal' Ensure HIV/AIDS Funding Remains in California!
California is in a budget crisis, and HIV/AIDS programs are at risk of losing millions of dollars in funding. These cuts are truly scary, with proposals of up to $160 million in past weeks. Not only would this devastate state funding to health care programs, but it would also endanger the matching federal funds which would evaporate without the state contribution. People with AIDS/HIV, for whom health insurance is not a possibility, will literally lose their medication. And if they lose their medication, their risk of infection can increase 80% in the first month alone.
We must pressure our legislature and our governor to make HIV/AIDS funding a state priority, and ensure that the final budget decisions do not dismantle any aspect of HIV/AIDS healthcare.
Using the link www.TheseCutsWontHeal.com where you can find your legislator's phone number. Every call made to a legislative office is put on record and presented to said legislator, and this is our opportunity to push this issue to the top of our government's agenda. As of 2007, AIDS is officially a global pandemic. We must pressure our leaders to pay more attention to this urgent global issue, and we can start by making it an urgent local issue.
Crossposted via Unite The Fight.
Word of the Gay: "Lavender Scare"
The "lavender scare" refers to the rampant fear and persecution of homosexuals in the United States during the 1950's, in the McCarthy era. Homosexuality was regarded as a mental illness, and gays and lesbians were feared to become susceptible to be blackmailed into agents on behalf of the communist Soviet Union.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
"Make It Work" With the Courage Campaign
"Make It Work" is a new set of events by the Courage Campaign to win back marriage equality in the state of California. More than 20 “Make it Work!” events are scheduled between June 18-28.
For a listing of events or to join an equality team check out the "Make It Work" page.
Word of the Gay: "MSM"
MSM is an acroynm that refers to men who have sex with men. It does not necessitate the sexual orientation of the person is gay or bisexual, but encompasses both queer, straight and questioning or curious men who engage in same-sex activity during a specific time period.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Equality California Targets Blacks With New Marriage Equality Ad
Better late than never! Equality California is working on making inroads with the state's black community.
As same-sex couples who were able to legally marry last year celebrate their one-year-anniversaries, Equality California (EQCA) and Jordan / Rustin Coalition (JRC) are together launching an education and mobilization effort on the freedom to marry in LA's African-American communities. The effort includes a TV commercial, on-the-ground organizers and a dedicated field office, which will be based in South Los Angeles, a predominantly African-American community. "Jordan / Rustin Coalition is happy to partner with Equality California as we do the work to open the hearts and minds of all Californians, including those in the Black community, on the question of marriage for same-sex couples," said Ron Buckmire, JRC board president. "Our partnership includes a multi-media campaign, outreach and public education and even the nuts and bolts of staffing and supplies. I am confident that together we will see the day when full LGBT equality is restored to our state."
H/T to Joe My God.
Organization Spotlight: Out Professionals
Out Professionals is the nation's leading social and business networking organization for gay men and lesbians. The group presents year-round events focused on career, culture, and community, and lets members connect through an active online community.
Boycott DNC LGBT Fundraiser
Vice-president Joe Biden will be hosting a DNC LGBT fundraiser next week at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, DC. An individual plate is 1,000 dollars and up and many people have already pulled out due to the administrations lack of action on LGBT issues, and their anti-gay defense of DOMA and DADT.
Among those who have already pulled out are HRC’s National Field Director Marty Rouse, Empire State Pride Agenda’s Alan Van Capelle, Former top Clinton aide David Mixner, Former top Clinton aide Richard Socarides and Towleroad’s Andy Towle and Corey Johnson (AKA William).
The three openly LGBT members of congress are attending the event and have yet to make any statements against the Department of Justices anti-gay defense of DOMA.
Contact our LGBT representatives and let them know that if they attend this event they are abandoning the LGBT community for their own interests.
Rep. Barney Frank:
2252 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
tel: (202) 225-5931
fax: (202) 225-0182
Rep. Tammy Baldwin
2446 Rayburn Building
Washington DC 20515
(202) 225-6942 Fax
(202) 225-2906
Email Form
Rep. Jared Polis
Washington, DC Office
501 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
p. 202.225.2161
f. 202.226.7840
Larry King: "What is Intersex?"
CNN's Larry King interviewed standup comic Kathy Griffin and they discussed a variety of topics including those significant to the LGBTQI community. King asked Griffin what that stands for, and Griffin laid out the acronymn for him.
Followed by King's comment asking "what is an intersex?" Kathy Griffin is a comedian, but Larry King is an award winning radio host. How does he not know what intersex is?
Speed up to 8:30 in the video to see the segment in question.
Contact Larry King and let him know that he has an obligation to clarify on air what intersexuality is about for his audience.
Word of the Gay: "Gender Bender"
A "gender bender" is someone who actively transgresses against the traditional gender norms. Gender benders can include anything from a biological male acting effeminate, or a female with masculine traits, to someone who alternates between the two.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Advocate Refers to Trans Woman as a Gay Man
The Advocate a premiere LGBT news magazine has come under pressure from trans activists and allies after it referred to a couple who were legally married in New York as a "same-sex" couple. In the article N.Y. Unwittingly Marries "Same-Sex" Couple, the couple Hakim Nelson and Jason Stenson were given a marriage license because the clerk was unaware of the birth gender of Nelson who now goes by Kimah.
The Advocate referred to this historic story as "New York's first legal same-sex marriage" but the problem is that neither Kimah nor Jason identify as gay. Jason identifies as straight and Kimah is a trans woman. Kimah hopes to undergo sex re-assignment surgery in the future, but regardless of her current status as pre, post or non-op we must be sensitive to the gender pronouns she chooses for herself.
Note: The Advocate has since made edits to this story to properly reflect the gender identity of Kimah.
Please tell The Advocate that it isn't enough to call yourself an LGBT magazine, in the future it must be inclusive of transgender folks and know how to properly report on them.
Letters to the editor by regular mail
P.O. Box 4371
Los Angeles, CA 90078
Phone: (310) 943-5858
Fax: (310) 806-6350
Blog Spotlight: Asexual Love
Asexual Love is a blog with thoughts and musings about asexuality. The blog seeks to educate and create awareness about the estimated 1% of the population which is asexual. Topics for discussion include but are not limited to faith, politics, dating and the need for asexual unity and organization.
'Talking Equality' the Video that Debunks Anti-Marriage Myths
Below is an excellent video showing the oppositions usual talking points and how to conquer them in a logical and factual manner.
Learn more about video creator Rob Tish and follow his blog Waking Up Now, this is just the start of his educational videos to give people the confidence to speak out for equality.
Word of the Gay: "Kitsch"
"Kitsch" is tasteless, melodramatic, and pretentious to the degree that it is considered in poor taste. It often comes up in gay sub-culture, similar in nature the word camp.
Monday, June 15, 2009
New York Senators On The Fence or Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage
The New York State Senate is in limbo, with a 31-31 split, nobody knows which party is in control, and what legislation will make it before the session ends.
20 senators publicly stated their support for equal marriage, 32 are needed to pass the bill.
The following list of senators are either on the fence or opposed. If you are resident of their district please call, email, and write them and encourage friends and family to follow suit!
On the fence:
3. Brian X. Foley, D-Long Island (Blue Point)
4. Owen H. Johnson, R-Long Island (West Babylon)
6. Kemp Hannon, R-Long Island (Garden City)
13. Hiram Monserrate, D-NYC (Jackson Heights)
15. Joseph Addabbo, Jr., D-NYC (Ozone Park)
19. John Sampson, D-NYC (Brooklyn)
24. Andrew Lanza, R-NYC (Staten Island)
36. Ruth Hassell-Thompson, D-Bronx/Westchester (Williamsbridge)
38. Thomas Morahan, R-Rockland/Orange (Clarkstown)
40. Vincent Leibell, R-Westchester (Patterson)
42. John Bonacic, R-Delaware/Sullivan/Orange/Ulster Counties
43. Roy McDonald, R-Upstate (Wilton)
49. David Valesky, D-Upstate (Syracuse/Onondaga/Madison Counties)
55. James Alesi, R-Upstate (East Rochester)
1. Kenneth LaValle, R-Long Island (Port Jefferson)
2. John J. Flanagan, R-Long Island (East Northport)
5. Carl Marcellino, R-Long Island (Syosset)
8. Charles Fuschillo, R-Long Island (Merrick)
9. Dean Skelos, R-Long Island (Rockville Centre)
10. Shirley Huntley, D-NYC (Jamaica)
11. Frank Padavan, R-NYC (Bellerose)
12. George Onorato, D-NYC (Astoria)
22. Martin Golden, R-NYC (Bay Ridge)
27. Carl Kruger, D-NYC (Brooklyn)
32. Rubén Díaz, D-NYC (Soundview)
39. Bill Larkin, R-Westchester (New Windsor)
41. Stephen Saland, R-Westchester (Poughkeepsie)
44. Hugh Farley, R-Upstate (Schenectady)
45. Betty Little, R-Upstate (Queensbury)
47. Joseph Griffo, R-Upstate (Rome)
48. Darrel Aubertine, D-Upstate (Cape Vincent)
50. John DeFrancisco, R-Upstate (Syracuse/Onondaga Counties)
51. James Seward, R-Upstate (Milford)
52. Thomas W. Libous, R-Upstate (Binghamton)
53. George H. Winner, Jr., R-Upstate (Elmira)
54. Michael Nozzolio, R-Upstate (Fayette)
56. Joseph Robach, R-Upstate (Greece)
57. Catharine Young, R-Upstate (Olean)
58. William Stachowski, D-Upstate (Hamburg)
59. Dale Volker, R-Upstate (Depew)
61. Michael Ranzenhofer, R-Upstate (Clarence)
62. George Maziarz, R-Upstate (Newfane)
Use the New Yorkers for Marriage Equality form to identify your state senator and call them urging for their support.
Blog Spotlight: Faces of Us
Faces of Us is a photo campaign dedicated to bringing the fight for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender rights to the national spotlight. Join the campaign by submitting your own photo!
Win Domestic Partnership Rights in Wisconsin This Week!
Wisconsin albeit a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions may be the next state to add domestic partnership rights; including hospital visitation, the ability to take family medical leave to care for a sick or injured partner and the ability to make end of life decisions for a domestic partner.
Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle included limited domestic partnership protections for the state's same-sex couples in his recent budget proposal.The Wisconsin State Assembly is scheduled to vote on this budget next Wednesday, June 17th.
The good news is that some key members of the state legislature are in favor as well. Since WI was one of the states where voters passed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in 2006, this piece of legislation is particularly important, as it would be the first piece of pro-equality legislation in more than 20 years. (PFLAG)
Tell the legislators that you support fairness and equality in the state of WI and ask them to support it, too. You can do this through the Fair Wisconsin site at http://eqfed.org/campaign/Assembly_DP.
Word of the Gay: "Pansy Without a Stem"
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Million For Marriage Petition
Sign the Human Rights Campaign petition to remove legal obstacles preventing lesbian and gay couples from receiving rights and responsibilities under federal law. The petition is for those who believe in state and federal recognition for same-gender couples and believe it is time to end discrimination by offering the same protections their heterosexual counterparts receive and often take for granted.