The N.Y. Post which is no stranger to homophobia has released a column titled "Elton & Wife Proud Dads" in a heterosexist attempt to diminish the news that singer Elton John and his partner David Furnish have adopted a child.
The piece written by David K. Li makes light of the joyous news for the Furnish-John family and also degrades all gay couples. The anti-gay language in the article fuels the misconception that one partner in a relationship is more masculine or feminine and assumes stereotypical gender roles.
Demand they change the headline and apologize for this disgusting article.
Customer Service:
Thursday, December 30, 2010
N.Y. Post Releases Insulting Column on Elton John & Partner
Word of the Gay: "Breeder Voyeur"
"Breeder Voyeur" is a disparaging term for a heterosexual who attends a gay bar or event in order to observe queer life and culture.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Lance"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Late-Breaking Gay"
A "late-breaking gay" is someone who either discovers or comes to term with their homosexual identity later in life.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Textbooks4Change - Buy Textbooks and Fund EQUALITY!
Textbooks4Change is a student-led organization enabling students to raise money for marriage equality in California. How does it work? Students click through a link at the Textbooks4Change website to buy textbooks on and Barnes and Noble, and approximately 6% of their purchase goes towards repealing Prop 8. All of the money raised goes to the Courage Campaign's Marriage Equality Hub, a leader in California's battle for marriage equality.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Demand NJ Governor Sign Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has yet to sign or veto the anti-bullying bill which was passed in light of the recent suicides in the LGBT community. Christie an anti-gay politician is opposed to nearly all forms of gay rights legislation and promised to veto any marriage equality legislation under his leadership. He has yet to decide whether to sign the anti-bullying bill and maintains he is conflicted about the measure.
The bipartisan bill passed nearly unanimously in both chambers.
The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights would:
Governor Christie has had several weeks to review the legislation. It is time he protect the students of New Jersey and sign this bill into law.
- Require training for educators on bullying prevention.
- Require school districts to have anti-bullying programs.
- Provide the Department of Education with the tools it needs to help districts combat bullying.
- Clarify investigation procedures and mandating investigation by school staff.
- Require educators to report all bullying they learn of, on or off school grounds.
- Require enhanced reporting to the public about how schools and districts are handling bullying and harassment. (Out In Jersey)
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
Click here to email or tweet him at
Word of the Gay: "Transbear"
A "transbear" is a female-to-male (FTM) transgender man who identifies himself as part of the bear subculture due to its embrace of body hair, masculinity and heavier set individuals.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Open Forum: Is It Wrong to Say 'Gay Marriage'?
Are marriage equality advocates unintentionally using self defeating terminology in the fight for broader civil rights for the LGBT community? The vast majority of the community consistently argues that civil unions are a separate and unequal institution from that of civil marriage. The argument is that queer people should have all of the same rights and responsibilities that come with government sanctioned recognition of our relationships and that includes the vocabulary used to describe that union.
The idea that heterosexuals should have sole access to marriage while LGBT people can have civil unions or some other form of contractual agreement feeds into the notion that somehow our relationships and bonds are not equal to that of a male/female couple. This serves to reinforce the idea that being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender is somehow inferior to being a cisgender heterosexual.
Queer activists certainly do not subscribe to the heteronormative thinking that being LGBT is inferior or less than in any way. Is it possible that by virtue of our arguments in favor of equal protections that we are diminishing our chance and giving credence to the anti-gay oppositions notion that we are indeed so different that we cannot be treated the same?
When discussing the issue of marriage and how the institution should evolve moving forward we often speak of the term 'gay marriage.' If we are arguing that our love is the same and we are entitled to equal protection should we by default of our terminology be segregating ourselves by using 'gay marriage' as opposed to just saying marriage or marriage equality? 'Gay marriage' would just be regular marriage and perhaps the idea behind it scares people that somehow this institution is changing and expanding when it only would remain the same yet more inclusive.
What are your thoughts?
Happy Holidays & Season's Greetings
May you all have a joyous and healthy holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, New Years, none or all of the above it is my sincere hope that you live well and prosper in the year to come.
My New Years resolution for this website is to continue pumping out more activist alerts, fun and quirky queer facts and words, and sharing wonderful blogs and websites I come across. I also hope we have a few nice equality stocking stuffers to enjoy in 2011.
Be sure to comment letting us know what presents you got :)
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Pronoun Dance"
A "pronoun dance" is when a person avoids using gender specific language in the event that they are unsure of the persons gender identity.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The American Institute of Bisexuality Launches Message of Hope: It Gets Better
The "It Get's Better" campaign has become a worldwide phenomenon with thousands uploading videos telling LGBT youth in crisis that life will get better. The campaign is in response to the alarming rate of suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people.
The American Institute for Bisexuality has stepped up to the plate to release a new video showcasing some bisexuals who are joining the campaign to stop queer suicide.
H/T to BiNet USA
Country Singer LeAnn Rimes Sings for Struggling LGBT Youth
Country singer and actress LeAnn Rimes has dedicated the song "The Rose" to LGBTQ youth struggling to find their way. In a recent performance with the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles Rimes got very emotional when speaking of the recent rash of suicides and made a plea for gay teens to hang on and promised them that "it get's better."
Please join me in thanking LeAnn Rimes for her heartfelt words to gay youth:
Monday, December 20, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Wrinkle Palaces"
"Wrinkle Palaces" is an ageist term used in the gay community to refer to a place where older gay men congregate.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Anti-gay Bias on Fox News Live Poll on DADT
Conservative media giant Fox News has released a new biased and anti-gay poll on their website regarding Don't Ask Don't Tell. During the legislative debate on repeal of the military's ban on openly gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers there were a number of ridiculous arguments about how lifting the ban will risk national security. Fox News reinforces those absurd notions in their latest "non-scientific" poll.
Fox News asks its website visitors:
"Will Ending 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Affect America's Ability to Defend Itself?"Each option is negative towards the LGBT community. Either gay, lesbian and bisexual identity is a preference, it affects troop morale, or it is a lifestyle that makes others uncomfortable.
1. No -- Being gay is about someone's sexual preference, not their patriotism, acceptance of duty and their love of country.
2. Undecided -- We're in a war in Afghanistan, and I'm not sure that this is the right time to undo something that will affect our men and women in combat.
3. Yes -- At the core of an effective military is trust, and allowing a lifestyle that might cause some members of our military to feel uncomfortable cuts to the heart of that trust.
4. Other (post a comment)
Feel free to leave the "fair and balanced" news network your opinion...
Phone Fox News: 1-888-369-4762
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Galimony"
"Galimony" is a new term for alimony in a high-powered gay couple where one has a big sum to pay the other if they break up.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Stay HIV Free - Always Use a Condom!
A graphic public service announcement on HIV/AIDS has been released by the New York City Department of Health. The ad features individuals with HIV suffering from not only HIV alone but other diseases that can accompany it due to higher risk.
HIV/AIDS has been spreading rapidly in the gay community and elsewhere, especially among those who are under 30 and were not around or old enough to witness the epidemic during the 1980's.
For a brochure on this campaign click here.
Be safe. Be smart. Be with a condom at all times.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Homophobe Tucker Carlson Strikes Again, This Time Mocking DADT Repeal
Fox News guest Tucker Carlson mocked the effort to repeal the anti-gay Don't Ask Don't Policy in the military. He called the issue a "waste of time" being run by a "politically aggressive interest group." When challenged by his left-wing commentator he jokes that "most translators are gay, and flamboyant."
This isn't the first time Carlson has had issues with the LGBT community. He proudly maintains that he bashed a gay guy who hit on him. He argued that efforts to educate children about gay families are "controversial" His website The Daily Called referred to political pundit Rachel Maddow as a man.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Organization Spotlight: LGBTI Legal Service
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex Legal Service Inc is a newly established non-profit and unfunded community-based legal service which began service provision on July 7th, 2010. The service seeks to assist Queensland LGBTI communities to gain access to justice through the provision of legal and social welfare services. They will also be offering community legal education activities in order to increase awareness of legal rights and responsibilities for LGBTI communities in Queensland and will be actively involved in advocating for law reform and human rights.
"Mission: Incomplete" Rally - Washington D.C. Friday Dec 10th
A coalition of 18 groups advocating for repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy will converge upon the U.S. Senate this Friday. They are demanding lawmakers stay in session until they reach compromise on the Defense Authorization Bill which includes repeal of DADT.
Join the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network at the Senate THIS Friday, December 10th, at noon, for the "Mission: Incomplete" Rally.
Friday, December 10th
12 p.m.
Constitution Ave. & Delaware Ave. at Upper Senate Park
(Near U.S. Capitol)
Washington, DC
Closest Metro: Union Station (Red Line). Nearby: Capitol South (Blue/Orange), Judiciary Square (Red).
Monday, December 6, 2010
The FCKH8 Campaign
A new campaign has been started to fight against marriage inequality and the overall lack of LGBT inclusion in society. The FCKH8 campaign isn't shy about letting you know what they really think about the status quo.
The campaign is dedicated to having their shocking and funny videos go viral in an attempt to raise awareness about LGBT rights and raise money for organizations fighting for marriage equality and LGBT youth suicide prevention.
Below is a censored version of the video suitable for work. The non-censored version is available on the website.
The FCKH8 campaign offers videos, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, wristbands and more at
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
World AIDS Day 2010
December 1st is World AIDS Day and is an opportunity to educate and create awareness about the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The theme for this year is Universal Access and Human Rights in an effort to demand that all people have access to preventative resources and life saving medications.
HIV can be transmitted through anal, vaginal, and oral sex, and through the use of dirty and/or used needles. HIV can be transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, pre-ejaculate, and breast milk. Please always make sure to use protection, via condoms, female condoms, and dental dams for oral-genital contact.
Action tips for the day:
-Wear a red ribbon to support AIDS awareness.
-Educate yourself about HIV/AIDS.
-Get tested for HIV/AIDS and other STI's.
-Discuss HIV/AIDS with others, urge them to get tested and learn more.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tell Apple iTunes Store to Remove Anti-Gay App
Apple's iTunes store which provides applications for download on its popular mobile devices has approved an anti-gay application. The Manhattan Declaration is a statement of principles endorsed by fringe rightwing Christian groups that fights civil liberties and wants to tear down the barrier of separation of church and state. The Manhattan Declaration is an application designed to spread and mobilize homophobia in the name of religious liberty.
Spelled out in the Manhattan Declaration are a set of principles that boil LGBT people down to little more than deviant cretins. According to the Manhattan Declaration, society should refer to gay relationships as "immoral sexual partnerships," and all people of faith should adopt a belief that "LGBT people erode marriage." Colson, as the Declaration's author, even went so far as to say that gay people will destroy the family unit, and could bring down civilization as we know it. (Gay Rights -
Sign the petition to demand Steve Jobs and Apple Media Relations pull this app immediately!
Demand Post-Thanksgiving DADT Repeal
The Senate has promised to review legislation to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy which bars lesbian, gay and bisexual servicemembers from the armed forces. Insiders suggest that there are enough votes (including a few moderate republicans) to overcome a filibuster. We must take this issue up now since progressive voices have been losing seats this may be the last chance for full repeal within the legislature for years to come.
Take action via HRC and call your senators now!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
CNN's Irresponsible 'Ex-Gay' Interview Regarding Prop 8
CNN's Belief Blog interviewed Alan Chambers President of Exodus International, a nonprofit "ex-gay" ministry on the recent prop 8 ruling. Chambers is a self identified "ex-gay" who admits he still struggles with homosexual attractions.
In the article Chambers is quoted as saying that “It’s disappointing that a judge would rule against the will of the people” but he also maintains that the decision shows more openness to people who are LGBT "We’re entering a time when we are more compassionate and loving toward people who deserve our compassion,” he says, “and that’s gay and lesbian people.”
CNN is completely irresponsible for running this piece for a host of reasons.Contact CNN via their general feedback form or Twitter to let them know that this biased reporting is unacceptable! Feel free to also leave comments on their blog posting.
1. Exodus International is a fringe anti-gay organization that has been repudiated by all major scientific and psychological organizations.
2. If Chambers and Exodus indeed represent people who claim they are no longer gay, why is CNN collecting their thoughts on same-sex marriage? They can get married to the opposite sex and the issue is not relevant to them.
3. CNN gave free advertising to this sham organization and did nothing to set the facts straight on the proposition 8 ruling or the truth behind the "ex-gay" movement.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Legalize Trans* Campaign
The Legalize Trans* campaign is an effort to draw attention to the lack of inclusivity in the popular clothing manufacturer American Apparel's "Legalize Gay" campaign and to highlight transphobia in the broader gay, lesbian, and bisexual community. The campaign is set to create dialogue and educate about issues pertaining to transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.
Get involved in the Legalize Trans* campaign by buying a shirt, buttons, downloading graphics, and getting updated on critical "T" issues.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Gay Liberation Network to Protest Anti-Gay "Truth" Academy
The Chicago based Gay Liberation Network is scheduled to protest the first ever three day seminar held by the anti-gay hate group 'Americans for Truth About Homosexuality'. Several fringe extremists from right-wing family organizations, and "ex-gay" organizations will be speaking on a range of issues from fighting gay rights legislation, to promoting "conversion therapy" and countering progressive queer theology.
The protest is to take place at 7:30 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5 in front of the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, Illinois.
For those of you traveling from Chicago to the protest, the group will be meeting at 6 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5th in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, to take the Metro train to the protest – just look for the rainbow flag!
For more information, email the Gay Liberation Network at
Monday, July 26, 2010
Demand Real World Star Apologize for Violent Homophobic Remarks
MTV's 'Real World' is taking place in New Orleans this season and as usual there is one openly gay housemate. The openly gay member Preston has been in a feud with metrosexual Ryan over the past few weeks. Ryan however has taken his rage to a whole new level by repeatedly referring to Preston as a 'faggot' and making remarks about gay people. He was even quoted on Twitter as replying to someone by saying: "I would love to see you in person, and smash your gay f*cking face in.”
MTV is not to blame, they can't control individual actions, and the network has been given an excellent rating for gay positive material. Furthermore the show Real World has been at the forefront of tackling LGBT issues for years. Having an an openly gay man with AIDS, a transgender castmate, and a bisexual activist, among many other queer moments.
GLAAD is urging people to contact Ryan Leslie via to demand an apologyTwitter.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Taxpayers Demand $4.4 Million Refund Over Anti-Gay Military Survey
Servicemembers United an advocacy organization dedicated to repealing the anti-gay military policy known as Don't Ask Don't Tell is furious over a new and biased survey about the policy.
The Department of Defense just paid the research firm Westat the outrageous sum of $4.4 million to design and administer an email-based survey about the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. While its development was shrouded in secrecy for weeks, leaked copies of the final version recently began circulating. To everyone’s surprise, the survey, which went out to 400,000 service members, turned out to be laced with bias, inaccuracies, and derogatory assumptions and insinuations about gay and lesbian Americans. Demand that Westat and the Pentagon repay the American Taxpayer for this outrageous waste of $4.4 million!Sign the petition to demand a full refund and an end to the discriminatory policy of Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Sip-Ins"
"Sip-Ins" occurred during the mid 1960's when the New York Liquor Authority banned the sale of alcohol to 'disorderly homosexuals' Gay rights groups like the Mattachine Society held events to protest and raise awareness about the discrimination by disobeying the ban.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Join Activists Creating the First Ever Asexual Flag!
Asexual activists and allies over at the Asexual Visibility Education Network are engaging in thought provoking discussion and debate about what the future symbol of the asexual movement should look like. While there has never been an official symbol for asexuality, some of the common asexual pride images used have been a grey triangle, a shaded heart, a slice of cake, and an ace card to name a few.
As asexuality is becoming increasingly visible and discussed as part of a variation within human sexuality there is a growing need for the asexual community to rally around their own symbol of pride. Help make asexy history by engaging in the decision making process.
Open Forum: The 10th Amendment and Gay Marriage
A federal judge has recently ruled that section three of the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The ruling is a major blow to those trying to keep federal benefits from married gay couples and will likely make its way before the Supreme Court shortly.
What is most interesting about the case is that the Judge found that not only did part of DOMA violate the equal protection clause of the constitution but that it also violated the tenth amendment! The tenth amendment has traditionally been used by conservatives to argue in favor of states rights.
How will the ruling on the 10th amendment play out in the future of proceedings on gay marriage? On one hand it can be argued that the federal government cannot dictate marriage if a state chooses to recognize gay marriage. However, couldn't it also be used to argue that if the Supreme Court or Congress decided to make marriage equality the law of the land that states could choose to abstain?
Word of the Gay: "Gentlemen's Taverns"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Fox News Uses "Attack of the Lesbian Prison Gangs" Scare Tactic Again!
The conservative news giant Fox News is now warning that Lindsay Lohan will face "vicious lesbian gangs" when she goes to jail. This news story titled 'Lesbian Prison Gangs Waiting to Get Hands on Lindsay Lohan, Report Says' first broke in The Sun, and as appalling as it is, atleast The Sun is a tabloid newspaper. Fox News claims to be a legitimate news organization and bills itself "fair and balanced" in their reporting. Also it should be noted that this is not the first time Fox has used the "lesbian gangs" scare tactic which made headlines nationwide until it was debunked.
In the article one inmate is quoted as saying:
"The gay inmates wear their shirts inside out to let others know they are available. So if Lindsay doesn't want someone to grab her ass she'd better keep her shirt on straight. Women grab each other like animals when the guards aren't looking. It's disgusting." (Fox News).
There are several problems with this story.
- How can a reporter run a story based on one account? How do we know that this person is accurate or telling the truth?
- Unlike the title which suggests that these gangs wish to rape Lohan, the quote by the inmate suggests that the lesbians will only approach one another if they signal they are interested by reversing their shirts.
- This article assumes Lindsay would not be interested in other inmates sexually. Lindsay is bisexual and could theoretically desire another female inmate for sex.
- Lindsay Lohan will be in solitary confinement for her protection and is unlikely to encounter other inmates.
Phone Fox News: 1-888-369-4762
How NOT to Come Out of the Closet!
- Coming out of the closet is a difficult process and while there is no right way to do it, there are some things that are probably best not to do to ensure a smoother transition into your new open and honest identity and life.
- DON’T come out during a fight. While there may never be an ideal time to come out of the closet, during a fight is definitely a time not to do it. Nonetheless, it happens a lot! If you and a family member or friend are already in a negative space, don’t use your sexuality as a weapon. Wait until things are calmer and quieter.
- DON’T tell them that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Coming out is one thing. Disclosing a partner is another. Parents sometimes try to assign blame for your sexuality; it’s not right, just or wise to blame someone for your gayness, but it’s often one of the first (and most ignorant) reactions by parents or relatives. If you disclose your sexuality AND that you are in relationship, you’ve just created an easy target for that blame. Give it a few days or weeks or months.
- DON’T do it alone. Coming out to someone is an intensely personal and often vulnerable experience – but you don’t need to do it entirely alone. It’s important to build a support system for yourself. I first came out to my close friends and gradually widened my circle. By the time I came out to my family, I had a well established safety net of support – just in case things didn’t go well. Lean on your friends or find support online or over the phone.
- DON’T hit and run. After coming out, there is often a tendency to never talk about it again. Parents may not know how to talk about it – or else, they could be in a stage of denial. Don’t fall into this trap; talking about your sexuality is one of the best ways for you, your friends and your family to grow more comfortable with it. It’s going to be hard at first – but trust me, it’s worth the initial awkwardness.
- DON’T take responsibility for how people react. My coming out experiences have been 99% positive, but there have been a few unexpected and negative reactions. It’s important not to internalize those reactions. How people react to your disclosure says a lot about them and where they are at in their journey – and nothing about you.
- DON’T come out to family members as a group. When you come out, people may have a lot of questions – and they may react very emotionally. I think it’s best to keep the coming out process one-on-one with those people that play a big role in your life.
- DON’T assume that people won’t change. They often will. Opinions and perspectives often shift over time – and an initial negative reaction by family or friends doesn’t mean that things will always be that way. Your coming out may be an opportunity for the people in your life to grow and evolve. It takes time, but don’t assume that people will never come around.
Crossposted via Break The Illusion.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Gayle King Speaks Out for Marriage Equality
Gayle King who is the editor of O Magazine and host of the Gayle King radio show has spoken up in favor of marriage equality for same-gender couples. King is best known for being Oprah Winfrey's closest friend and has been given a national platform thanks to their close relationship.
New allies are always welcome and we applaud Ms. King for speaking out in favor of LGBT civil rights.
Gayle King can be reached via Twitter.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tell Meghan McCain to Convince her Father to Repeal DADT
Failed republican presidential candidate John McCain's daughter has been a strong and outspoken straight republican ally of the LGBT community, in a party where alliance with queers is frowned upon, and downright politically suicidal. Meghan has spoken up countless times in and urged conservatives to embrace marriage equality and for equality and justice for her gay and lesbian friends.
Now we need Meghan McCain to convince her father Senator John McCain to reconsider his opposition to repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell. Please urge her to talk to her father before the Defense Budget Bill gets its vote in the senate.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
NBC Opens Wedding Contest to Same-Sex Couples
NBC Today Show’s “Modern Wedding Contest” which previously barred gay couples on account of the fact that New York does not allow its residents same-sex couples to marry in state has reversed its decision after pressure from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). 4,000 people signed a petition saying NBC's decision was unfair because NY does recognize gay marriages from other states.
NBC stated that they listened to GLAAD's constituents
"Over the past few days, Today has received a considerable response regarding our wedding contest application. The rules stated that eligible couples must be legally married in New York, where we will host the wedding, therefore excluding same-sex couple applicants. Our intent was not to be discriminatory or exclusive...Moving forward, we ensure that our future wedding contests will be inclusive of all couples."The new deadline to enter is July 12th. Those interested can apply here.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Organization Spotlight: National Education Association GLBT Caucus
The National Education Association Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Caucus (NEA GLBT) works to provide GLBT teachers, education support professionals, and students, with safe schools free of anti-GLBT bias and intolerance, and to provide sound education programs for all students.
Take Part in Historic and Important International LGBT Survey
For the first time, there is a global study of LGBT lifestyles, demographics, workplace issues, causes of concern, discrimination and many more important topics. The results will be used by governments, business and other organizations and can make sure we enjoy an equal ’seat at the table’ in society.
The 2010 Out Now Global LBGT Study is surveying LGBT people living around the world – sampling into 20 countries, looking at what significant issues affect our lives today.
Being involved is easy – it takes just 15 minutes to complete a survey online at – and you may even get lucky and win one of their giveaway prizes: including flights, Amazon gift cards and iTunes vouchers.
Crossposted via Best Gay Blogs.
TAKE ACTION: Hawaiian Governor Decides on Civil Unions Today!
Hawaiian Governor Linda Lingle (R) has to decide today whether to sign, veto, or let the civil unions bill just become law. Lingle has met with both sides of the debate and has been mum as to how she will act.
Please tell Governor Lingle to sign the civil unions bill into law.
E-contact form
Phone: (808) 586-0221 or (808) 586-0222
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Word of the Gay: "Agendered"
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mike Huckabee Ties Marriage Equality to Gay Sexual Acts
Former Governor of Arkansas and Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee continues his attacks on the LGBT community. In referring to gay marriage the politician talked of the "ick factor" because the thought of two men or women having sex troubles him.
Huckabee has been called out for these and other outrageous remarks but continues to shrug them off. He insists that the LGBT community is hypocritical because one of our used the term "ick factor" and thinks if we can use it so can he. He also maintains that we want to "talk about the issues" at our convenience but not when the opposition brings them up.
Tell Mr. Huckabee discussion of marriage equality has nothing to do with gay sex his interest/or disinterest in it and his effort to tie the two together is irresponsible and down right icky.
Mike Huckabee can be reached at:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Californian LGBT's to Protest "Ex-Gay" Irvine Conference
Orange County will be the sight of a big protest this Saturday as the LGBT community will face off with organizers of an "ex-gay" conference. The conference is being held by Exodus International the largest organization dedicated to "helping cure" people of their unwanted homosexual desires. "Conversion therapy" has been denounced by every major scientific organization proving that it is ineffective and psychologically damaging. LGBT activists will be waving signs of support and love, to reach conference attendees and people who live in the community to demonstrate that one can be healthy and happy as a queer individual.
They are planning a demonstration for Saturday, June 26th, from 4 to 6 PM at the intersection of Ridgeline Drive and University Drive in Irvine.
Word of the Gay: "Bathroom Bill"
"Bathroom Bill" is a new term used by right-wing opponents of transgender non-discrimination protections. The term is used to incite the irrational fear that such policies will usher in waves of transgender people using female restrooms and that horror will ensue.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Popstar Vanessa Carlton Comes Out as Bi!
American grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and pianist Vanessa Carlton has come out as bisexual yesterday at the Nashville pride parade. She announced before the live audience: "I've never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman." Carlton is most famous for her best known single 'A Thousand Miles' which I embedded below.
Carlton can be thanked for her bravery to speak up via Twitter.
Happy Father's Day - Queer Men's Resources
Happy Father's Day to all you GBTQ and allied dads! May you continue to feel loved and empowered in the work and care that you provide all those in your life.
Queer Father's Resources:
Gay Dad nationwide meetup groups
Proud Parenting Information
Gay Dad Support Group
Gay Parent Magazine
Gay/Bisexual Father's Married to Women
Gay Dad's Info
Family Equality Council
Gay Family Values
Blog On Being a Gay Parent
*Image courtesy of KLHint on Flickr.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Weekly Queer Roundup
This week certainly had a healthy dose of queerness, after all Google is celebrating LGBT pride, and you should too if you follow gay protocol. But even queerer than that is homophobic rapper Eminem coming out in support of gay marriage! So did Iceland which legalized gay marriage, and Minnesota might follow next! It's just a sign of the times for the radical right who blame oil spills on our lack of morals. Don't even get them started on the week after pill 'Ella' that give women more options over their bodies. Speaking of bodies, Grindr may be a thing of the past with the invention of AssFinder. Queerdom is hitting all over the place, Boston may be post-gay, the Feminist Hulk has come to town, and gays don't want any McMuffin's. That's a whole lotta queer, and we are loving it!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tell Hawaiian Governor Linda Lingle to Sign the Civil Unions Bill
The Hawaiian legislature passed the civil unions bill by a vote of 31-20 (three votes short of a veto proof majority) a few weeks ago. The bill passed the senate back in January, earlier this year. The bill now sits at the desk of Republican Governor Linda Lingle who has not spoken publicly on whether she will sign, veto, or ignore the bill.
The deadline for action on the bill is July 6th, meanwhile the Governor is keeping her options open and putting the bill on a possible veto list. She has met with proponents and opponents of the bill and is weighing her options carefully.
Please tell Governor Lingle to sign the civil unions bill into law.
E-contact form
Phone: (808) 586-0221 or (808) 586-0222