Thursday, March 4, 2010

Virtual Lobby Day to Repeal DADT

The Human Rights Campaign is holding a virtual lobby day to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell that is coinciding with the hearings of the issue on Capitol Hill. Today is the day to put pressure on the congress to demand a full repeal of the policy barring openly gay, lesbian, and bisexual people from serving their country.

Take action to enable free and open service:

  • Follow-up with a phone call. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. Tell them where you live, and they’ll connect you to any of your lawmakers’ offices. Tell your lawmakers that you’re calling to urge Congress to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this year.
  • Use Twitter to spread the word. Our volunteer lobbyists will be tweeting from the Capitol using the #DADT, #ENDA, #DPBO, #HIV and other hashtags. Once you take action, tweet about the experience and join the conversation.

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