Thursday, November 13, 2008

OUT of touch!

OUT magazine a gay publication releases an annual list of the top 100 people deemed most influential in the gay community. This year they have controversial singer Katy Perry on the front of their magazine. Perry sings about kissing a girl and liking it, but does her supposed sexual exploration really get classified as bisexuality? Give me a break. This song was nothing more than lyrics about an experimental kiss, and radio ratings and publicity.

The right wing has criticized Katy Perry for promoting homosexuality. While the LGBT community is outraged over her lyrics to "I kissed a girl" and "Ur so Gay." The first song criticized as just experimental and degrading of true lesbian and bisexual women, and the latter homophobic and violent towards gay men.

If Katy Perry is influential in the gay community because of her homophobic songs, maybe OUT should also honor Fred Phelps, he also preaches about homosexuals and gains a lot of media attention.
(310) 943-5858


Shauna said...

I liked Katy Perry song so much I posted a large sticker on my pick up truck (yes I have a truck) that states I kissed a girl and I am a lesbian :) So who cares if she is bi or not, the song was fantfreakintastic and made her money and people happy!
Since when are we so critical over some stupid song lyrics, let us worry whether we get rights.

I think I am feeling better, hmmm?

Anonymous said...

I think "Ur so gay" is in itself enough to make Katy Perry look like a fool. I mean, who would actually use *chatspeak* in the title of a song? Never mind writing a whole song around "gay" as an insult. It sounds like a parody of a 13-year-old internet troll.

Anonymous said...

Perry is certainly stirring things up, but "UR so Gay" isn't an insult to our community. If you actually read the lyrics, she's frustrated over a boyfriend who pays her no attention, a theme used in some of her other songs.

Doc Marten said...

Thank you for saying this. Frankly, a song that's basically about making straight men horny by kissing your (straight) girlfriend is NOT-repeat-NOT PRO GAY OR LESBIAN. It's degrading to REAL lesbians and bisexual women. I mean, come on-ANY song that's the national anthem of heterosexual women is not to be taken as anything remotely pro-Gay, and shame on OUT for featuring Kate Perry on their cover.
Besides, if you think that piece of shit is music, I'm offering to rescue you with some Natalie Merchant CD's. Then you'll know what music really is.

Emma said...

I agree with Doc Marten. Katy Perry's song perpetuates one of the most prevalent stereotypes about bisexual women-- that we aren't really interested in other women except to use them to attract men. Plus, it refers to kissing other women as "not what good girls do," which suggests that there's something wrong or naughty about lesbianism/bisexuality. And the line "I got so brave, drink in hand" suggests that you'd have to be drunk to want to kiss someone of the same sex. I could go on, but I'll stop there. There are so many things that bother me about this song.

And Riverwolf, I find it offensive when people us the word "gay" as an insult, whether the person they're using it against is gay or not. The fact that people think it's okay to use queer identity as a slur is insulting to our whole community. Check out

Maverick2464 said...

"Ur So Gay" was offensive enough and then "I kissed a girl" sealed it for me. Katy Perry is nothing more than a big ol' Homophobe wrapped in a pretty, pretty bow.
I ain't falling for it and anyone that thinks those two songs are anything but clever jabs at our community needs to reread the lyrics and think about the bigger picture.

Shauna said...

Excuse me Doc Marten but what the heck kind of remark is that "It's degrading to REAL lesbians and bisexual women." I hope that wasn't intentionally towards me. I thought it was a cute song, live with it and quit whinnying, we have other BIG issues to worry about like H8, not song stupid song and a lesbian making shots at Intersex females.

Anonymous said...

Uh... I assumed Doc Marten meant "REAL lesbians and bisexual women" as opposed to straight girls trying to get attention...

Anonymous said...

I really don't like that UR SO GAY song. Katy's record company doesn't seem very responsible for releasing this song.

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