Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly has long been an outspoken conservative who maintains anti-gay and transphobic viewpoints. In his latest segment he invites Megyn Kelly to discuss and ridicule Silverton, Oregon mayor Stu Rasmussen who identifies as a heterosexual transgender male for violating the city dress code in front of a presentation in front of children. The mayor fits the bill of someone who is genderqueer, preferring male pronouns, and female attire.
The segment below shows the discussion between O'Reilly and Kelly.
O'Reilly says "it's so bizarre" in referring to the story and calls Oregon a "secular progressive heaven with left-wing loons like Stu."
O'Reilly chuckles at the story, and acts surprised that "Stu has a girlfriend"
He ends with the question "do children need to be protected from the likes of Stu?"
O'Reilly acted immature and transphobic throughout the program. We do applaud Megan Kelly for not stooping down to his level and saying that "transgender people are part of society, and they are not bad people, and that people need to learn about them."
Email Bill O'Reilly and tell him to be ashamed for mocking Mayor Rasmussen.
Email Megyn Kelly to thank her for standing up for transgender people.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Bill O'Reilly Mocks Genderqueer Mayor in Oregon
Australian National Day of Action for Same-Sex Marriage Aug 1st
The Equal Love campaign will be holding rallies in cities across Australia on August 1st demanding same-sex marriage equality. Many of the couples among the protesters will engage in a mass "illegal" weddings to show their frustration with the government and to publicly demonstrate their love and commitment.
Protest locations listed here.
Word of the Gay: "Witch-hunts"
"Witch-hunts" are a term used when someone is looking to scapegoat an individual by alleging they are homosexual.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blog Spotlight: Grishno
Grishno is your one stop shop for transgender blogging and resources. The site includes commentary, a forum, chat, videos, and informational resources such as their 'Ask a Tranny' section.
Word of the Gay: "ACT-UP"
"ACT-UP" is an acronym that stands for the activist HIV/AIDS and LGBT rights organization called Aids Coalition to Unleash Power created as a direct response to the federal governments denial of the AIDS epidemic.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Houston Mayor Proclaims Trans Day
Houston Texas Mayor Bill White has proclaimed July 25th "Transgender Center Day" in honor of the organizations first year anniversary.
The daylong event included a barbecue, socializing, networking, and a brief program that was attended by local politicians and a state representative, who presented the center with proclamations and certificates.This is the kind of change and leadership we want to see from our elected officials.
The Transgender Center, one of the first of its kind in the country, has become a face for the trans community beyond Houston, advancing trans causes and issues in the state. It offers many services for trans people including support groups, workshops, health care, housing referrals, and community events (Advocate).
Write, call, or email the Mayor to thank him for his bold and encouraging move.
Mayor Bill White
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251
Phone: 713.837.0311
An Exercise in Gay Acceptance for Heterosexuals
This video is an exercise that was given at a seminar in how it feels to be isolated and discriminated against as a gay person. This video is an exercise to let straight people imagine what it would feel like if the world was gay, and heterosexuals considered deviant outcasts. It is eye opening video into heterosexual privilege and highly recommended!
Blog Spotlight: The Gang's All Queer
The Gang's All Queer is a blog representing queer people of color that cover news, politics, art, music, media, and design.
Australian Prime Minister Vows to Fight Marriage Equality
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia has made hypocritical statements regarding same-sex marriage. He maintains his party respects same-sex couples, but still vows to fight against their right to marry.
"Mr Rudd said that while he welcomes debate on gay marriage, he will not support it. He added that his party “fully respects the integrity of same-sex relationships”.The Prime Minister is on the wrong side of history, the people of Australia support equality and it's time the government stop interfering.
Rudd said Labor will not change its opposition to same-sex marriage, commenting that marriage should be a union between a man and a woman" (AKA William).
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
E-contact form
P.M. Kevin Rudd on Twitter
Word of the Gay: "Barfairy Bargain Basement"
"Barfairy bargain basement" is a term used when describing a place where it is easy to locate a sex partner.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Arizona's Wingspan LGBT Center Needs Your Help!
The economic hardships are hitting all sectors of the economy hard, and have been a particular cause of hardship for LGBT nonprofits such as queer community centers trying to stay afloat.
Wingspan has been serving Tucson's LGBT community since 1988 and with the economic downturn has come drastic cutbacks for the organization. The LGBT and straight supportive communities would sorely miss this center and it's vital services if the door's close on it, which is a very real possibility.
The group is desperately seeking volunteers to take the place of former paid staffers and also looking for any and all donations to help them continue to serve the community.
If you have a few extra dollars, donate to Wingspan or your local LGBT Community Center.
Crossposted via Bilerico Project.
Dr. Phil Agrees to Pull Transphobic Show
7/28/09: "Monday evening the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) heard back from the Dr. Phil Show producers. They told them they were pulling the show titled, “Gender Confused Kids” and instead reairing their other program on transgender children. That show, which originally aired in January, includes GLAAD's trained spokesperson, Dr. Michele Angello, an expert on transgender children" (GLAAD).
While it is great that we have been succesful at getting him to pull this show and his earlier biphobic show, there is still a lot of work to be done. We cannot rest until we are assured no more anti-LGBT programming will air and that there will be fair and positive coverage of our community. Queers United remains committed to holding Dr. Phil accountable on issues of sexuality and gender identity.
7/26/09: Our campaign to get Dr. Phil to stop his anti gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender programming has been going on for several months. His shows continually promote topics such as "gender confusion", "rebellious bisexuals" and "discussion on ex-gay therapy".
Hundreds of people through this blog have joined in demanding Dr. Phil stop this anti-queer programming. Nonetheless this Wednesday July 29th another transphobic show is set to air titled "Gender-Confused Kids"
Dr. Phil tackles the sensitive topic of children who identify more with the opposite sex. What do you do if your son wants to wear dresses and play with dolls? Or if your daughter tells you she wants to be a boy? Should parents chock it up to be a phase that their children will grow out of, or should they intervene right away? Meet Melissa and Tim, whose 8-year-old son declared himself to be a girl when he was just 3 years old. Now, they allow their child to live as a girl and wonder if and when they should begin hormone therapy. Then, when Mary’s son was 8, he told her he felt like a girl, and Mary allowed him to experiment with dressing as a female. Now a teenager, her son is more comfortable living as a male -- but Mary wonders if she caused his confusion. Joining the discussion are experts with different points of view: Dr. Dan Siegel, professor and clinical psychiatrist at UCLA School of Medicine, and Glenn Stanton, author and research fellow with the organization Focus on the Family. Is gender identity something we’re born with, or is it influenced by parents and environment? Don’t miss this heated discussion. (Dr Phil).Dr. Phil has some nerve to say this is a "sensitive topic", while continually referring to these children as "confused" and bringing anti-LGBT speakers such as Glen Stanton of the notorious hate group Focus on the Family. Another problem is that he mistakenly mixes up the terms "sex" and "gender."
Send your comments to Dr. Phil demanding he stop his anti-LGBT programming.
Sign our twitter petition demanding positive coverage now!
Dr. Phil show
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Blog Spotlight: The Freezing Flames
The Freezing Flames is the blog of a genderqueer butch teen from India who refuses to conform and defies stereotypical notions of gender and sexuality.
BiCon to Take Place in Netherlands
Roughly based on both the UK BiCon and the GoBi Autumn party, it’s a three day meeting for bisexuals, with numerous workshops, a mini coming out, a walk through the nature around Nijmegen and The Baffling Barbarian Bisexual Ball. There is also a collective dinner on Saturday evening, bisexual aerobics, fun, music and the BiCon has the only mixed darkroom in the Netherlands!
People living in the Netherlands can book tickets and accommodation at the websites: and :
People abroad interested in visiting the HOLLAND BiCon can contact the team at for further information.
Crossposted via Bi Media.
Word of the Gay: "Bulldagger"
A "bulldagger" is a very tough butch lesbian, usually said to be looking for straight women to turn out.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Southern AAA Reverses Policy and Recognizes LGBT Families
7/27/09: "During a face-to-face meeting on Wednesday, July 21, between Equality Florida and AAA South, top management at the 4th largest AAA affiliate in the country committed to recognizing all spouses, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The policy allows gay married couples to receive spousal discounts under AAA's Associate Membership program" (Planet Transgender).
Send AAA South a thank you letter with Equality Florida's E-form for their commitment to equality
6/29/09: The American Automobile Association (AAA) is a 50 million member North-American lobbying, insurance and service organization. The organization isn't a single entity but comprised of several smaller regional clubs.
Equality Florida is reporting that "AAA South is made up of Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Puerto Rico and that they have taken an increasingly hard line in rejecting the recognition of gay and lesbian couples"
The problem is that there are some reports that "AAA refused to provide a family or associate membership to the callers partner to even those who were legally married elsewhere or have civil union or domestic partnership status." In fairness to the company there are also many statements by couples who claim they had no problems and faced no discrimination.
Other AAA's around the country are fully inclusive and recognize LGBT families.
Contact AAA South membership services and urge them to promote fairness and adopt a uniform standard for dealing with LGBT individuals and couples.
Membership services:
Promotional Video for Nationwide Kiss-in August 15th 2009
Below is the first promotional video for the Nationwide Kiss-in to protest the arrests and discrimination against gay couples for kissing, and to celebrate our love whenever and wherever we please.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Rally To Protest Gay Bashings in Queens, New York
The New York City Anti-Violence Project, an LGBT advocacy organization devoted to the prevention of violence will rally in Queens, New York to protest the rising numbers of queer bashing's in the area. Over 80 queer bashing's have been documented this summer alone.
2 p.m. in front of the Jackson Heights Post Office at 37th Ave. and 78th St.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Web Spotlight: Joy 94.9
Joy 94.9 is an independent radio station that serves the needs of the diverse GLBTIQ community by providing talks shows, news, current affairs, music and more by broadcasting on 94.9 fm in Melbourne and beyond.
Open Forum: The Homophobic Side Effect - Queer Paranoia
Homophobia is heavily prevalent in society, in small towns and big cities alike, it is hard to escape the intolerance, and prejudice that surrounds the often taboo topic of queer sexuality. Whether one is closeted, struggling to come out, or out and proud, homophobia does take a toll on all of our lives.
Ever fear sharing your sex life with your physician for fear of judgment even when it could amount to risking your own health? Do you hesitate to put photos of your families on your desk at work fearing someone will come across them and know your secret? How about standing on a line to buy a gay book or magazine, ever keep an eye over your shoulder afraid to bump into the wrong person? These and countless more examples are real and vivid fears in the daily lives of many queers.
These feelings can be described as 'butterflies in the stomach' or anxiety that comes as a result of societal homophobia. Do you suffer from anxiety based on your queer identity? Do you take heat and suffer from misunderstanding for being an ally? How do you deal with the homophobic side effect that is queer paranoia?
Great Nationwide Kiss-In
In response to recent events in three different U.S. cities, where gay or lesbian couples have been harassed, and detained or arrested, for the simple act of kissing in a public place, two gay rights bloggers have joined forces with the national grassroots LGBT organization Join the Impact to create the Great Nationwide Kiss-In. Now, David Badash (of the New Civil Rights Movement), David Mailloux (of DYM SUM), and Willow Witte (Co-Founder and Director of Join the Impact) are seeking event coordinators throughout the United States to help organize these Kiss-In events.
The Great Nationwide Kiss-In will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 2 p.m., Eastern Time (11 a.m., Pacific Time). Badash’s original vision for the event would have as many couples as were willing to participate – gay and straight – showing this simple, innocent form of affection for one another in popular public locations throughout the United States.
As of July 23, the coordinators have confirmed five events in Boston, MA; Irvine, CA; New York City; San Diego, CA; and San Francisco, CA. There are also organizers trying to get events started in Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; Memphis, TN; Northampton, MA; Philadelphia, PA; Portland, OR; Salt Lake City, UT; and San Antonio, TX.
If you would like to coordinate a Kiss-In event in your city or town, can join organizers in one of the above cities, or if you have other questions about the Great Nationwide Kiss-In, please contact David Mailloux at, or call him at (617) 213-0433.
Friday, July 24, 2009
National Black Justice Coalition Defends Rev. Eric Lee
The National Black Justice Coalition an organization comprised of LGBT people of color and allies is standing by a reverend threatened for his outspoken opposition to proposition 8.
The Rev. Eric Lee's position as the Los Angeles chapter president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference is now being threatened by the national organization for his outspoken advocate of marriage equality. Dr. Lee was very visible during the battle to defeat Prop 8, and the SCLC has sought a hearing, demanding that Rev. Lee explain his position on the issue (Pam's Houseblend).It's time to stop the hate and demand that the SCLC keep the Reverend, this form sent to the president Dr. Byron Clay of SCLC will send a strong signal that you believe LGBT rights should be part of the civil rights platform of the organization.
Organization Spotlight: International Lesbian & Gay Law Association
The International Lesbian and Gay Law Association (ILGLaw) unites people around the world who are dedicated to the principle of equality under the law for lesbians and gay men, and bisexual and transgendered persons.
Word of the Gay: "Stealth Dyke"
A "stealth dyke" is a lesbian who does not exhibit certain stereotypes and can pass for a straight woman.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Missouri Senator Uses Gay Marriage as a Scare Tactic
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill said in a statement defending her position against a senate bill to allow gun-owners to carry their weapons to states with similar laws on firearms:
"This is a foot in the door that would require, for example, the laws in Vermont on gay marriage to be enforced in Missouri."
This is an unacceptable comparison designed to be used as a scare tactic with her largely conservative constituents.
Offices of Senator Claire McCaskill:
E-contact form
Washington, D.C.
202.228.6326 (fax)
Web Spotlight: MyQueerPress
MyQueerPress is a free service allowing GLBTQI people to create their own free blogs or participate on existing ones and raise their queer voices. The site allows members to subscribe to various blogs and groups of interest to the community.
NYU's New Anti-Gay Professor
New York University Law School has hired a new Human Rights professor. Dr. Li-ann Thio, a professor at the National University of Singapore, will be teaching two courses during the Fall 2009 semester as a Global Visiting Professor of Law at NYU.
This professor has been outspoken against gay rights in Singapore. She argued before the parliament to keep statute 377A which criminalizes homosexual sex. She made outrageous claims such as "diversity is not a license for perversity" and "anal sex is like shoving a straw up your nose to drink". Dr. Li-Ann Thio calls "homosexuality a gender identity disorder" and a "moral wrong that cannot be compared to a human right." She supported a 15,000 dollar fine against a television station that portrayed a gay family and a child.
Students, LGBT and human rights activists are outraged at NYU's decision to bring in this controversial and homophobic woman.
She is scheduled to teach two classes: Human Rights in Asia and Constitutionalism in Asia. The classes are in jeopardy of being canceled since many students refuse to sign up.
Please sign the petition in opposition to Dr. Thio Li-Ann teaching at NYU.
Word of the Gay: "Gay Icon"
A "gay icon" is a historical, fictionial, or celebrity figure who is highly regarded in the LGBT community. Gay icons can have any sexual orientation or gender identity but usually exhibit characteristics of courage, flamboyance, confidence and androgyny.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Gov. Charlie Crist "Will Think" About Gay Adoption in Florida
Launching a tour to promote "Explore Adoption Day" in Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist is now signaling he may be open to allowing gays the right to adopt. Currently Florida and Arkansas are the only two states that expressly forbid gay couples from adopting, while other states do create unnecessary hurdles for couples seeking to adopt.
"Now a candidate for U.S. Senate, Crist hinted today that he might support lifting the ban. At first, Crist said it would be the Legislature's responsibility to change the law. When pressed on whether he would support the effort, Crist said, "I'd have to think about it" (Tallahassee).The ACLU and advocates of ending the adoption ban are receiving this as positive news by a governor who up until now said he opposes gay adoption and supports the existing ban.
Please urge the governor to support repealing the adoption ban, let him know that the science is in and children of gay couples do just as well as those raised by heterosexuals, and some reports indicate that they may be more open minded to diversity.
Office of Governor Charlie Crist
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Executive Office of the Governor Switchboard: (850) 488-7146
Web Spotlight: GenderQueer Revolution
GenderQueer Revolution is breaking down barriers and gender dichotomies and allowing people to express themselves as they see fit. They realize that for some people gender lies on a continuum while for others gender is irrelevant completely. The website offers ways to connect, information, resources, and events.
'Kiss In' Tonight at San Diego Mormon Temple
The Empowering Spirits Foundation will hold the Love Unites Kiss-In, outside the San Diego Mormon Temple in protest of the recent arrest of Derek Jones and Matthew Aune who shared a kiss by the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. The church maintains that they can stop this behavior because it is private property, but hundreds have protested saying that the Church has not interfered with the many heterosexuals who goto the romantic spot to kiss.
This is a peaceful protest to show the LDS church not to persecute against love. They ask that supporters paint red hearts on their cheeks, foreheads, or wear paper hearts on your clothing.
Signs that are encouraged include: Love Unites, Free Hugs, Free Kisses, Love Knows No Boundaries, Equality for All, etc.
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Location: San Diego Mormon Temple
Street: 7474 Charmant Drive
City: San Diego, CA 92122
RSVP via Facebook at Empowering Spirits.
Word of the Gay: "Diva House"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Heterosexual Questionnaire
The Heterosexual Questionnaire was created back in 1972 to put heterosexual people in the shoes of a gay person for just a moment. Questions and assumptions made of Gays and Lesbians that are unfair, are reversed and this time asked to the straight people.
This is a fun survey, but also an activist survey. Please repost this to your email list, myspace bulletin, use it in a group setting, have fun with it but also let the point be made.
1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
2. When and where did you decide you were a heterosexual?
3. Is it possible this is just a phase and you will out grow it?
4. Is it possible that your sexual orientation has stemmed from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
5. Do your parents know you are straight? Do your friends know- how did they react?
6. If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, is it just possible that all you need is a good gay lover?
7. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality... can’t you just be who you are and keep it quiet?
8. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?
9. Why do heterosexuals try to recruit others into this lifestyle?
10. A disproportionate majority of child molesters are heterosexual... Do you consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers?
11. Just what do men and women do in bed together? How can they truly know how to please each other, being so anatomically different?
12. With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuals?
13. How can you become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, exclusive heterosexuality?
14. Considering the menace of overpopulation how could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual?
15. Could you trust a heterosexual therapist to be objective? Don't you feel that he or she might be inclined to influence you in the direction of his orher leanings?
16. There seem to very few happy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed that might enable you to change if you really want to.
17. Have you considered trying aversion therapy?
- Martin Rochlin, Ph.D., 1972
Arkansas Politician Doesn't Want Homeless Shelter for "Homosexuals & Criminals"
Little Rock Arkansas City Director Erma Hendrix is opposing the construction of a homeless shelter, claiming that it would bring "homosexuals" and "criminals" into the community.
"A lot of them are homosexuals. They're criminals," Hendrix was quoted in the Democrat-Gazette in explaining her opposition to the homeless center in her ward.
It is outrageous that a politician make these remarks against some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Please contact Ms. Hendrix and urge her to retract the statement and issue an apology.
City Hall, Room 203
500 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 371-4510
Word of the Gay: "Vaginoplasty"
"Vaginoplasty" is a surgery performed on some male to female transsexuals in order to construct a vagina.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Tennessee Equality Project
The Tennessee Equality Project is a statewide organization dedicated to promote and sustain the equality of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons in the State of Tennessee through the establishment of fair and equitable laws protecting these rights and the elimination of laws that would seek to counter this effort.
Problems Viewing the Blog?
It has come to our attention that some of you have been experiencing problems when viewing the blog. Our host blogger is having some difficulty updating their software to be compatible with some browsers, of particular trouble is Internet Explore 7 & 8.
If you get an "Operation Aborted" window pop-up while reading the blog, just close the box and hit the back button to read the blog.
Add to the compatibility list in Internet Explorer under Tools, Options, Compatibility View Settings.
Hopefully Blogger will fix this problem shortly, they have been notified by us and many others.
H/T to Unite The Fight for the solutions.
Stonewall Dems Fundraise for Congressman Patrick Murphy
The Stonewall Democrats, a national LGBT organization associated with the Democratic National Committee is fund-raising on behalf of our 'fierce advocate' when it comes to the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal.
Congressman Patrick Murphy is the lead sponsor of the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, and as a veteran of the military, he has been using his position to speak up for change.
Send a letter of thanks to the congressman, and pledge to support his re-election efforts.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tell the CDC to Lift HIV Travel Ban
The plan by the federal government to lift a ban on HIV positive foreigners coming into the United States is close to being approved. If the ban is repealed it would allow people with HIV/AIDS to travel or apply for immigration within the country. Currently HIV testing is mandated for those requesting permanent residency, and in some instances the granting of a visa.
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are seeking public comment through Aug. 17 on the proposal.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Word of the Gay: "Lavender Linguistics"
"Lavender Linguistics" is a term used by linguists to study the language of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. The field focuses on speech patterns, pronunciations, and use of certain vocabulary.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Web Spotlight: Acebook
Acebook is a unique dating and social networking site for asexual people. Whether you are looking for new friends, or a romantic partner, this site gives you the means to find people in your area.
The Inclusive ENDA Campaign
The inclusive ENDA campaign is setting up meetings with your Senators and Representatives in August to talk about support for an inclusive Employment Non Discrimination Act that protects sexual orientation, gender identity/expression. Sign up to meet with your senators and legislators on this important piece of legislation, or email
There are 20 fair-minded House Republicans who appear to be open towards ENDA, but have not yet gone public with their support. There are also 45 demcocrats who have yet to go public with their position.
Please email and ask them to support HR 3017, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Bilerico has a list of the representatives who are open to possibly voting for ENDA, please contact them.
Open Forum: Justice Sotomayor - Friend or Foe?
This week the senate held confirmation hearings on Judge Sotomayor who is widely expected to receive more than enough votes in the democratic controlled congress. This would be historic in the respect that it would be the third woman nominated to the Supreme Court and the first Latina.
Not much is known about where Judge Sotomayor stands on LGBT issues, she has had very few cases that have dealt directly with queer concerns. Major LGBT advocacy groups however like the Human Rights Campaign applaud her nomination and claim "confidence" in her judicial philosophy. The mere fact that she has been nominated by democrats is not enough to assure us on how she will rule on key issues. Many republican nominated judges have turned out to be more moderate/liberal as seen in the California supreme court ruling on Prop 8, and the Iowa Supreme Court's unanimous ruling on marriage equality. Judges are supposed to rule on the merits of the case and only follow the constitution. Ideally issues on LGBT equality should not be considered a conservative nor liberal issue, but a civil rights and constitutional issue. Sadly, activist judges on the conservative end of the spectrum have failed to uphold the constitution and use loopholes in the law to justify their viewpoint.
Do you think Judge Sotomayor should be confirmed, will she be an LGBT ally on the bench or might we see a democratically appointed judge who is conservative on social issues that effect our community?
Word of the Gay: "Gay Anthem"
A "gay anthem" is a song that becomes widely popular within the gay community, it usually is upbeat and positive with the hope of prevailing against the odds.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Operation Equality Talks Now!
We are starting a new cyber campaign to bring the discussion of LGBT issues, people and rights to places that are traditionally opposed to equality on the basis of religion, culture or political ideology. It is through dialogue that we can hope to change hearts and minds and open people up to a different way of thinking.
The internet is a great way to spread the word, and engage in open minded yet powerful discussion about why we are demanding full LGBT equality.
What to do:
Join a popular message board, blog, or chat room and prompt conversation on issues relating to equality for queer individuals. Make your case in a respectful, non confrontational fashion and respond to those who reply.
Get the conversation started!
Post a link to the thread here, and invite others to join you in bringing the discussion to corners of the internet that largely don't discuss queer rights, or have a very one sided view on the matter.
Suggested places to initiate dialogue include but are not limited to religious forums, conservative websites, sports boards, ethnic/racial or community/city boards with a high population opposed to LGBT rights, etc. Any place you can think of is a good place to start conversation.
Equality Talks Now - be part of the change!
Web Spotlight: Let Them Serve
Let Them Serve is a website by congressman Patrick Murphy who is the lead co-sponsor of the Military Readiness Enhancement Act which would repeal the ban on gay service members. The website offers information, a petition, and ways to take action to end don't ask don't tell.
Word of the Gay: "Homo Hop"
"Homo Hop" is a genre of music played by LGBT hip hop artists. It is a movement that seeks inclusion of gay themes, recognition and respect within the hip hop community.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The 2009 Anti-Heterosexism Conference
The 2009 Anti-Heterosexism Conference is open to everyone; including psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, educators, clergy, health care professionals, and others who provide services to, or care for, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. The goal of the conference is to explore and begin undoing the heterosexist attitudes that exist on personal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural levels. With information and strategies for building connection and community, health care professionals and educators can advocate for LGBT people and support them in leading successful, happy, and productive lives in the communities in which they work, live, and attend school.
Soulforce is seeking workshop presenters for Saturday, November 21, 2009. Presentations should cover one or more of the following topics:
* Understanding the Harm Caused By Heterosexism
* Best Practices for Undoing Heterosexism
* The Dangers of Reparative Therapy, Ex-Gay Ministries, and Efforts to Change Sexual Orientation
* History & Practices of Reparative Therapy and Ex-Gay Ministries
* Therapeutic Models for Helping LGBT People in Health and Mental Health Care
* The Connection Between Religion, Heterosexism, and Reparative Therapy
* Intersections Between Heterosexism, Racism, Sexism, Capitalism, etc.
* The Healthy Reconciliation of Sexuality and Spirituality
* Reflections on the Ex-Gay Experience
* Impacting the Media: Strategies for Sharing Your Story with Confidence
* Building Healthy Relationships After an Ex-Gay Experience
* Ethical Dilemmas Associated with Reparative Therapy & Ex-Gay Ministries
* Social Science Research on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
* LGBT Families and Parenting
* Nonviolent Activism and Advocacy Strategies
* Becoming a Powerful Ally
The conference will be held Nov 20-22 2009 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Head over to Soulforce to register or submit a proposal to present.
Australian High School Publishes Piece About a "World Free of Homosexuals"
Gay activists are outraged after Xavier High School, a Catholic school in Albury, Australia published an anti-gay piece by a former student in its alumni newsletter.
"Writing in a letter to the editor in the newsletter, former Xavier student Matt Price entreated “a world free from homosexuals”, who he said lived lives devoted to drugs and sex.This letter to the editor should never have been published as it incites violence and gives credence to the dangerous and unsuccessful efforts by the "ex-gay" movement. This sends a horrible message to gay youth at the high school and reinforces negative self thoughts and can inflict unnecessary harm.
His letter called for businesses not to employ homosexuals, with Price revealing that he lobbies CEOs with his message.
Price, who claims to be a ‘cured’ homosexual, said his new ‘heterosexual’ life allowed him to “lead/heal my spiritual life in the way I was guided as a child"(SX News).
Urge the school to apologize for publishing this heinous piece.
Xavier High School
E-contact form (right side bar).
Postal Address:
PO Box 518
Phone: (02) 6040 6388