A "pan-romantic asexual" is someone who is romantically attracted to people irrespective of their sex and/or gender, but has no sexual interest in partners.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Word of the Gay: "Pan-Romantic Asexual"
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Hell yeah pan-romantic asexuals unite! xD
Someone else?
Oh yeahhhh.
I'm the one who wrote "<3", hehe.
I agree, pan-romantic asexual unity!
I like the pic =)
can someone expain to me how this works... from experience
Regarding the last comment...you're interested in relationships and capable of feeling love towards people despite gender (male/female/transgender/whatever else the person might identify with), but not interested in following through with sex.
I hope that helps...maybe? :/
xD there should be a group of this on facebook
Panro Asexy! Glad I am not the only one.:D
actually i think i know many people in fandom who seem to fit this category, including myself. I always wondered if there was a group or term for the way i feel about others. Thanks for giving me a classification!!
why would you want to be classified?
I honestly could never think of how to describe myself from a relationship/sexual standpoint, but this definition has changed that. This is EXACTLY how I am with relationships. I like the the fact that others can relate. I don't feel quite so alienated and alone anymore. :)
you have no idea how long I've been looking for a word to explain it.
THIS IS AWESOME. I was literally feeling fucking down tonight and googles the term, in the hope that someone had written about it. It's great knowing that I'm not the only person who feels totally comfortable with this label. <3 A page to come back too...every time I feel fucking down. :)
i not shure what i am but this fits i think. im not strait and im not gay, im not asexual. i love people and care for them deeply. i am atracted to men and women. and people in between. i think who people are not what they are should define them. enyway. i hate sex. and i finde both male and feemale parts kinda grose. so im not quite shure. i love people who are kide. and try to avoid people who ar not i dont need defination as mutch as clarity. i think people should know themselfs. there is to muich hate in the wold and we all need to stop it. thank you for your time :)
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