Asexy Buddhist is all about asexual Buddhist dialectic as well art, science, and philosophy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Blog Spotlight: Asexy Buddhist
Let Tucker Carlson Know Our Families are Not "Controversial"
Tucker Carlson in an interview on Fox & Friends discussing efforts to prevent bullying among youth through age appropriate discussion about sexual orientation and gender identity is calling books, and films about gay families a "controversial subject" and an effort to "push political propaganda." He goes on to say that there is no evidence of violence based on sexual orientation in those early grades.
We know all too well after the murder of twelve year old Lawrence King and others that hatred starts at a young age and anti-gay rhetoric is heavily prevalent among our nations youth.
Taking one day out of a year, or one segment of a lesson to teach about respect, and diversity is not "wasting time" for our kids. Would Tucker also say the same about other identities that are or were deemed "controversial" at some point?
Reading about gay penguins, Heather having two mommies, or watching It's Elementary is far from controversial, it is those who are against this that are , in the words of Mr. Carlson pushing "value judgments and political propaganda."
How ironic that Fox News brings on someone who himself is the perpetrator of anti-gay violence in the past to discuss anti-bullying methods.
Fox & Friends can be contacted via email at
Gratitude to Vermonters for Marriage Equality
Vermont Freedom to Marry is hosting county booths throughout the state to thank and celebrate with fellow Vermonters over the new marriage equality law set to go into effect on September 1st.
Upcoming opportunities:
* Aug. 29-Sep. 7 Champlain Valley Fair (Essex Junction)
* September 4-13 Vermont State Fair (Rutland)
* September 17-20 Tunbridge
For more information contact:
Sheryl Rapee-Adams, Field Director (802-353-7286 /
Ashley Kaufmann, Deputy Field Director (802-777-1948 /
Word of the Gay: "Donald Duck"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
National Equality March October 10-11th 2009
On October 10-11, 2009, the LGBT community and allies will gather in Washington, D.C. from all across America to let our elected leaders know that now is the time for full equal rights for LGBT people.
The demand is simple, full equal protection under the law:
* Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) so that every marriage in every state has the same federal rights.
* Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell so that LGBT persons may serve in the military openly and with the same rights as their straight counterparts.
* An end to workplace discrimination for everyone with an Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that protects everyone.
* The right to adopt children and raise families like any other parents.
* Hate Crimes legislation that includes LGBT people and protects us like any other targeted group.
* Immigration reform that recognizes same-sex couples and ends the needless separation of families.
* A comprehensive anti-bullying policy in our schools via the Safe Schools Improvement Act.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Web Spotlight: Comic Book Queers
Comic Book Queers are a group of gay geek identified people who critique comics, sci-fi, and fantasy from a decidedly queer perspective.
Fight Hate and Celebrate Love in Vermont on 9/1/09
On September 1st Vermont will officially begin to register same-sex marriages, after a former veto by the governor was overturned by the legislature. On such a joyous day Fred Phelps and his gang at the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing with their anti-gay hateful rhetoric.
Join the participants at Phelps-A-Thon who will counter protest and celebrate this victory, while also raising money for every minute that the Westboro Baptist Church preaches their hate.
Vermont State House
Montpelier, VT
Great Commercial by Marriage Equality Ireland
Could you imagine asking 4 million people for your permission to marry?
Stop Trans Pathologization 2012
The Trans Depathologization Network is working for the removal of the Gender Identity Disorder category from the international diagnosis manuals (the DSM and the ICD).
The five demands of the STP-2012 campaign are as follows:
1. The retirement of GID from the international diagnosis manuals (their next versions DSM-V and ICD-11)
2. The retirement of sex mention in the official documents
3. The abolition of the binary normalization treatments to intersex people
4. Free access to hormonal treatments and surgery (without the psychiatric monitoring)
5. The fight against transphobia: working for education, social and labour insertion for trans people
Protests will take place all over the world the 17th of October 2009. If you want to support this campaign send an email to
Crossposted via Bird of Paradox
Open Forum: Butch or Femme?
The queer community has been known to showcase a variety of characteristics; among those being butch, femme, or neither. Are there masculine or feminine aspects to your personality, identity, physical appearance, or the dynamics of your relationships?
How do the labels butch and femme define you, or do they? What significance do identity politics play on you as a member of the queer community?
Word of the Gay: "Capon"
Friday, August 28, 2009
Word of the Gay: "Benny Berdache"
"Benny Berdache" is a term for Native Americans to describe effeminate men who were either homosexual or transgender whom they believed to be spiritually superior and enlightened.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tell Congress to Include LGBT Families in Immigration Reform
Members of Congress are writing a comprehensive immigration reform bill right now that will fix our country's broken immigration system. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced that he will complete the bill by Labor Day, and it is critically important that he, and other lawmakers, hear from us about the need to include LGBT families in the legislation.
Every day, more than 36,000 lesbian and gay families are impacted by discriminatory immigration policies. Families, like those recently featured in The Advocate, are forced to leave the United States or be split apart - because U.S. immigration law does not allow lesbian and gay Americans to sponsor their partners and children for residency. For each of those families, the clock is ticking.
Take action with PFLAG to contact your representatives.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Arnold Schwarzenegger Seeks Input on Harvey Milk Day
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is asking for public opinion on the Harvey Milk Day bill (SB 572) which would honor the slain gay rights hero. Last year the governor under conservative pressure vetoed the bill and is facing similar pressure and scrutiny from the religious right.
Please call the Governors office and follow the automated message to show support 916-445-2841
The governor has also requested people contact him with their opinions via twitter.
Wendy Williams Show Apologizes to Drag Queen Aviance
8/26/09: The Executive Vice President has issued an apology to Ericka Aviance and the LGBT community
“Much of the success of The Wendy Williams Show is due to our incredibly diverse and colorful audience and we all agree that fashion is a true form of self expression. But in an attempt to explain and enforce our show’s dress code, I was not as sensitive as I could have been to Ericka, the LGBT community or drag’s long history of being a target of discrimination. And for that, I sincerely apologize as it was never my intention to offend in any way.” ~ Lonnie Burstein, Executive Vice President, Programming & Production, Debmar-Mercury (GLAAD).
8/14/09: The Wendy Williams Show is a syndicated talk show by the "shock jockette" herself who talks about a range of topics. Wendy Williams has been considered a friend to the gay community, often appearing to be a drag queen herself, and using many gay terms on the show. That's why it came as a surprise to drag singer Ericka Toure Aviance who was blocked from appearing on the show due to her outfit.
Aviance says "she wore "a black baby-doll dress, heels, tights, and standard makeup — not even anything sparkly … a ponytail piece and a bang piece".What is really hypocritical is the fact that the Wendy Williams website does state this about their dress code policy:
While standing in line outside the studio Wednesday morning, the group was approached by a female intern who noted the fact that Aviance was a drag queen. “She took my name down, so we thought we were about to get VIP treatment,” Aviance recalls. “After another hour we got to the door, and there’s this little white man standing there giving us the eyeball. He gets in our way to prevent us from going in, and he says, ‘You’re in violation of our no-costumes dress code. We usually don’t do this, but we know you’ve been waiting out there for a while, so we’re going to let you in. But you can’t appear on camera, and if you get up for Hot Topics or try to ask Wendy a question, you’ll be removed from the building" (Advocate).
Is there a dress code?So it appears that Aviance was mistreated for being a drag queen and not based on her attire because her outfit certainly is not a costume.
YES! All audience members may appear on camera. Think trendy…think stylish…think chic! Above all else, think WENDY! Bright colors look best on TV and we ask that you refrain from wearing white. Floral prints and other crazy patterns don’t look good on camera, and we know you want to look your best! Absolutely no hats, sunglasses, costumes, shirts with logos/writing, shorts, or casual tank tops will be permitted.(Wendy Show).
The Wendy Williams show does not have an official contact form, I urge you to leave a message on her blog, use the Ask Wendy on her site, or contact her via twitter to request an apology.
Word of the Gay: "Buckaruby"
"Buckaruby" is a term that stands for a gay cowboy and is a rewording of buckaroo which was derived from the spanish word for cowboy.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Petition Demanding Apology and Recognition of Computer Scientist Alan Turing
Thousands of people have signed a petition to Downing Street demanding an apology be on the record regarding computer scientist Alan Turing who was defamed by the British Government.
Alan Turing was the greatest computer scientist ever born in Britain. He laid the foundations of computing, helped break the Nazi Enigma code and told us how to tell whether a machine could think.
He was also gay. He was prosecuted for being gay, chemically castrated as a 'cure', and took his own life, at the age of 41.
The British Government should apologize to Alan Turing for his treatment and recognize that his work created much of the world we live in and saved us from Nazi Germany. And an apology would recognize the tragic consequences of prejudice that ended this man's life and career.
Sign the petition to the Prime Minister's office.
Organization Spotlight: British Asexual & Information Network
British Asexuals & Information Network is an independent non-profit organization, aiming to create a safe and supportive environment for British asexuals, their families, and their friends.
Tackling Gender Binarism When it Comes to Gold Medal Runner
Gold medalist runner Caster Semenya of South Africa has come under intense scrutiny after exceeding her own time record and winning a gold medal . She has been accused of falsifying her identity and being charged with being born a male. The spotlight on her is misogynist and completely disregards the multitude of gender expressions. Semenya is being forced to undergo a long and difficult process known as sex-determination. She has been very depressed and even wanted to boycott her own award ceremony.
Velvet Park posted this video below of Dave Zirin, sports writer for The Nation who does an excellent job explaining how sexist, and transphobic this news item has become and tries to break down gender binarism by explaining that there are multitude of sexes and gender identities.
Photo courtesy of Erik van Leeuwen on Wikimedia Commons.
Word of the Gay: "Bull"
A "bull" is an aggressive lesbian and is short for bulldyke or bulldagger.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dr. Phil's Show Continues to Pathologize Queer Identities
Dr. Phil has been on a crusade to pathologize gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people with shows about "gender confused children" "experimental bisexuality" and by giving a platform to so called experts on "ex-gay therapy" from Focus on the Family. His shows have been so controversial that he has even come under pressure and forced to cancel previous shows on bisexuality and trans children. What's concerning is that Dr. Phil has access to millions of Americans who follow his advice and subcribe to his point of view, rendering it particularly dangerous since his views on GLBT issues are wrong and immoral.
Here at Queers United we have been dedicated to monitoring Dr. Phil's programming and ensure that we hold him accountable for his actions. His upcoming shows continue to raise a red flag merely by their title and description alone and considering his past actions we do not expect any change.
One show called "Teen Experimenting With Bisexuality?" has this description:
"Did your teenager recently tell you he/she is bisexual? Maybe you caught them engaging in same sex activity? Are you torn with how to react?This insinuates that bisexuality is not a psychologically sound or stable orientation. We would applaud a show on bisexuality, but not one that gives credence to the myths surrounding it.
Do you feel that what your teenager is doing is just a phase? Or maybe you feel like girls kissing girls is the new teenage fad? Do you feel strongly opinionated on the subject?"
Another show that is alarming is called "Struggling With Sexual Identity?"
Are you a woman struggling with sexual identity? Maybe it's causing problems with an addiction? Or maybe you feel you might be in denial about your sexuality?It would be wrong to pre-judge or presume what the show will be about beforehand, but again there is serious concern given the track record of the show. Is Dr. Phil asserting that a GLBT identity may be related to addiction, or is he referring to sex addiction regardless of orientation? The shows title raises a red flag because proponents of "ex-gay therapy" often use the terms "struggling" and "sexual identity" to refer to GLBT people.
Did you think you knew who you were but then something or someone opened your eyes to a new you?
We urge other bloggers, and webmasters to join our Dr. Phil boycott and alert their readers to the homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic coverage that has been occurring for several months now.
Send your comments to Dr. Phil demanding he stop his anti-LGBT programming.
Sign our twitter petition demanding positive coverage now!
Dr. Phil show
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Request an Early Ballot to Vote No on 1 in Maine!
Mainers don't have to wait for the November 3rd referendum election to cast their vote for marriage equality. People can vote as soon as September against referendum 1 which if passed will eliminate same-sex marriage.
Registered voters can request an absentee ballot via mail and cast their vote early.
Please fill out the form via Equality Maine for their tracking purposes, and to be re-directed to the Secretary of State's form for ballot requests.
GLBT Community Center of Colorado Provides Mobile Giving
The GLBT Community Center of Colorado is providing a unique way to donate to keep up center operations, and enhance the way of life for the GLBT community in Denver. Those interested in supporting the centers efforts can donate $5 through text messages by texting PRIDE to 40579.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Maine Freedom to Marry
Maine Freedom to Marry has been at the forefront of the efforts to bring marriage equality to the state by raising awareness about same-sex marriage. Now the organization is fighting to defeat amendment 1 which would eliminate the rights of same-sex couples to marry, which will be on the ballot this November.
Friday, August 21, 2009
David Letterman Supports Marriage Equality
David Letterman in an interview with Donald Trump has come out in favor of marriage equality. This is a clear turn from his earlier transphobic commentary on the "pregnant man" and his mockery of the movie MILK. During the interview the subject of Carrie Prejean comes up and Trump says he doesn't think that a "man marrying a woman is a controversial subject" in which Letterman replies saying "let’s just go right on the record and say that anybody who wants to get married ought to be able to get married"
Thank the Late Show with David Letterman for his support for marriage equality:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Lutherans Concerned
Lutherans Concerned works for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church and congregations. They provide a place of comfort and safety. They reach out and teach that Christ's message, the Gospel, is for everyone equally. They call for the blessing of committed and covenanted same-gender relationships, and for the ordination of those called to minister.
Equality in Marriage - The Maine Way!
Here is a great new ad showing gay and straight families speaking up for equality that was created by Equality Maine, Main Civil Liberties Union, and the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders urging Mainer's to keep marriage equality when they goto vote this November.
Share the video with friends and family and be sure to take steps to protect marriage in Maine.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Nashville to Take Up BL2009-502 Non-Discrimination Ordinance Tonight
The Metropolitan Nashville Council is scheduled to vote tonight on the second reading of a nondiscrimination ordinance (BL2009-502) that would prohibit the Nashville Metro government from discriminating in its employment practices on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity after having been deferred earlier this month. If the ordinance passes tonight, it will face a final vote before becoming law on Sept 1st.
Please use the council member feedback form to contact ALL the members and urge them to pass this bill.
Crossposted via Lez Get Real.
Tyra Show Seeks Asexual Couples for Upcoming Program
The Tyra Banks show is seeking asexual couples to appear on an upcoming show on unconventional relationships. The show is set to tape on August 25th in New York and travel and accommodations will be taken care of for any interested participants.
This is a great opportunity for a large audience to learn about asexuality, and romantic asexuals in particular. Please click here for more details and to find out contact info for the show.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Dr. Phil Petition to Stop The Misinformation!
220 of our followers on twitter have signed our petition to let Dr. Phil know that we demand he stop his homophobic and transphobic programming. We are not only seeking he stop his inflammatory segments on queer issues, we are also demanding positive and accurate coverage about our community.
Sign our twitter petition demanding positive coverage now!
Word of the Gay: "Beard"
A "beard" is a woman who dates or appears with a gay man to imply that he is heterosexual. The term is less commonly used for a man who accompanies a lesbian for this purpose.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sign Up to Support Marriage Equality in Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. took a historic step this summer in recognizing out of state same-sex marriages. Activists are now looking to make the next move towards a real possibility of legal marriage recognition of unions performed within the districts borders.
Pledge your support for LGBT equal marriage and assist in making that effort become a reality.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Word of the Gay: "Panda Bear"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Lesbian & Gay Veterinary Medical Association
The Lesbian and Gay Veterinary Medical Association (LGVMA) is a professional organization whose mission is to provide support for individuals, education for the community, and a forum for information exchange and social interaction.
Utah Paper Rejects Gay Couples Wedding Announcement
Spencer Jones and Tyler Barrick were married at San Francisco City Hall on June 17, 2008 and will be living in California which recognizes their marriage which was performed before the passage of proposition 8 which eliminated gay marriage. They are holding a ceremony in their hometown of St. George, Utah for their friends and family and wanted to make that announcement as many couples do in their local newspaper, The Spectrum.
The newspaper first agreed to post their ad under celebrations if it did not show the couples picture. The couple refused and were then told by publisher Donnie Welch that they would run no ad at all because Utah law does not permit same-sex marriage.
GLAAD encourages you – particularly those who live in Utah – to reach out to The Spectrum’s Donnie Welch, and urge him to publish Spencer and Tyler’s announcement and all future gay and lesbian couples.
Donnie Welch
President/Publisher, The Spectrum
Open Forum: Public Display of Affection
Today's topic coincides with the great nationwide kiss-in where same-sex couples, friends, and allies will gather in dozens of cities around the country to demonstrate that gay PDA is okay. PDA regardless of whether it is straight or gay always brings up different emotions in people, with some who love to embrace their partner(s) and others who don't feel that kind of behavior is appropriate.
Are you going to the nationwide kiss-in? How do you feel about public display of affection? How does your sexuality or gender identity impact your decision, ability, and comfort when it comes to PDA?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Word of the Gay: "Government Inspected Meat"
"Government Inspected Meat" is a term in the gay community to describe a gay man in the armed forces.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Web Spotlight: So You're EnGAYged
So You’re EnGAYged seeks to match same-sex and allied couples with wedding vendors who actively support LGBT rights and freedoms, including, but not limited to, same-sex marriage.
Nationwide Kiss-In to Occur this Saturday!
The great nationwide kiss-in will be occuring at dozens of cities across the United States and Canada this Saturday, August 15th at 2:00 pm EDT (11:00 am PDT) to show support for gay public display of affection. The event is taking place after recent arrests and discrimination imposed on same-sex couples for showing their love.
In alphabetical order:
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, at the Civic Center Plaza - Angeline Elise -
Facebook event page for Albuquerque:
ATHENS, GA, at the UGA Arch, UGA North Campus Quad along Broad Street - Deb Chasteen -
Facebook event page for Athens:
ATLANTA, GA, Piedmont Park (exact location, TBD) - Alex Oxford -
Facebook event page for Atlanta:
BOSTON, MA, at the Boston Common, between Park Street MBTA station and the State House - David Mailloux - greatnationwidekissin@gmai
Facebook event page for Boston:
CARBONDALE, IL, at the Town Square Pavilion - Krishna Pattisapu -
Facebook event page for Carbondale:
CHAMPAIGN/URBANA, IL, at the intersection of Green & 6th Sts. in Champaign - Phillip Reese -
Facebook event page for Champaign/Urbana:
CHARLOTTE, NC, at Freedom Park, near 1900 East Boulevard - Mitchell Killman -
Facebook event page for Charlotte:
CHICAGO, IL, at the Cloudgate Sculpture/"The Bean" in Millennium Park - sponsored by Join the Impact Chicago - Nik Maciejewski - nik@jointheimpactchicago.c
Facebook event page for Chicago:
CHICAGO/OAK PARK, IL, at Scoville Park, the NW corner of Oak Park Av. and Lake St. - Kathleen Carrillo -
Facebook event page for Chicago/Oak Park:
CINCINNATI, OH, at Fountain Square, downtown, 5th & Vine - Cameron Tolle - (or) Lauren Kaplan -
Facebook event page for Cincinnati:
COLUMBUS, OH, at Goodale Park, on Buttles Ave. - contact information TBA
Facebook event page for Columbus:
DALLAS, TX, in the West End, in Rosa Parks Plaza, at Lamar and Elm - Rich McPhee -
Facebook group page for Dallas:
DENVER, CO, at the 16th St. Mall, at Glenarm - sponsored by Soulforce in Colorado -
Facebook event page for Denver:
DURANGO, CO (private event), at the wedding of Estella Moore & Brad Bartlett
EDMONTON, AB (CANADA), by the big fountain in front of the legislature building - Jean Bodie -
Facebook event page for Edmonton:
ERIE, PA, on the steps of the Erie County Courthouse - sponsored by the Erie Gay News - Michael Mahler -
Facebook event page for Erie:
FAYETTEVILLE, AR, at the plaza between the square and Town Center - sponsored by the NWA Center for Equality -
Facebook event page for Fayetteville:
GRAND RAPIDS, MI, at Rosa Parks Circle, at Monroe Center and Monroe Ave. - Brooke Murphy -
Facebook event page for Grand Rapids:
GREENFIELD, MA (near Amherst/Northampton), at the Greenfield Town Square - Erin "Trouble" Mandeson -
Facebook event page for Greenfield:
HOUSTON, TX, Discovery Green, 1500 McKinney St. - Meghan Baker -
Facebook event page for Houston:
IOWA CITY, IA, on the pedestrian mall in front of Donnelly's Pub - sponsored by Iowa City Pride - Bridget Malone -
Facebook event page for Iowa City:
IRVINE, CA, meet in front of Steelhead Brewery, 4175 Campus Drive - Chelsea Salem -
Facebook event page for Irvine:
2nd Irvine event in conjunction with Orange County Pride Picnic, at 2pm local time:
LITTLE ROCK, AR, location, TBD - Beth Eyestone - mistress_of_mayhem16@hotma
Facebook event page for Little Rock:
LOS ANGELES/SANTA MONICA, 3rd Street Promenade at Arizona, near Farmers' Market in Santa Monica - sponsored by Love Honor Cherish - Jane Wishon -
Facebook event page for Los Angeles/Santa Monica:
MADISON, WI - location, TBD - Jean Wennlund -
Facebook event page for Madison:
MEMPHIS, TN, at the intersection of Poplar & Highland - Josephine Williams - josephine@midsouthpeace.or
Facebook event page for Memphis:
NEW HAVEN, CT, on the Green - Caitlyn Few -
Facebook event page for New Haven:
NEW YORK CITY, Battery Park (exact location, TBD) - David Badash & Caleb Eigsti -
Facebook event page for NYC:
NORMAL, IL, in front of City Hall, 100 E. Phoenix Ave. - Ryan Mishler -
Facebook event page for Normal:
PARKERSBURG, WV, at the Parkersburg City Park, in front of the band shelter - Jen Cooper -
Facebook event page for Parkersburg:
PHILADELPHIA, PA, in LOVE Park, at 16th St. and JFK Boulevard - Wendy Kovitz -
Facebook event page for Philadelphia:
PHOENIX, AZ, at the end of the Arizona Right To Marry's 97-mile walk for marriage equality, on the lawn of the Arizona State Capitol Building - Meg Sneed -
Facebook event page for Phoenix:
PITTSBURGH, PA, at 1000 Penn Avenue, on the public space right in front of the Westin portico/driveway on 10th, between Liberty Ave and Penn Ave - organized by Jeremy Hooper of the blog, Good As You, and endorsed by the Netroots Nation Event -
Facebook group page for Pittsburgh:
Website with additional information:
PORTLAND, OR, at Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW 6th & SW Yamhill St. - Robert Moore - youngadults@affirmation.or
Facebook event page for Portland, OR:
RICHMOND, VA, location TBD - Mackenzie Ellis - mackenzie_nicole_ellis@yah
Facebook event page for Richmond:
RIVERSIDE/INLAND EMPIRE, CA, at Riverside Plaza, at Central and Riverside Aves. (exit Central off the 91 Freeway) - sponsored by Equality Inland Empire - Dany Wilson - equalityinlandempire@yahoo
Facebook event page for Riverside:
SACRAMENTO, CA, on the west steps of the Capitol Building - Tara Golden -
Facebook event page for Sacramento:
ST. LOUIS, MO, in front of City Hall - sponsored by F.O.L.K. - Michael Brinkley -
Facebook event page for St. Louis:
at the Minachom Atdao Pavilion, across the Ada Gym - Jonathan Cabrera -
NOTE: Local time for this event is Sunday, August 16, 4 a.m.
Facebook event page for Saipan:
SALT LAKE CITY, in Washington Square - Ash Johnsdottir -
Facebook event page for Salt Lake City:
SAN DIEGO, CA, Manchester Grand Hyatt, 1 Market Place - Syd Stevens - sydstevens@sitin4equality.
Facebook event page for San Diego:
SAN FRANCISCO, Union Square, Powell Street - Anna Conda -
Facebook event page for San Francisco:
SAN JOSE, CA, at City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street - Kate Walsham -
Facebook event page for San Jose:
SANTA BARBARA, CA, on Pardall Rd in Isla Vista - sponsored by UCSB Votes No on Prop 4 and Prop 8! - Urvi Nagrani -
Facebook event page for Santa Barbara:
TORONTO, ON (CANADA) - location, TBD - Aaron Hewitt - see Facebook event for contact info.
Facebook event page for Toronto:
TULSA, OK, at the Oklahomans for Equality HQ, 621 East 4th Street, sponsored by Oklahomans for Equality - Debby Mayabb -
Facebook event page for Tulsa:
Go to their website for more details:
WASHINGTON D.C., on the National Mall, between 3rd and 4th Sts. - Ian Thomas -
Facebook event page for Washington D.C.:
If you wish to plan a last-minute Kiss-In event for your city or town, you must contact organizers before Thursday, August 13, at 2 p.m., Eastern Time (or 48 hours before the official event). You must be prepared to commit immediately, and provide information for confirmation of your event. Thank you.
Photo courtesy of Philippe Leroyer on Flickr.
Word of the Gay: "Hundred and Seventy Fiver"
A "hundred & seventy fiver" is another term for homosexual that is based on the Nazi based paragraph 175 which outlawed homosexual practices.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Start Out
StartOut is an organization dedicated to fostering and developing entrepreneurship within the LGBT community. It is established to connect those in the LGBT community who want to form entrepreneurial ventures, provide support for existing entrepreneurs, and connect entrepreneurs with funding, education, networks, and other external resources.
An Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere! is a beautiful new viral video produced as a message to President Barack Obama, other political leaders and the American people to embrace the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. that it is time to be brave and to believe in change and equality and justice for all.
Urge Anchorage Mayor to Sign Discrimination Ordinance
After months of grueling debate on both sides of the gay rights battle, the Anchorage Alaska Assembly announced that the ordinance #64 to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation passed by a vote of 7 to 4.
The vote is one short of a super-majority that could override a possible mayoral veto. The mayor has one week to weigh in and decide whether to veto the ordinance.
Mayor Dan Sullivan has yet to comment on the decision, please urge him to sign the ordinance into law.
Phone: 907-243-0071
Word of the Gay: "Kissing Fish"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Manchester Hotels Boycott Going Global
Manchester hotels has reportedly suffered a loss of atleast 7 million dollars thanks to an LGBT boycott after the owner Doug Manchester donated $125,000 to the anti-gay proposition 8 referendum in California which eliminated the states marriage rights for same-sex couples.
There have been calls for conferences scheduled there to be moved, with over a dozen of them such as the American Association for Justice heeding the call.
Boycott organizers are taking their message global creating posters in English, Spanish, and Japanese.
Please make sure to continue boycotting these properties and alert your friends and family.
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA
Grand del Mar Resort, San Diego, CA
Whitetail Club and Resort, McCall, Idaho
Urge CNN to Consider Gay Life in America
With the popular series "Black in America," CNN shed light on the black American experience. They also have an upcoming series called "Latino in America" this October. Considering the vast amount of misinformation regarding sexual orientation, social attitudes, homophobia and rising support for gay equality, encourage CNN to tell the story of gay life in America. American LGBT is a community of unsung heroes, unimaginable hardship, expressive culture and a unique American experience that major news networks have, in many respects, failed to capture.
Contact CNN's team and request a similar documentary for the LGBT community; "Gay in America."
Sign the petition at
Asexuals Grouping Together in Omaha Nebraska
Asexual meet-ups and groups have been forming all over the globe, some political, others support groups, and most just a nice way to meet like minded individuals. The latest in the process of being formed is in Omaha, Nebraska. Check out AVEN and help pitch in ideas for this meetup.
Word of the Gay: "Dash"
A "dash" is someone who does not self identify as gay/bi but is open to experimenting with same-sex behavior. The more popular and well known term for this behavior is bi-curious.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Web Spotlight: LGBT Pride
LGBT Pride is a news and blog aggregate for the queer community, featuring the latest news updated every half hour and the most popular articles of interest.