Thursday, July 2, 2009

India Decriminalizes Homosexuality

In a long anticipated and major ruling the high court in India has determined that consensual homosexual sex should no longer be against the law. The ruling overturns the previous law known as section 377 which banned gay sex. This historic ruling marks a new chapter in gay rights in the country that is home to over 17% of the world's population.

“Discrimination is antithesis of equality,” the judges of the Delhi High Court wrote in a 105-page decision that is the first in India to directly guarantee rights for gay people. “It is the recognition of equality which will foster dignity of every individual,” the decision said.

The ruling applies only to India’s capital city, but it will force the national government to either appeal the decision to the Supreme Courtor repeal the law nationwide, lawyers said
(NY Times).
This ruling brings the total number of countries that criminalize homosexuality down to 84. The punishment for homosexuality varies in countries from prison time, fines, public humiliation, and in many cases the death penalty.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

"This ruling brings the total number of countries that decriminalize homosexuality down to 8."
Shouldn't that read criminalize?

Atanu Kumar Bandyopadhyay said...

As an Indian, I am feeling so happy to think for those who has been humulated physically and mentally by the police, other people from the past and this humulated group truly needs of the legalization of homosexuality

Queers United said...

yes branden thank you

atanu it is a great day for Indians and global glbt rights

Anonymous said...

Yay now gays in india can partay! I want to go to that one.

Maximum A said...

Hey, that's great! I'm so happy that a lot of people / countries are finally really accepting homosexuality!!

Hopefully, books and movies with homosexual characters will be poperly represented, not just in "slice-of-life" stories, but also in fantasy and other genres! Speaking of which, read HERO by Perry Moore! It's a great mix of "coming out" and fantasy fun!

--That is freedom! That is liberty!---
from: Liberty by Lamberto V. Avellana

Haresh said...

That's indeed a great news (It's an old news now, I know). And, that's probably remotely one of the reasons I've come out finally.


Anonymous said...

More than homosexuality rights India affirm the rule o law and right of minorities.

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