Thursday, July 9, 2009

Midwesterners to Protest Exodus "Ex-gay" Ideology in Illinois

The Gay Liberation Network is organizing a protest against the opening of Exodus International’s annual “Freedom Conference” which promotes "ex-gay" therapy and it invites you to join them in protest:

Tuesday, July 14
6:30 PM
Wheaton College
500 College Avenue
Wheaton, Illinois

GLN is organizing transportation from Chicago to the protest, and may be able to offer it from some suburban locations. If you need transportation or are willing to offer it, please email

Crossposted via Truth Wins Out.


Anonymous said...

Get wa whole pile of crosses, and create a miniture graveyard.

Of the people who committed suicide thanks to these freaks - our own Christian Taliban.

CrackerLilo said...

I don't like this idea. Don't get me wrong--I hate ex-gay ministries and what they do to people! But this is like the fundies' attempts to "save" (ie, harass) us at our rallies, parades, and gatherings in reverse. I'd rather let people who are susceptible to the ex-gay message, or even part of the movement, know that we are here and we will welcome them some other way. We have lots of other alternatives, especially given today's technology.

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