Vermont was the first state in the union to sign into law a civil unions bill under than governor Howard Dean (D). Since that time lawmakers have been challenging the civil unions law which does not provide full equal benefits to gay and lesbian couples. The house is likely to take up a bill upgrading civil unions to full marriage equality this session.
The current governor Jim Douglas (R) has come out in opposition to marriage equality and feels civil unions are adequate. He has yet to indicate whether he would veto this bill if it comes to his desk.
"Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas said Thursday he would oppose legislation allowing same-sex marriages, saying the state's civil unions law is adequate and that lawmakers should be focusing on the state's money problems.It is imperative that we begin to contact the governor and urge him to sign into law a marriage equality bill should it eventually come to his desk. We must remind him that regardless of how he personally feels about marriage it is wrong to create a separate and unequal institution for LGBT people.
State Sen. John Campbell says he plans to introduce such legislation in the Legislature's upcoming session. "I think the current civil union law is sufficient," Douglas said. "It accords equality of rights to Vermonters in terms of their relationships and I think we should leave the law as it is." Campbell said the bill is unlikely to gain support in the Legislature unless Douglas gives a clear signal he would sign it – or allow it to become law without his signature.
But Douglas balked at sending any such signal. "I never indicate what I might do when a bill gets to my desk, but I've been quite clear that I don't support the legislation," said Douglas, a Republican." (JMG)
Use the E-contact form to get in touch with the governor.
Governor Jim Douglas
109 State Street, Pavilion
Montpelier, VT 05609-0101
802 828-3333
(toll-free in VT only: 800 649-6825)