Procter & Gamble which is the sponsor of the CBS show "As the World Turns" which has a gay couple Luke and Noah AKA: "Nuke" who have been the subject of much controversy over their on tv gay romance. Anti-gay activists have been calling on their constituents to complain to CBS and P & G. They were succesful in limiting their presence on the show for months, recently the couple has again kissed on air. Now the American Family Association has created an action alert against P&G asking them to stop the gay programming.
P&G has created an automated toll-free hotline to contact them about whether you support the gay plotline on the show. Whether you watch the show or not, please contact them and vote so that we can win against anti-gay forces and increase gay exposure and visibility.
Just call 1-800-331-3774 (Press 1 for English), (Press 2 to vote about ATWT) and finally press 1 (one) to keep the Gay Storyline. |