Christian Hosoi is a professional skateboarder who became a born-again Christian while incarcerated for trafficking crystal meth. Nowadays he is trafficking another dangerous substance: The sort of unscientific ideas that have the power to make gay kids hate themselves. Here, check this out:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christian Hosoi and His UnChristian Message.
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Did God pick out that stupid hat?
Amazing,from chrystal meth dealer to God's spokesman. The knowledge and wisdom of an adolescent fool.
This makes me wonder what exactly happens inside the prison system. There seem to be a heck of a lot of people find religion in jail. Is it forced down your neck once you get in there and give up whatever rights you had on the outside?
This is so goddamn sad. I can't believe this guy calls himself a Christian when all the anti-gay rhetoric comes from the Old Testament, which was basically a Jewish book. This guy is really a hate mongering Jew! Christ's teachings were all in the New Testament and Christ, being a pacifist, did not say one word against homosexuality. Plus, anybody with half a brain cell functioning would know read what the bible actually says about homosexuality. It says nothing. Absolutely nothing. All it amounts to are 'inferences' that 'maybe' buttfucking may have occurred in the story of Sodom and Gomorrhea. Guy, read the bible for a change and don't go by what 'hearsay' you have gathered as hate literature against homosexuals. Even better yet, get to know a gay. Like, really sit down and ask a gay man what his life is about. Show some interest in him and find out if he's human. Honest to god, he doesn't have green blood as you suspect.
Try reading "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel A. Helminiak" or "What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? by David Stewart" or even "What does the bible say about being gay?: (probably not what you've been told), a work in progress by Paula M. Rev Jackson" and get educated before you spew hatred about something you know sweet fuck all about!!! You're not a born again're a born again Ignoramus!
Wow, he's really ignorant. The truth of the Gospel is not found in, um, might look in, oooooh, maybe the GOSPELS????? Found in the NEW testament???? Jesus, heard of him??? OH, yeah, Jesus didn't say anything against gays...just against legalistic types who have no love in their hearts and judge people...hmm. Sound familiar??
That's the thing I harp on all the time, that all these Bible thumpers are stuck in the period around 600BCE. The completely skip over that which happened from the alleged 0 year to 2008CE.
And as I've always maintained, the most homophobic tend to have some skeletons in their closets. I'd almost lay dollars that Hosoi has tasted cock in his lifetime.
He's got some nerve. I'm gay and I never dealt drugs. So...who's caused more harm to society?
It really bothers me when righteous people like Hosoi base their entire religion on hatred of homosexuals. I have LOTS of straight male friends who are not scared, frightened or angered by my choice of sexuality (being gay) and they shower with me in the gym, they spend time chatting with me, sharing a beer... and they are totally secure with who they are and very comfortable with me. Pity Hosoi is very clearly uncomfortable with gays and most likely with his very own sexuality. It's a bummer to see someone like him who could have made something of himself in life, root himself in something as negative as a religion who says to "Love all mankind but hate homosexuals". Maybe he is better off back on drugs doped up and not thinking about the hatred he is spewing.
It also comes to mind how many bright, young minds he totally fucked up because of his trafficking drugs. Bad karma when you push drugs on youngins. Very bad karma. You gotta come around again to another lifetime to correct what you fucked up in the first place.
this saddens me for the fact that i used to skate, and i guess i am more of a baddie than a fucking meth dealer. riiiiight.
i can't say i am surprised tho. plenty of homophobia and sexism in the skateboarding world. part of why me and that scene parted ways, although i will never stop loving skating.
What's odd to me is that, of all the Christians I've had trouble with in my personal life because I'm gay, the reformed drug addicts are the worst of them. Perhaps bigotry goes hand in hand with an addictive personality.
Everyone saying he is so hateful, should actually listen to the words he is saying. He explains that it is not out of hate and does not hate the gay community. He disagrees with you in a civil and respectful manner, because he does not see eye to eye with the gay community does not mean he hates gays. It simply means he disagrees.
Anonymous I find it offensive, he is telling me God didn't make me gay, did he speak to God? How can he makes these outlandish statements? God made me gay I know that in my heart. I don't go out saying God didn't make him a hetero, or God didn't make him Latino, that would be stupid and unscientific.
Queers United I didn't say it wasn't offensive, its offensive to me as a woman when I drive through Vegas and see woman selling there bodies and are half naked on billboards. Its offensive to me that the gay community singles out the LDS and says untruthful things about it. But because something is offensive does not it wrong. He has a right to speak his own mind, just like the gay community has a right to stop buying things from people who donated to yes on prop 8. And if God did make you gay, so what, you have self control. He made some people want sugar and fatty foods more than most people so they need to make sure and regulate their food intake. God made some people more violent than others, so people with more violent tendencies need to control their behavior. Yes, God gives you trials, you are simply choosing not to overcome yours. You cannot say you trial is any harder than others, it is just becoming socially accepted.
He has the right to say whatever he wants, I am just letting people know what he said so that those of us who don't like it won't buy his products. You can go and buy his stuff if you want.
God did make me gay, and yes I do have self-control. But like eating lots of fat, and violence, my orientation hurts nobody. I love and I am loved, and I have a family. So God loves that, loves me, and loves you.
Anonymous: I'm offended that you deny the Flying Spaghetti Monster. His Noodliness is not happy with you either. Repent now or be cast into the lake of sauce!!!
RAmen, I will pray for you anonymous, for the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you and wants to free you from the evils of the boiling hot depths of the Lake of Sauce. shivvers.
Anon: There's nothing wrong with being gay, but there IS something deeply wrong with the moral framework of Mormonism, (and most other religions) because they judge the morality of an action by Godly fiat rather than its actual effects.
It's only in a deeply disordered moral framework that one's ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender could be considered a sign of immorality or impurity. "Morals" based on fiat instead of reason are the opposite of morality-- they're absolutely corrosive to whatever native moral intuition a person might have, and those who are genuinely concerned about understanding the difference between right and wrong have a duty to oppose them.
Lol, I love how he "takes" the quote "literally" completely ignoring that "us" would imply plural gods.
The selective "ignorance" of truthiness "Christians" is astounding.
3sat I picked up on that as well, there is a lot of polytheistic type of stuff in the so called monotheistic old & new testament.
To 3sat and Queers United their are certainly millions of Christians who believe their is more than one God. And sadly you finally find common ground with the church you despise the most (LDS) but you make it sound like they are crazy, when in reality they are believing the same thing you are on this issue.
I'm not a christian or a part of any other religious group. I'm not homophobic, I don't hate anyone of any kind. Shit, I have gay friends. Gay friends that I have discussed this with, and to say you were created gay is bullshit. Not because of any religion either. If you were created gay, why then can't you and your mate reproduce? Because it's not natural for a man and a man to reproduce. What is natural? Man and Woman reproducing, so therefore you were not born or created gay. You can blame your parents, society, whatever, but you can not blame the Creator. Nature is the key to everything in creation. What is natural and becomes corrupt will eventually disappear. Man and man, woman and woman, is not natural. If it were mankind would have become extinct a long time ago. It's the laws of Nature and you are not living a natural lifestyle so you were not created that way. You may believe that you were, but I bet if you went to some kind of psychologists or just thought really hard you'd probably figure out the origin. Maybe you were a hardcore Michael Jackson fan long ago and got brainwashed by Beat It! lol, did you see that video that guy did on youtube claiming that Beat It is full of homosexual brainwash? Anyway, Much love to you all, and please don't take this the wrong way.
It is natural and inborn, how do you explain gay animals? do they have a psychological reason for being gay? Maybe being gay is a form of population control, maybe we don't understand, but its obviously biological.
the guy is suffering from a long-standing internal conflict. he after all single-handedly pioneered the wearing of pink lycra bike pants whilst skating vert back in the mid to late eighties. he's also a major prince fan. god help him, maybe one day he'll come out and renounce his homophobia!
Wait, why are you all getting upset. He is saying that God is gay!!!! I knew there was too much love there for him to be straight...or christian!
(I am a different anonymous than that argumentative, confused anonymous!)
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