Monday, September 22, 2008

Breaking News: John McCain's Chief of Staff Being Outed Today!

A reliable source and friend has told Queers United that Mike Rogers of Blog Active, in 30 minutes will present video of the Roy Cohn Award being delivered to Mark Buse, Senator John McCain's Chief of Staff and lobbyist on Capitol Hill who is a closeted gay person.

To hear the outing LIVE tune into The Michelangelo Signorile Show on Sirus Satellite Radio at 2:15 PM EST.

Video below of Mike Rogers delivering the award:

Home video footage of Mark Buse and his former partner:

Thanks to the hard work of Mike Rogers and Michelangelo Signorile for exposing this closeted gay man who is critical in helping anti-gay John McCain rise to power.


Sabertooth Screaming Lemur said...

Yeah, I mean if he'd decided to out himself, that's one thing. It's not fair to out someone like that, even if he DOES work for Douchebag McCain.
Sorry, QU, I'm giving you a Fail on this one.

Anonymous said...

From what I can tell, outings like this are only sought after by gay groups when the person in question has been instrumental in creating, advocating, or implementing anti-gay policies. Normal people who are not actively trying to subvert gay rights are left closeted.

Unknown said...

The question is whether or no this Buse person has *actually* done something to harm the gay community. Being a Republican isn't enough. Actively advocating against gay rights measures *is*. So, what, precisely has Buse done?

Queers United said...

I think it is justified. Mark Buse was pro-gay rights till McCain basically made him shut up. He is McCain's chief of staff and a big time lobbyist. It is not enough to be the anti-gay politician to deserve being outed, but also to support them.

John McCain is against same-sex unions of any kind, pro don't ask don't tell, against gay adoption, against gay hate crimes legislation, etc. John McCain is anti-gay and those who support him who are gay are hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe Signorile is still outing people. It's so 80s, not to mention just plain juvenile. Grow up already!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's justified. I think it's a tired ploy, and if this had happened to someone else, someone you didn't think deserved it, there would be outrage coming from everywhere. He may not be the best person in the world, but, he's still a person and he still deserves some basic dignity and respect for his humanity if not for his views.

Anonymous said...

While I think that it's despicable for him to remain closeted while helping McCain promote anti-queer activities, it's also despicable to publicly, intentionally, out someone without their consent.

Steve Krotz said...

I've always been against forced "outings." However, in cases where the person being outed is a pubic figure (and politicians and their high level bureaucrats are public figures) or someone who is in a position of authority that can influence and adversely affect the rights of any GLBT person and who actively campaigns against us certainly becomes fair game in the battle against discrimination.

Arguments of hypocrisy aside, they know what they're getting into when they place themselves in those positions. It goes with the territory.

In this case, because of who he is and what he has done to subvert our efforts, I totally agree with his outing.

Anonymous said...

When someone in power, in a government that is supposed to be representative, deliberately participates in the politics of repression -- that hypocrisy should be a matter of public record so that people who vote are voting on the basis of facts.

I don't understand the logic of selling your identity as a human being for a paycheck. It must be a pretty big check... but how much is a soul worth?

Anonymous said...

I agree with his outting. What if he were Obama's Chief of Staff? His being gay wouldn't get a second look. Because of his position in a party that is hateful towards LGBT people, his sexual orientation IS an issue. He's a public figure - he needs to live with the consequences of his choices.

Laurie said...

MAN! I don't have Sirus Satellite Radio
I hope that some one will let me know how
it all goes! Well, went..


Anonymous said...

He's not the only gay chief of staff for an outwardly-homophobic Republican Congressperson. Look at John Lopez, Chief of Staff for John Ensign, Senator, Nevada. What about the lead attorney for Mitch McConnell of Kentucky?

Head out to JR's in DC for an evening with a facebook of the Republican leadership. You'll find lots of apparently self-loathing men who are gay, who all work day in and day out to harm gays and lesbians.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what his politics are, outing ANYONE is WRONG WRONG WRONG. The fact that this is being supported it horrifying.

Anonymous said...

Who are these lowlives here who defend these republican scumbags with no morals who help the gay haters and then cry "its unfair to out" go fk yourselves. Gay people who help the anti-gay agenda,the gop,should always be outed,period. This scum want to enjoy all the rights they have because of liberals and dems and then they want to live in secret helpint the gay haters,that doesnt sit well with decent human beings,out every single one of them,and for conservatives gays ,you disgust me.

Anonymous said...

Larry, I was the one who used the word "horrifying", but you obviously read it incorrectly. I said SUPPORTING the public outing of someone not ready to out themselves is horrifying. I am an openly bisexual woman who outed herself years ago and am happy to be who I am and have everyone know it--that does not mean it is OK to FORCE that outing onto anyone, and I really don't understand why you would think it OK to do so.

perivates said...

That's sickening. How can anyone, let alone LGBT individuals, condone forcible public outings? It's a heinous breach of privacy, not to mention psychologically destructive and probable to ruin the outed person's livelihood - if not resulting in a request for resignation, then resulting in a psychologically harmful work environment. Would anyone support the forced outing of themselves or a loved one? Even if you do see him as being in the "enemy camp" and deserving of such a thing due to political involvement, this cannot be justified as granting personal information to those with a "right to know." There is no "right to know" when it is about something so integral to a person's identity, so personal that they alone should have the right to share that part of themselves with anyone else.

Queers United said...

First off I am not the one who did the outing, I am merely reporting on it.

Second, it isn't about views. I am a progressive but have many times posted on my blog and will continue to do so about republican efforts towards equality.

People like McCain are anti-gay and anyone working towards a McCain administration who is gay is hurting the gay community. They deserve to be outed. This is a non partisan issue, it is a civil rights issue, and its fair game for any democrat or republican who helps anti-gay people.

Queers United said...

I apologize my setence cut off, it is fair game to OUT any democrat or republican who helps an anti-gay politician of either party.

Anonymous said...

Well Done! Mark ought to have been given this award and been given it publicly! You are absolutely correct to report it on your blog. I am going to report it on my blog.
Mark is working hard to bring this HARD right with DADT, a marriage amendment to the US Constitution, no federal benefits for civil unions for SSM, no ENDA ... Mark IS woorking his ass off to hurt the LGBT community. His outing is proper!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could copy and embed the video of the Roy Cohn award to post on my blog! I want the world to see it!

Queers United said...

Thank you Richard, check your inbox.

Rob said...

Personally I feel like ones sexuality is their business, I'm against outing someone, that is up to them. I don't find it a big deal either, being gay and Republican is not that uncommon.

planet trans said...

Mark deserves his dignity. Please do not rejoice in outing people no matter what the moral duplicities their life lead us to beleive.
We have to walk on higher ground. You taught me that Q.U. Consider yourself hugged.
Love ya Q U!

Anonymous said...

It's sad that being gay still could count as damaging information. But he is part of the machine perpetuating that reality, so I guess he should expect to be outed for hypocrisy.

But it's an ugly sort of ironic: how much "high moral ground" do you get by outing somemone?

Anonymous said...

Well, QU... looks like you took a beatin' for this one! And I was just heading over to thank you for making sure this information was accessible! You weren't the one outing this man... it is already out there.

Queers United said...

Bridge thanks for your support. I understand outing is controversial within the community and I respect all sides of the issue. I sincerely from the bottom of my heart supporting outing for hyporites, and never for someone who isn't actively working to hurt the community.

libhom said...

Buse, regardless of his sexual orientation or gender identity, has deliberately promoted discrimination and violence against queers by being McCain's Chief of Staff. If Buse is indeed gay, he should be the subject of community wide sex/dating/socializing boycott. Why should we have anything to do with people who deliberately endanger us?

Anonymous said...

McCain is anti-gay and anyone working for him is promoting that agenda.

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