Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Day Without a Gay" - Dec 10th

December 10th will be "Day Without a Gay." On this day you are encouraged to call in "gay" to work, school, and whatever obligations you have. It is a national day of protest to show our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers that they can deny us our rights, but we can deny them our labor and hit back where it hurts, the economy.

Organizers of this action are asking people to not only sit out of work, school, etc but to get involved with your local GLBT organization, or to protest against marriage inequality.

Get involved with an activity in any state, (the website is new and listings are just getting added, so keep checking back).


Anonymous said...

uMM gREAT idea But People Would Lose Their Job is the miss work and would hurt them if they was in school Great Idea but Only for people with nothing to do "hit back where it hurts, the economy. " That Hurting us 2

Anonymous said...

I would much rather see a boycott of all businesses that supported prop 8. They will think twice about donating money in the future for such a cause. There is a difference between your private vote and your public donation of money. Thank God for the internet.
The Mormons are acting like the bully who cries when they get punched back. Get used to it. There is a price to pay for your bigotry.

Anonymous said...

I would so love to do this, but, if I lose my job will the gay community pitch in to pay all my bills and buy me food until I find another job? I know there is a day of silence, perhaps those who can't afford to take the chance of job loss could not speak on this dec. 10th and we could have info to give to co-workers or customers/clients when they ask about why we're not speaking?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,The post was
" Sridhar says:
NOVEMBER 15TH, 2008 AT 5:35 PM
How about we, all who can, take a day off in protest. No work, no shopping just sit at home or do something for the cause. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is likely to have more of an effect on the wallets of the participants than the economy as a whole, especially now when no one is buying anything anyway, gay or straight. We do need to unite and act, but this will be a waste of good intentions.

Anonymous said...

This idea was brought up a year or so ago and it still stinks. Along with making it so some gay people dont get paid, some losing their jobs, etc, it's just not a good idea plain and simple. My suggestion last time and also this time is to donate a day of pay to a glbt organization to works toward our rights and equality...everyone wins then...

Michaël Giguère said...

A boycott of supporters of this prop would be a great idea, but can anybody get a list of it? I'd really like to know about it. This can't continue. I'm very upset about what's happening in USA. In Canada, that couldn't happen without a MAJOR PROTESTATION. I would really be into it. Some things just have to stop!

RomeoandJoe said...

A great Idea...But to make it really felt we should not spend any money on the 10th...That would really be a day without gay!! Hit 'em where it hurts!

Anonymous said...

I like that it rhymes! :) But, I think a day without a Gay (esp. a Queer) is what some universities and employers want. At least at Penn State. I was told to leave by two "Gay friendly" professors. They told me to go somewhere I was "accepted"! How about support a Gay day...or Cuddle with a Queer. We need support and visibility and some love!!! I did leave PSU and attend a Univ. that is inclusive of Queer Studies. At PSU I was told Queer Studies was not supported by the university... :( PSU needs some Queers!!!!

Anonymous said...

My bosses and coworkers are really nice and support gay marriage so I probably won't call in "gay" to work but I promise to not spend a penny on the 10th!

Cassandra Marie said...

I'm a bisexual transsexual. Can I still participate? Why is it "Call in Gay"? And what about our supporters who aren't gay or bi or lesbian or trans?

This whole movement that's starting up is about more than gay marriage. It's about gaining civil rights in general for all LGBT Americans. It's about ending employment discrimination, It's about fair treatment in housing and health care and in the education system., It's about putting our foot down and saying that we will no longer be robbed of the rights enjoyed by everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I always respond when I hear someone refer to homosexuality as an illness that I should call in "gay" to work: "Sorry, I can't come to work today. I'm gay. It might be contagious. Anyone who comes in contact with me might catch 'the gay'."

Anonymous said...

I agree, find out the companies that support them and boycott them and not just for the day...A "Year without a Queer" would much more effective than a "Day without a Gay"!

Anonymous said...

Good Idea for the most part. I have to agree that in this economy it would hurt those who call in gay etc. Why not make a point to shop at only Gay owned properties. Write Gay on all the cash you use that day. Totally agree about joining your local LGBT groups. Tell all your friends about Dec 10th and let them know about Gay owned properties etc. Write your representatives because they now know that every vote counts. Everyone in NY write your state Senator and Legistlator to tell the gang of 3 that withholding someones rights is not going to make a difference this year in NY for Same Sex Marriage. Boycott businesses and Churches that helped to fund H8.

Anonymous said...

As a straight ally, I feel left out by this action. I've been out protesting every weekend with my LGBT allies, and I see this as more of a civil/human rights issue than a GAY issue.

What do I when I can't "call in Gay"? I feel like there must be more inclusive ways of getting these same sentiments across...

Queers United said...

Thanks for being an ally and a friend. You don't have to literally call in gay, you can simply say I am not coming in out of support for my gay brothers and sisters, etc.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a catch phrase has to be short to work, I mean a Call in Gay-Lesbian-Transgender-Straight Ally just doesn't have the same ring to it...

9incut said...

It's a good thought all around, but would really hurt some of us. And not particularly in the financial department. Some of us work in areas that which we can not speak of and that would really put a hurting on us.
But I do like the idea of only not shopping that day, and if we do, to only use cash and to write GAY in all caps on any currency that we use.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say that this idea really doesn't make any sense at all to me. I'm all for a full scale boycott of any and all businesses that support prop 8. But, calling in "gay" just makes us seem like problem employees to people who support us. The description at the top of this page says that this way we can really show "our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers that they can deny us our rights, but we can deny them our labor." What's that about? In most cases, certainly mine, it wasn't my friends or employer that were denying me my rights. Not in any way. It doesn't help me to not work when the economy sucks. And, it only hurts me when I hurt my employer. Also, I feel it is a mistake to ever, in any way, equate "gay" to "sick". Totally wrong. I also feel that not spending money on the 10th for those that supported us is just negative, angry, vindictive childishness. It serves no purpose and hurts everyone inclusively. Remember, almost half of those who voted are on our side. This is not the time to create an image of totally self centered jerk-offs throwing tantrums. Don't get me wrong, I'm mad as hell about this whole thing. But, I think there are projects that work for us and those that work completely against us and this falls into the latter category.

Anonymous said...

I plan on starting my boycott NOW!I'm pissed,and I'm not even married.I say we have a "Holiday Season Without gays" and their 1 billion dollars!That will make a difference,not just sitting home one day or marching.People are just laughing at that,or even celebrating"No Gay Day".Start fighting now and every day!Remember,these people hate you,they will take away all of your rights.

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of you this Gay day will hurt some family's like single parents, people that are just trying to make it there are tests and for students esspecially in high school they need there education and we should be teaching them to get it no matter what anyone says.... So I think we should do that and not spend money one day maybe people will realize we are everywhere!!! :-) (there are also a lot of supporters of us gay people or people that just want equality...) So if we have to use money that day Write GAY in big letters or EQUAILITY!!!!!! Then we speak for everyone... Also someone that is homophobic would hate to touch money that says Gay on it!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it write to tell people we are taking a Gay day like we are sick because we are gay? At first I did think cool.... But then it just sounded bad all together thinking we would stoop that low to tell people we are sick or ill it is just wrong.....

Unknown said...

I'll make sure to tell everyone to go to work and not support this stupid movement.

Anonymous said...

I'm behind this idea, for those who can afford to do it. I personally will be participating, with some preparation. I am going to let my coworkers know in advance that I will not be reachable. I also agree with the idea of not spending money on the 10th, and pledge to be part of that. I am going to check whether there will be any visible protests in my area.
One other decision I've made, that may not be so easy, is that I will no longer attend or participate in weddings. (except maybe my sister's)

Anonymous said...

Hey Folks - Everyone seems to be polarizing on either not wanting to equate gay with sick, or fear of losing their job, or finding some way to obfuscate the idea of a unified protest. Please get some perspective here. We ALL should do what we can, up to the limit (and even beyond) of our own comfort. This is the time when we should push the limits of comfort.

Yes, it can be scary if it IS a reality is that there will be real consequences for acting out of the norm. In those cases, you just have to be that much more clever to join in a unified protest in a way that won't jeopardize your paycheck,but still gets the point across. Simply not spending money is not a demonstrable act of protest. It’s like being in the closet and commending yourself on how gay you are because you wore the panties today. You have to let those around you KNOW that you're protesting. I like a couple of the ideas above (being silent and handing out fliers defining your act of protest; writing GAY on currency so everyone can see how much money we actually spend) How about adding a line at the end of your sent emails that says - This is No Gay Day. Even though I cannot join my brothers and sisters and take the day off, I want you to know that I support Equality and I trust that you do too. -- Or something to that effect.

COME ON, PEOPLE!!! We're the creative contingent of the population. We are capable of dancing creative circles around the dim-witted idiots who voted to keep us as 2nd class citizens. You can figure out a way to show them that we have power, and do it in a way that they can't retaliate. Work within the rules, but push them a little and make the Bozos wince and then grind their teeth because they can't get back at you.

And lest we forget, this is all patterned after the “No Immigrants for a Day” protest. Those folks had a lot more to lose than we do. They could have been jailed and deported. The worst fears listed in previous comments don’t come anywhere close to that.

Why would anyone start encouraging their friends to NOT participate in this??? What's that all about?? It's not going to be perfect. It's not going to change the world. It's simply a step in the direction of change. It's looking around to what could be, as opposed to what has been or will continue to be. Put your energy in the right direction. Put yourself in the right direction. Push your limits. Flex your strength. THIS ISN'T "JUMP OF THE BRIDGE DAY", OR "STAND IN TRAFFIC AND GET RUN OVER DAY". It's a day of protest; a day of change.

If you want to prepare for how it feels to make a small change, simply put your watch on the OTHER wrist for a day. Yes, a whole day. You'll be amazed at the effect. It will prepare you for something bigger like writing GAY on a $20 bill and proudly handing it over to that uberconservative dimwit you know supported Prop 8 (or would have, given the chance).

That's all Folks! Go be gay amongst yourselves...

Anonymous said...

I understand the flood of anger and frustration within the gay community and its supporters after passage of Prop 8. I am gay and happily partnered, we both were upset as well. But, retaliation and namecalling will not serve our cause, in my opinion. Those of you who are still angry need to find a way to vent your frustrations so you can start proactively approaching ways to overcome the bigotry and misunderstandings of our opponents. Become visible in your community through volunteer work... do something positive instead of trying to hurt and get back at the world. This issue requires open, honest, and proactive communication. It requires loving our "enemies," and helping them to understand that we are all equal. You are not going to change minds by retaliating... that won't be effective. And in the end, I don't think you will feel better about yourselves either... I wouldn't. So join together, turn your anger into positive action, and go to work!

Anonymous said...

People don't have to literally "call in gay"-- just take a day off, use a sick day or whatever-- and don't spend any money that day.

GLBT and straight allies can participate.

People don't have to out themselves to their employees.

Laurie said...

Hey...since I'm half gay....can I take
half the day off... :)


Anonymous said...

Disclosure: Not gay.
Bad idea: take a look at how successful "blue-flus" are. Hate the name! I thought it was some intolerant homophobic rant.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are really going to hurt the economy... but whatever, if you were one of my employees I would fire you. Not for being homosexual, but for skipping a day of work for nothing. I'm white... Is there a white day too? grow up

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that gay people are finally being shown in positive light instead of as queers that should be made straight. Too bad this day wasn't very popular.

Anonymous said...

It is great in theroy but for me I work with mentally disabled adults and wow I could not just take a day off because all that does is hurt my individuals.

Anonymous said...

oh and also I think people need to chill on the mormans. Alot of different churches were for prop 8 not just them and I personally work for very LDS people and I am out at work and they have never ever treated me unfairly. Dont let a few bad apples condemn a lot of people that are good people and good mormans.

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