Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Word of the Gay: "Horse-Woman"

A "horse-woman" is a term used to describe a masculine lesbian.


LA said...

(I tried to send this message via you contact system and it did not work for me - sorry)

Hey there,

We wanted to contact you because you have us on "Twitter" and I love your blog - Thanks for the work you do.

Please mention this on your blog, you might wanna use Google to translate the original article but if you have questions PLEASE write us:


We posted some exceprts on Daily Kos here:


What the 'Equailty Foundation" is accused of by the Polish government and the GLBT association ILGCN Polska is wrong and not corrrect on so many levels. They need to be EXPOSED for their treachery, please help us and out Polish GLBT friends stand up to this communist-esque style roughshod over fellow gay activist by self-annointed gay professionals.



thehostess said...

get a publisher...I'm gonna buy this dictionary when you write it. Use this word in a sentence: "Can a horse-woman have a camel toe?"

Queers United said...

It would be kind of fun to make a dictionary of all these words and put them in sentences for examples.

Anonymous said...

YIKES!!! I don't like that one... I would just RUN!!! ;) Guess I'm tipping my hand as to what kind of lesbian I am into! HA!

Queers United said...

just a bit bridge lol

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that the woman in the photo is just amazingly good looking..and that there is nothing 'horse-ish' about her at all!

T. R Xands said...

That is a strange term, I guess it's like calling someone "horse faced" or "long faced" though? Huh.

Stacey said...

I swear, there are so many terms coming up on Word of the Day that I've never heard of. Am I that far out of the loop or is someone who's drunk and high making this crap up?

Anonymous said...

Turd Burglar: 1. Humourously derogative term for a gay man. 2. A slang word for one who burgles turds. A word to describe gay men with feces hanging off of their genitals. 3. One who uses his genitals to remove turd's from another fellows back passage

Queers United said...

I don't make them up some are more common and others are more out there. Anon those are also terms, we showcase all words positive and negative that describe the community such as fag, dyke, tranny. While we don't necessarily encourage the usage of all these words it's good to know them and discuss.

T. R Xands said...

Do straight men have permanently have fish sticks or vaginal goo because they go into vag?

Do we have to go there with the "fishy vaginas"? :/

But on the other hand, ohhhhhh snap burn!

T. R Xands said...

Huh, is there a way you could start doing a sort of etymology for these words though? For some terms it seems that just giving a definition isn't enough, but where do they come from? :/

Queers United said...

T.R. I felt bad going there as I typed it, but thats what came to mind when arguing that point. Fact is not all vaginas like anuses can be cleaned and maintained lol.

Etymology might be a bit trickier, some of these words are contested and have multiple meanings. I'll keep it in mind though, or if I come across some info about possible etymology ill post it. No clue on horse-woman.

Anonymous said...

Wow it's no wonder our community is in the shape it's in. Maybe this blog isn't used to getting feedback but you guys should learn to handle comments in possibly a less inflammatory manner. Lesbians are surpassing us in media and visibility for a reason, us gay guys tend to queen out and start attacking women/lesbians when they have legitimate concerns on how gay males treat them. It's really weak. Not all gay men are like that. I'm not. The younger generation are much less hateful towards women and lesbians and more inclusive. I can't say I blame many lesbians for their anger. I know my male friends are quite derisive of my lesbian friends and I always stand up and tell them where to go. Men picking on women is really weak.

Queers United said...

Anonymous if you think I hate and/or am not supportive of lesbians you have some serious issues. You are entitled to your opinion, but I am pretty confident that the reason all my lesbian readers keep coming back and enjoying the blog is not due to any sort of lesbophobia. It sounds more like the hate is on your part and its directed to gay men.

Queers United said...

*high fives Elizabeth*

elizabeth-carrie said...

Wow Anonymous! Did you ever pass 7th grade? Your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Also, are you a comedian?

I never said I was a man. I clearly stated that I was a lesbian. Do you know the definition of one? I'm not jealous of females. I am one! I'm also a lesbian woman who loves to engage in anal sex. If you have a problem with that, then that is your issue to sort out. Not mine.

My account isn't fake, it is very real. Go check for yourself if you like since you have all of this time to dedicate to trolling blogs and talking shit. However, my blog will not let you post comments under an "Anonymous" ID for this very reason. It is you who is hiding behind a computer sans name / blog ID. Coward much?

Why do you have such a preoccupation for what comes out of a man's penis? Why are you so obsessed with where a man puts his penis? It is my belief, as well as the belief of several others, that those who bash homosexuals are repressing their own homosexual desires.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth-carrie said her/his account is not fake but, very real. Well, actually the account is very anal. Nuff Said!

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