Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes On Equality - 2010 Marriage Equality Initiative!

The new 'Yes on Equality' campaign has learned from the mistakes of the prop 8 battle, the protests, etc. They are starting early with their campaign to put an initiative on the 2010 ballot to legalize same-sex marriage in California. The group has an online petition, and will be working hard to mobilize people to overturn prop 8.

Sign the petition to support the invalidation of proposition 8.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a way to get the bandwagon going! Especially after having a whopping 23 people show up at Omaha's disappointing DOMA protest.

Queers United said...

Sorry to hear that Omaha, I think nationwide it was lackluster for DOMA protest, spirit has been dying down but I think its the natural progression of things.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! May as well start early!!!

LouisRuss said...

Spirit is dying down because the media doesn't pay much attention to our protests and such as they did back during election time. If people don't know, people don't care

Queers United said...

I have never seen an internet campaign to collect signatures to make an amendment. I wonder if they will get into problems for that?

Anonymous said...

This is not an official petition. It is an effort to get your email address so you can be hit up for donations. The ACTUAL petition drive will be required to have the ACTUAL proposed constitutional amendment on it, and I'm 99% sure will have to be in writing. They MAY be doing this so that it will be easy to contact you later to sign the real one, but more likely so that they can hit you up for a donation.

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