Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kentuckians Value Fairness Statewide Rally in Capitol

The Kentuckians Value Fairness rally to promote the passage of a statewide Fairness law in Kentucky prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, and public accommodations will be held in the Frankfort Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday, February 25.

Statewide Rally
Capitol Rotunda, Frankfort
February 25, 2009

8:30 am: Meeting and Lobby Training in Capitol Annex 111

9 am-Noon: Meet with Legislators

12:30-1:30 pm: Rally in Rotunda

*Meet at the Fairness Campaign office at 7:30am to carpool.

Call 893-0788 with any questions


libhom said...

That's wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

I live in KY and I wish I was able to make it to this rally! I hope it goes well and some steps are made for everyone that day.

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