Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Utah Senator Chris Buttars Calls "Gays Greatest Threat to America"

Utah state senator Chris Buttars has made homophobic remarks against the gay community in an upcoming documentary on proposition 8. He is saying that "gays are the greatest threat to the country ever" and that "gay marriage is the beginning of the end." This senator has also made comments that are racist and offensive to the African American and Muslim communities.

Email contact for Senator Buttars below:


Scot said...

"Buttars: “What is the morals of a gay person? You can’t answer that because anything goes.”"

I live in a state where one of the most powerful lawmakers feels it's right to say such a thing. Crazy.

Scot said...

BTW, here's the full audio of what he said.

Not Important said...

"Huh huh. His name has 'butt' in it."

That comment is about as well thought out and reasonable as the honorable Senator's. More, in fact, because it's true.

T. R Xands said...

Heck yeah, let's launch a war on gays! Then we can fight progressiveness and change and open mindedness! Anything to keep America safe!

*Note: the above is a joke.

CrackerLilo said...

@ GDad: That was cool, huh-huh.

My wife and I "loved" the "gays are just like Muslims" bit. We figured, well, she puts a scarf over her head when it's cold sometimes, and it kinda looks like hijab, and I don't eat pork, so maybe that threw him off a bit!

Seriously, I want to grab a person who voted for him and shake them while screaming, "He's taking advantage of you! It suits him when you're angry and scared! He's telling you lies about people you don't know many of! Why do you believe his crap?"

But of course, that wouldn't help.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sen. Buttars, If you truly believe "Gays are America's Greatest Threat", you're unfit to hold the office of Senator, and must resign immediately. Please don't waste anymore of the taxpayer's money. Thank you very much for your many years of service, good bye. Sincerely, A Concerned American

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with everything Buttars has said, but i support him on this issue. This country was founded by God, and homosexuality is not sanctioned by God at all. Homosexuality may not entirely be the reason for America's downfall, i think the Government is helping that along quite nicely, but yes Homosexuality is wrong and unlawful.

Unknown said...

A letter I sent to the dishonorable racist bigot from Utah.
Senator Buttars, Who is the real threat to america? The answer is not the gays or lesbians, it is foreign terrorists and closed minded people like yourself, that try to put religion into government. The last time I checked there was still a separation of church and state, so keep your personal opinions to yourself that includes your religious beliefs. When you speak out against a group of tax paying citizens your only degrade your position which is that of a Senator. If you want to preach your beliefs and opinions and values, do it from the pulpit of a church as an ordained minister not as a senator. We do not tell you what you can do behind closed doors so don't tell us what we can do. On the point of your remarks about Gays being a threat, just imagine if all of us decided to stop spending money for a week, you think we are in a recession now, a week of us boycotting all business would have a devastating affect on the economy considering we earn on average more that heterosexual couples do and have more liquidity. Also look at what your statements have and will do to your state, we will stop coming there and spending money, that means lower tax revenue for the state, which in turn affects the budget of the state you are representing. So do the right thing and think twice before speaking, when it comes to your radical views about citizens of the U.S.A., remember we help pay your salary.

A Concerned Gay Citizen,

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous person ---- Homosexuality is not illegal. Check your facts.

T. R Xands said...

And the fact that this country was not founded by God at all...

Anonymous said...

It's really disgusting that there are people alive today who have such bigoted views. But it's even more disgusting that these people can get elected to high political offices.

All this from an interview he did about Prop 8 as well. When is Utah going to get its nose out of California's politics?

Deej said...

People have been fearing the wrath of god since we supposedly left Eden. Devoted worshippers have claimed that working on Sunday would bring the apocalypse. The Catholic Church had people ex-communicated when they refused to hold services after Vatican II in the common language because they felt it was an abomination. If any human event would summon god down to end humanity, it would have happen during the Holocaust. It would have happened when Europeans raped and murdered Native Americans. It would have happened when humans forced others in bondage. Why didn't God strike us down then? Is gay marriage really more horrible than slavery, illness, murder, rape, torture, poverty, famine, exploitation, and environmental destruction?

One semi-related thought about queer people causing horrible catastrophes. If 9-11 and Katrina happened because of gay people and sin, I am curious to hear an explanation of why so many tornadoes rip through the mid-west, the most religious geographical part of America. Why doesn't anyone question when a church is demolished by the storm?

The only threat here is to his archiac religious beliefs and a crisis of faith when he can no longer use blind zealotry as a crutch.

mish-mash of anti-stereotypes said...

"SKOT", I would normally put forward a list of reasons why your arguments are wrong, but as you have offered no argument other than "grr, I hate you because I have no fundamental understnading of God or humanity", there is nothing for me to debunk!

mish-mash of anti-stereotypes said...

ps - this guy's supposed to be a politician!?!? has he read JS Mill "On Liberty"?!?!? It it literally FULL of reasons why his views on homosexuality are totally irrelevant to politics or marital law.

Anonymous said...

haha everyone im sorry for how this dumbass is. but believe me i live in west jordan where some how this guy got elected, but im going to make sure he is not back in office next election

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