A "fake bisexual" is someone who is believed to be acting as a bisexual in order to bring attention to themselves, in return for ratings, publicity, and/or recognition.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Word of the Gay: "Fake Bisexual"
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perhaps she's not just fake bisexual, perhaps she's fake everything.
Let's play a game! Let's try to list all fake bisexual celebrities that we can think of!
Jill Sobule (original "I Kissed a Girl" songwriter)
Megan Fox
Anne Heche
Gee, I must be tired. I'm drawing a blank. And can only think of women. That says something.
please explain something to me....
In LGBT. Why,do they have Bi, included in with the rest of Us? Bi-bisexuals switch hit ?
They go to one sex too the other sex? Your either one or the other "gay or straight" make up your mind...and be who your are! To me that's confusing? Someone,Please explain.
I think Anne Heche is more queer, she said she just falls for the person not the gender.
linda bisexuality is a legit orientation, sexuality is not black and white but mostly shades of gray. We all fall along a continuum.
"Bisexuality: The capacity to be romantically and/or sexually attracted to individuals of more than one sex. Part of the confusion surrounding the term 'bisexual' is that it may have many different meanings. It may describe a person's historic behavior or attractions: someone who in her or his past has been attracted to, and/or involved with, at least one man and one woman. It may describe one's current behavior and/or attraction: someone who is currently attracted to, and/or involved with, at least one man and one woman. It may describe an individual's potential range of romantic and/or sexual attraction, or it refer to a person's self-definition. It is not necessary for a person to meet all of the above criteria to be considered bisexual. To understand bisexuality, it is important to distinguish between identity and behavior. Like her heterosexual or lesbian counterpart, a bisexual woman may be monogamous, nonmonogamous, or celibate. She may never have had sex with men, with women, or with anyone at all. And conversely, many, if not most, people whose historical or current behavior and/or attractions are bisexual do not identify as such."
People are all unique. Not everyone fits into a binary description. I don't know why someone would be a "fake" bisexual though. Everyone should just be whatever they are, with no faking needed. Of course, we'd have to get rid of all the bigots for people to be comfortable with that.
Linda, bisexuals ARE being who they are. I also disagree with the notion of a "fake" bisexual but there are celebs *coughkatycough* that seem to tap into the "omg girl on girl so NAUGHTY!" pool for a buck without regard to the group they're actually effecting *sigh* now that I can be against.
Thank You All,for your info. I think I understand a little better now. But I still need to think this through.
I have the good fortune to be buddies with two bisexual women. They aren't doing it to make their lives easier; they don't fit into the straight community and are sometimes seen as outsiders in the gay community as well. But they have no choice. Are you uneasy that they are just being honest? Are you just being prejudiced? To them everyone is really bisexual, they are just admitting their true feelings.
And "bi" the way, there is nothing fake about Jill Sobule; an honest, smart, funny woman. But at least you noticed she is bi. So often people just call her a lesbian since we live in a world where big simple labels are stuck on everything. It is easier than actually thinking.
Dear Vincernt, I am not uneasy with there honesty nor am I prejudiced toward that.
I just need to understand it more. And what better way to understand is to ask. I am VERY different in my sexuality. And it took a long time in my life to understand that about myself.
Yeah, I like Jill too. I was being a smart ass, though, listing her under "fakebisexual." I was really just wanting to remind everyone that she was the original GOOD songwriter that used that song title first! LOL
Well if it helps, sexuality is about the sex or gender one is sexually attracted to. Chances are high that you have been sexually attracted to more than one person. Well bisexuals are the same, only the people they are sexually attracted to aren't all from one gender or the other. Thus, they aren't "flip-flopping" and unable to choose, they are merely dating according to their attractions or the people they fall in love same as any other sexuality.
One may still "choose" to date exclusively in one gender or another, but it would be a lie to describe themselves as 100% hetero or gay. Given that honest frank discussion about sexuality in general is always better for society and queer acceptance and given the Kinsey scale is probably more right than not, there's where we are.
I'm asexual, by the way, so that's why my answer is a bit "clinical" in description.
I'm also not sure that "fake bisexuals" are not really bi. It seems to often appear in scared famous bi or lesbian people who hope to downplay it in order to prevent straight fans from being scared off by that "queer" artist.
YIKES!!! And WHY??
Just be who you are... whoever that is!
I'm frankly growing tired of Bisexuality in general. As a Lesbian, bisexual females are embarrassing to acknowledge, because they are seen as sex objects, leaving men to think: Well,I have a bi chick, I bet I can turn out a Lezzie.
Bisexual women are not real. In fact, bisexuality itself is not real. It's a gateway to being gay or it's mere confusing.
Anon that is false, there are many lesbians and gay men who felt they needed to fit in due to assumptions like yours. They eventually come out from being as who they actually are bisexual.
Theoretically, ALL humanbeings in their natural state, ARE bisexual! It's the particular culture, it's guidelines & customs that present forces to shape the individual's behavior. Religion, Law, & Customs are all about CONTROL of individuals & their behavior. LOVE is about mutual attraction between hearts & spirits. NOT genitals & their shape! Human beings are very well capable of falling in love with more than one person & more than one gender! It happens AllThe Time!!!
"As a Lesbian, bisexual females are embarrassing to acknowledge, because they are seen as sex objects, leaving men to think: Well,I have a bi chick, I bet I can turn out a Lezzie."
I agree with the notion that bisexual wimmin are often seen as sex objects [the same is often true for lebsians]. It's unfair and sickening. But it is NOT the bisexual or lesbian's fault. She is just being herself. If the MAN sees her as a sex object HE has the problem, HE is the embarassment, not her!
Anyway, the whole "fake bisexual thing," I think young wimmin who are not truly bi [or bicurious] are objectifying themselves. There's nothing wrong with being curious or being bisexual. But just pretending to be bi to get attention, shock one's parents, or to titilate men is not right. In the end, you're just lying about who you are.
Men are accused of being fake Bisexuals also. If you tell anyone you're bi as a guy they will automatically assume one of two things:
1) You're gay and using "bi" to help come of the closet.
2) You're really just straight but bi-curious, fetish etc.
As a bisexual guy myself, I can tell you, I like both genders equally. It's not a fetish, it's an urge, an uncontrollable urge that comes from within.
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