Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to Queer or Queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is Queer in nature.


Unknown said...


Have a great day!

Diane J Standiford said...

Come out today and every day.

Queers United said...

Happy pride to you both!

TYR said...

happy pride to you too!

Thalassa said...

i wrote up a layman's explanation of the recent DADT legal result in Washington state.

this case is a good one to watch and may enable us to finally push past the compromise measure that is DADT and into full freedom for GLB folks to serve.

Queers United said...

cool thanks thalassa, i have bookmarked it and plan on checking it out a bit later. i know the recent DADT ruling is a big deal and blow to the policy.

Pomoprophet said...

How come i'm not on your blog roll?


Sh@ney said...

You had a shout on my LGBT Blog List, just saying is all!..:P

Diane J Standiford said...

From my blog: To be Disabled and Gay

Queers United said...

Thank you Shaney, I love the graphic!

Diane thanks for the link... Being a double minority must be quite the struggle, but I think it only serves to make one stronger.

On a sidenote I don't know why links don't automatically show up on the blog, I think they used to. Any bloggers know how I can fix that?

Anonymous said...

you have a great blog! lots of content. keep in touch!

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