Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catholic School Kicks Lesbian Mother Off PTA

Robin McGehee's 5 year old son Sebastian attends St. Helen's Catholic School. The school was aware of her sexual orientation but forced her to resign after she appeared at a "No on 8" rally claiming it went against church teachings. Shortly after being forced to resign, the Vice-president of the PTA had resigned in solidarity with Ms. McGhee. Ms. McGhee and her wife are now looking for a new school for their son.

Email contact for St. Helen's Catholic School.

Phone: (559) 251-5855
Mailing Adress:
4888 East Belmont Avenue
Fresno, California 93727


Scot said...

That's terrible.

I always feared such a thing would happen to our family. Fortunately, our school is great. My husband was even chosen to be "Room Mom" and we're not the type to keep quiet at a rally either.

Shannon said...

At least her son won't be indoctrinated by the most corrupt government on the planet anymore.

Anonymous said...

Good for the vice president for taking a stand against hate in an institution that is so homophobic. That takes courage.

And it creates one of those really hard decisions for people who's religion is at odds with their sexual orientation. For many people, religion was such a large part of their upbringing and it really pulls at their morals to turn away from their church, even when it disagrees with the way they live their life. That Catholic guilt!

How devastating when your church blatantly discriminates against you, especially in a public way like that. I'm glad they won't be sending their son there any longer so hopefully he won't be exposed to unnecessary hatred. Lord knows he will exposed to enough in this world already.

Unknown said...

good that she stood up against the machine...

Laurie said...

How stupid! I'm glad that she is finding
a better school for her son....He doesn't
need to put up with hate like that either...


Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmm, isn't that the picture of Mother Angelica from ETWN? Please correct me if I am wrong............. I will comment later. Love to all, from Miami (Coconut Grove).

Queers United said...

larry - no clue, just found an angry nun with the word shame and figured its appropriate for the article lol.

Ajijaak said...

Yes, this is good that she is finding a better school for her son! I am glad the VP of the PTA resigned in solidarity with her, props to her!

Anonymous said...

F-U-C-K all of the Catholic schools around the country and around the world. My folks have told me HORROR stories of when they were kids going to them and of all of the nasty and mean and horny nuns and priests who taught at them! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU VILE, EVIL, horrible souls. But then, you'll meet your Maker one day, won't you??? And it will be time for you to pay the price.

Queers United said...

anonymous thanks for stopping by, you have helped re-activate the Sodmite Committee.

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