Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Former Atlanta Brave John Rocker Uses Anti-gay & Anti-Semitic Slurs

Former Atlanta Brave John Rocker used anti-gay slurs and anti-Semitic statements against local radio host Steak Shapiro during an altercation at the W Buckhead hotel’s grand opening last week.

Rocker allgedly used ethnic slurs against Shapiro, who hosts a sports talk show on AM station 790 The Zone, and in later stories reported that Rocker kept calling Shapiro a “Jew.”

The AJC did not report that Rocker used the word “faggot.” However, Shapiro confirmed to Southern Voice today that Rocker used the slur against him.

“It [faggot] is one of his favorite terms and he used it multiple times,” Shapiro told SoVo. “His exact words at least three times [were], ‘You Jew faggot.’ He is a pathetic guy.”

Rocker, a former Braves relief pitcher, caused a national stir in 1999 by ridiculing a host of minority groups when describing to a Sports Illustrated reporter why he would not want to play for a New York-based team.

“Imagine having to take the No. 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you’re [riding] through Beirut, next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids,” Rocker said. (Sovo)

Oh shucks, guess I won't be purchasing any "Rocker Gear"

To correspond with the homophobic, anti-Semitic former baseball star:


Anonymous said...

Obviously there are some knuckle-headed "jocks" who will never be able to get over their own masculine insecurities. They just don't have the brain power to be able to simply grow up and stop calling people derogatory names when they can't think of anything intelligent to say.

I'm glad I'm not them!

Anonymous said...

Can someone get a home phone number for him? I would love to talk to him one on one.

Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten all about this guy. I checked out his website and it borders on being a textbook case of Poe's Law. I honestly could not tell that it was not self parody for a few seconds, his rantings and ravings seem pretty pathetic.

Of course what was that radio station expecting when they hired a juiced-up bigot to do a segment?

Stephen said...

When will we stop tolerating homophobic imbeciles?

Anonymous said...

Go for you for writing about this...and yes we have all heard the rumors that he plays for our team!

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