Asexual Awareness Australia (A3) is an online resource and network for asexual people in Australia. Their goal is to bring the asexuals of the country together and provide support.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Web Spotlight: Asexual Awareness Australia
Westmoreland County Community College Eliminates Protections Based on Sexual Orientation
For the past nine years Westmoreland County Community College in Pennsylvania has included "sexual orientation" and "union membership" under its non-discrimination policy.
"But the school now says there is another statement that does not contain those four words and that it is the only one approved as an official policy by college trustees in a 1998 vote.
So the college has begun the unusual task of striking references to both classes of people from its non-discrimination language, including a statement on the college's web site" (Post Gazette).
Further, this decision may be part of a cover up by the school to ensure they are not liable for a conflict with a former school employee who was denied health insurance for his spouse after he legally married in Massachusetts.
The school denies that the two have any correlation, but the Union representatives arguing against the change are unsure.
The language has been in place for years without any problems, and whether it is official or not, the school should take steps not to delete the words but to ensure that they are made official.
Contact the interim President and let him know that this is unacceptable, unfair, and represents a bad image for the school.
President Daniel Obara:
Sci-Fi Bear Bares for PETA
Battlestar Galactica hottie, Jamie Bamber (a.k.a. Lee Adama, a.k.a Captain Apollo), recently posed for a PETA ad against the killing of Canadian black bears. The bears are shot and killed, then sent to the U.K. to be made into caps for the Queen’s Guard.
Crossposted via Best Gay Blogs.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Word of the Gay: "Spaghetti Girl"
"Spaghetti girl" is a term used among the lesbian and bisexual community to refer to a straight woman who doesn't know she has the potential to like females till one gets her wet. The joke being that the food spaghetti is straight, until soaked in water and gets wet.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Maya Angelou Calls for Marriage Equality
Maya Angelou, an extroadinary autobiographer and poet has issued a call for marriage equality calling it an issue of basic fairness. She has joined a number of celebrities in lobbying the New York state senate to push for same-sex marriage.
"Angelou, who maintains a home in Harlem in New York City, placed three phone calls to state senators in the past week, compelled by her belief that allowing same-sex couples to marry is a matter of fairness.
“To love someone takes a lot of courage,” the 81-year-old said in an interview with the newspaper. “So how much more is one challenged when the love is of the same sex and the laws say, ‘I forbid you from loving this person’?" (Advocate)
Please send a thank you letter to Ms. Angelou via her office manager for speaking out for equal rights and using her platform of fame for justice.
Kimberly Wheeler, Office Manager
Open Forum: Is the Federal Prop 8 Challenge Wise?
Once on opposite sides of a major U.S. court case Bush V Gore to determine the outcome of the 2000 presidential contest, Ted Olson and David Boies are now filing a federal challenge over the courts ruling on proposition 8.
The two attorney powerhouses are arguing that prop 8 violates the U.S. constitutional guarantee of equal protection and due process and maintain that federal courts will recognize sexual orientation as a suspect class that must be protected nationwide.
Below is a video of Ted Olson and David Boies discussing their case and plans with CNN's Larry King.
The loudest critics against this move are coming from those within the LGBT community. They are suspicious over Ted Olson who doesn't try to hide the fact that he is conservative. They also feel that there are not enough federal protections to have sexual orientation deemed a class that needs protection and don't believe they have the votes needed at the U.S. Supreme Court level to bring forth federal marriage equality. The activists and organizations prefer to take the state by state route, and feel that the Supreme Court issuing a ruling against same-sex marriage would set a very bad precedent for the movement.
What are your thoughts about this federal case for marriage equality? Regardless of the outcome should the push be made. Can we compare it to other civil rights struggles, where states refused to grant rights until mandated by the courts?
Word of the Gay: "Homosocial"
"Homosocial" describes same-sex relationships that are not of a sexual nature. The more modern term for this sort of relationship is bromance.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Meet in the Middle Rally in Fresno California Tomorrow
Join Meet in the Middle in Fresno, the middle of California, as we galvanize our forces with a day of unity of all peoples - gay and straight alike. Our peaceful events, including our Equality March and our Equality Rally, share the theme of "United for Equality". Join in helping take our vision back to your own communities where we can work together to change our world to include federal level equality, access & justice for all.
If you can't make it but want to watch the action, check out the exclusive live feed over at Unite The Fight. The live feed of Equality March begins at 7:50am PST and the feed of the Equality Rally begins at 1pm PST.
Empire State Pride Agenda Releases New York Marriage Ad
The Empire State Pride Agenda has released their 2nd video ad in support of marriage equality within New York state.
The video shows Karen Schuster of Rochester, NY who has a gay son and three straight children. She wants to know why her son Luke does not have the same rights as her daughter Jessica. In Karens words, If Jessica meets someone and falls in love and wants to get married, she can. But if Luke meets someone and falls in love and wants to get married, he can't. It's not equal treatment. This painful situation is the reality for thousands of families across New York State. We need the New York State Senate to act now and pass the marriage equality bill so that same-sex couples will no longer be treated as second-class citizens.
Exxon Mobil Continually Refuses to Recognize LGBT Employees
Shareholders at Exxon Mobil have once again voted down a proposal to add protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity to the company policy.
Exxon Mobil's leadership maintains that they are not required to pass anti-discrimination laws or support domestic partners and say that activists should focus on the federal level for such change.
The Human Rights Campaign has been persistent in trying to get the mega oil company to changes its policies over recent years and will continue to put pressure on them. Other companies such as British Petroleum, Chevron and Shell, score a 100% rating.
Let Exxon-Mobil know you won't support them until they put an end to their corporate-sanctioned discrimination.
E-contact Form for Exxon-Mobil
Word of the Gay: "Clitoromegaly"
"Clitoromegaly" means a larger than expected clitoris. This is usually a result of having congenital adrenal hyperplasia, an intersex variation.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Blog Spotlight: Supporting Love
Supporting Love is a blog written by a straight woman ally who knew little about the LGBTQ community, but realized ignorance was no longer an excuse for apathy. She created the blog to educate herself and others through book suggestions, movies, quotes, and news that is relevant in the fight for equality and justice for all.
Tell the President to End the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy and not to Fire Lt. Dan Choi
Lt. Dan Choi, from Orange County, California, is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and an Iraq War veteran. Last March he went on Rachel Maddow's show and spoke three truthful words: "I am gay."
As a result Lt. Choi received a letter from the Army on April 23 discharging him for violating the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. He told Rachel Maddow the letter was "a slap in the face" to himself and the soldiers he as commanded and served with over the past decade.
Lt. Choi is fighting to stay in the military and ensure that no other soldier is ever again discharged as a result of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The Courage Campaign and CREDO Mobile are joining his effort to secure equality in our armed forces.
President Obama did not create this policy. But he now has the opportunity to keep his promise and allow gay and lesbian soldiers to serve openly in the military. It's the right thing to do -- for justice and for national security.
140,860 people (as of Tuesday, May 26) have signed the following petition to President Obama from the Courage Campaign and CREDO Mobile. Please add your name now:
Illinois Legislature to Vote on Civil Unions Today!
The Illinois House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill allowing for civil unions for same-sex couples within just a few hours.
It is high time that committed same-sex couples have access to rights such as visiting a partner in a hospital, making financial and medical decisions, etc.
Urge representatives in the House to support HB2234, the Illinois Religious Freedom and Civil Union Act. Use this e-action form from Equality Illinois.
Call your State Senator in Springfield. Ask them to support the civil union bill, Senate Bill 1716. (The switchboard number is 217-782-2000).
Word of the Gay: "The Fourth Way"
"The Fourth Way" is a term used to describe the asexual orientation. They do not meet the sexual criteria for gay, straight, or bisexual, hence are "the fourth way"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Rally for LGBT Equality with President Obama Tonight in Beverly Hills
President Barack Obama, the most LGBT-friendly president in history, will be at the Beverly Hilton the evening of Wednesday, May 27th, for a DNC fundraiser. Let's take this opportunity, just one day after the CA Supreme Court makes its decision on Proposition 8, to show our President our support for his daring promise to our community and to highlight the growing movement towards FULL FEDERAL EQUALITY.
At 7PM we will be joined by Lt. Dan Choi and other LGBT servicemen & women in opposition to Don't Ask Don't Tell. They will ask for response from President Obama to the letter signed by 136,000 people asking the president not to fire Lt. Choi by ending DADT.
Wednesday, May 27 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Support Marriage Fairness in New York
With just a few days left in the legislative season to take action, the New York Civil Liberties Union is urging residents of the state to contact senators to bring up the same-sex marriage bill for a vote.
NYCLU has a form for New York residents to urge the senate leader Malcolm Smith and individual senators that represent particular districts to take action.
Word of the Gay: "Situational Lesbian"
A "situational lesbian" is someone who engages in same-sex sexual behavior in some instances but not in others. "Situational lesbians" may feel comfortable to act on their same-sex desires in affirming places such as a gay village, or a gay bar, but in more public settings will engage in heterosocial behaviors only.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
We Won't Back Down - Repeal Prop 8!
In a 6-1 ruling the California Supreme Court declared it legal for the majority to impose tyranny on a minority and effectively strip rights away from any population it chooses. Prop 8 may stand today, but the cracks are getting deeper and the voices are getting louder. We must remain steadfast in our opposition to marriage inequality and fight for justice and equality for all!
The Human Rights Campaign is urging for people to donate to the cause for marriage equality at
Hit The Streets - Prop 8 Upheld by Court!
Proposition 8 has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Gay marriage is officially illegal in the state of California, and the 18,000 marriages before hand are still in tact.
Be mad. Go out to the streets.
Word of the Gay: "No Hetero"
"No Hetero" is a relatively new term used to counter the offensive and anti-gay term no homo.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Operation DOMA Flip Flop
The government was served with a lawsuit the week of April 27th regarding the Defense of Marriage Act which bars federal recognition of same-sex couples. Now the Department of Justice, under President Obama's authority, has till the week of June 22nd to respond. They can either carry out on with the lawsuit defending DOMA, or choose not to defend an unconstitutional law.
Presidents have the option refusing to defend a law they view as unconstitutional on its face, of which there is no clearer example than DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act). President Obama himself has called the law “abhorrent” and he’s a constitutional law professor. Given these premises, we feel that President Obama refuse to defend DOMA and should instead instruct his Department of Justice to join GLAD in this historic lawsuit. There is a deadline of June 29th for President Obama to make his decision.
1. Print out your very own FLIP FLOP CARD (with writing on it) or print out a blank FLIP FLOP CARD and write your own message on it.
2. Join the Facebook page .
3. Mail your Flip Flop Cards to the White House from now until June 29th (which is the deadline for President Obama’s decision).
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Get active now with Operation DOMA Flip Flop.
Word of the Gay: "Lezbo"
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Dallas Principles - Premable for LGBT Equality
On May 15-17, 2009 in Dallas, Texas twenty-four thinkers, activists, and donors gathered to discuss the immediate need for full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender people in the United States. Collectively they prepared The Dallas Principles.
The following eight guiding principles underlie our call to action.
In order to achieve full civil rights now, we avow:
1.Full civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals must be enacted now. Delay and excuses are no longer acceptable.
2.We will not leave any part of our community behind.
3.Separate is never equal.
4.Religious beliefs are not a basis upon which to affirm or deny civil rights.
5.The establishment and guardianship of full civil rights is a non-partisan issue.
6.Individual involvement and grassroots action are paramount to success and must be encouraged.
7.Success is measured by the civil rights we all achieve, not by words, access or money raised.
8.Those who seek our support are expected to commit to these principles.
President Obama and Congress pledged to lead America in a new direction that included civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. We now sit at a great moment in our history that inspires the nation to return to its highest ideals and greatest promise. We face a historic opportunity to obtain our full civil rights; this is the moment for change. No delay. No excuses.
Nearly forty years ago, a diverse group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stood up to injustice at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. In doing so, they submitted themselves to bodily harm and criminal prosecution. Their demand was simple -- equal protection under the law.
Still today, full civil rights has eluded the same community that rioted forty years ago. Instead, untold sums of resources have been spent to divide our nation and turn our lives into a political football.
At several junctures in American history, the stars have aligned to deliver the promise of equal protection under the law to those previously denied. At this unique time in history, our nation must once again exercise the great tradition of making its people equal.
Justice has too long been delayed. A clear path toward full civil equality for the LGBT community is overdue and must come now.
Using fear and misunderstanding to justify discrimination is no longer acceptable in this nation. Those content with the way things are will be judged harshly by history. Those who do not actively advance these ideals or offer excuses will be judged just as harshly. Those who attempt to divide our community or to delay and deny action on civil equality, waiting for the right moment to arrive, will be held accountable.
We reject the idea that honoring the founding principles of our country is controversial. We believe in the inherent human dignity of all people. No longer will we submit our children, our family, our friends and ourselves as a political tool for any Party or ideology. A new day has arrived.
No Delay. No excuses. Learn more and take action at Dallas Principles.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Word of the Gay: "Straight Acting"
"Straight Acting" is when a gay person is not exhibiting any mannerisms that appear to fit an LGBTQ stereotype. For example a gay man who tries to fit in by avoiding seeming effeminate, or a lesbian who tries to avoid seeming overtly masculine.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Gay Outdoors
Gay Outdoors is a nationwide club for guys who are outdoor enthusiasts to connect with one another, through the message board, trips and events. GO has something for everyone at every level: hiking, backpacking, trekking, camping, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, mountaineering, fishing, surfing, beach trips, cross-country/downhill skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, cycling, adventure vacations, wilderness first aid, leadership training and more.
Washington Decline to Sign Referendum 71
There is a signature drive for referendum 71 to eliminate the Domestic Partnership Expansion Law of 2009 in Washington state. The new law gives many of the rights of marriage to same-sex couples, without changing the current state definition.
Oppponents of equal rights for LGBT people have phrased the question in a confusing fashion. If the referendum gets enough votes to make the ballot, LGBT people and allies would need to vote YES, because the referendum is not whether it should be repealed but whether it should be re-enacted.
Avoid the confusion, and steer clear from the anti-gay tactics of our opposition. Pledge now to decline to sign Referendum 71 and tell friends and family.
Open Forum: America Couldn't Handle a Gay Idol?
In what was seen as a shocking and unexpected result, Adam Lambert favored to win American Idol by fans and judges lost the title to competitor Kris Allen. Both are undeniably very talented men, but the loss raises questions as to what caused America to have a change of heart?
Many media outlets were focusing on scores of pictures of Lambert in flamboyant outfits, and kissing other males. The right-wing media was also playing up on Lambert's alleged sexuality, while also making the public aware of the "good Christian family man" Kris Allen.
There are those who argue that this is a talent competition and not something for activists on either side to get involved in, I couldn't agree more, except... When a lot of the votes appear to be based on the fact that people disliked Lambert's sexuality and gender expression, it becomes personal for the LGBT community.
Do you think Adam Lambert lost because he was a weaker contestant or because of the still largely queerphobic general population.
Word of the Gay: "Homogenital"
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rallies Planned for CA Supreme Court Decision This Tues May 26th
The California Supreme Court will decide on the validity of prop 8 and the existing 18,000 same-sex marriages that have been performed during the months of May-November this Tuesday May 26th. Thousands of people will converge in cities nationwide in an effort to celebrate the decision, or to show their disapproval and rage while showing solidarity with a national movement for federal protections.
Day of Decision
Nationwide organizing effort to respond to the courts decision, check for a city near you!
Harrah's Hotel and Casino Pleads for Gay Rights on Economic Grounds
The Harrah's chain of Las Vegas casinos and hotels has written a letter to Nevada's legislature warning about a potential loss in gay tourism if Gov. Gibbons vetoes that state's pending domestic partners bill.
In a letter to lawmakers, Harrah's Senior Vice President Jan Jones said that Nevada must compete with other destinations for the growing gay and lesbian business and that there could be a "negative economic impact" if the bill does not become law.
"Our state cannot afford to lose any more revenue to other destinations because of a reputation as a place which is not socially or politically the right place to do business or to vacation," Jones stated in the letter, dated Tuesday. Gays and lesbians have the highest disposable income of any segment of the population, according to Jones. "Our company does aggressive marketing to this community," Jones said Wednesday. "How can we say to them 'we want your business, but we don't care about your rights."
Honesty is the best policy, and diversity is the right thing to do. Harrah's has accomplished both with this letter of support for the Nevada domestic partnership bill, which the governor promises to veto.
Send Harrah's Hotel and Casinos a thank you letter for supporting LGBT customers in Nevada and for their overall ranking and awards by the Human Rights Campaign.
Crossposted via Joe My God.
Harvey Milk Vigils Planned Across California Tonight to Honor Slain Hero
Candlelight Vigils are being planned for the following locations tonight between 5-7 PM to honor the anniversary of Harvey Milk's birthday. Please bring peaceful signs with Milk quotes or quotes relating to the movement and candles:
San Francisco:
Steps of City Hall, across from Civic Center Plaza.
Make sure candles are in cups.
Los Angeles:
West Hollywood, Corner of San Vicente and Santa Monica
Orange County:
Huntington Beach Pier. Meet at the top.
Peace Corner(Shaw and Blackstone)
San Diego:
Outside of Rich's Night Club, By the Marriage Equality Wall
West steps of the state Capitol
Campus Pride National LGBT College Climate Survey for Students, Faculty, and Staff
The National LGBT College Climate Survey is a comprehensive assessment to document the experiences of students, faculty, staff and administrators who identify as LGBT at America's colleges and universities. The survey is conducted through the Q Research Institute for Higher Education owned and operated by Campus Pride.
Participation is confidential and data specific to higher education institutions will not be identified in the final analysis. Once the survey is completed, any participant will have the opportunity, if chosen, to register for $500 cash and a free cruise aboard RSVP Vacations.
Word of the Gay: "Adam & Steve"
Right wing opponents of gay rights often use the term Adam & Eve not "Adam & Steve" when it comes to defending heterosexual marriage only.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Nevada Governor Pledges to Veto Domestic Partnership Bill (TAKE ACTION)
Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons (R) has promised to veto the domestic partnership bill. His spokesperson Daniel Burns has said that:
"The governor believes that government has no business in your medicine chest or your bedroom"
He also believes there are existing contracts that can be created, so no change to the law is needed. If there are people who want to be domestic partners, they can do so under existing laws.
He is also mindful of the fact that voters of this state on two occasions have said that marriage is between a man and a woman, and it's part of our Constitution."
It is unfair to deny domestic partners equal rights, and create legal obstacles for partners to obtain the same rights when it comes to estate planning, family planning, and medical decision making.
To contact Governor Jim Gibbons:
State Capitol
101 N. Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-5670
Fax: (775) 684-5683
E-contact form
The good news is that there is word there may be enough votes within the state senate to override the Governor's veto. It is imperative Nevada residents contact their senators to urge for passage of senate bill 283.
Web Spotlight: Marriage Equality Works
Marriage Equality Works is a resource to help marriage equality supporters around the country tell the story of marriage in Massachusetts. Here you can learn the facts about equal marriage rights in Massachusetts, access tools to help educate the public in other states and donate to this important work.
South Carolina Anti Violence Bill Amended to Exclude Gay Teens
Evangelical anti-gay lawmakers in South Carolina have amended a bill originally intended to stop teen dating violence, so that the legislation excludes gay teens.
The bigots’ reasoning: Any effort to discourage domestic violence in gay teen relationships would implicitly acknowledge the existence and dignity of gay teens and would lessen the pressure upon teen-agers to pretend to be heterosexual or 'ex-gay'.
Exodus International has two activist organizations and two member churches in the state — none of which have protested the exclusion of gay teens from antiviolence legislation, and none of which support antibullying programs in the state’s schools.
If you live in South Carolina, please let these activists know, politely, that those who tolerate or affirm violence against gay youth in your state betray fairness, justice, morality, and Christian values.
Contact New Song, the so-called Truth Ministry, Christian Assembly of God, and Westminister Presbyterian Church.
Crossposted via Truth Wins Out.
Dish Network Finally Offers LOGO
UPDATE: We’re pleased to report that satellite provider Dish Network, the only major television carrier to not offer Logo, has added the 24/7 LGBT network to its HD line-up. Dish HD customers can now get Logo on channel 373.
Dish Network remains the sole national carrier of Free Speech TV, the somewhat radical, left-wing alternative network that airs Gay USA, a weekly hard-news show, and other gay-friendly programs.
The HD package that offers Logo costs $20 per month, and includes MGM HD and HD Movie Net, both of which air many classic films, all shown uncut (Truth Wins Out).
2/6/09: Dish Network which bills itself as the leader in satellite home entertainment, and offers virtually all channels available, seems to be having an issue getting LGBT channels.
It seems suspicious, especially in light of the company voting down an anti-discrimination bill a few months ago.
The 24/7 LGBT channel LOGO which is part of the Viacom Network is not included, even though they renewed their contract with DISH Network and now offer channels such as MTV, MTV 2, BET, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon. Here! TV another gay channel is supposed to be offered, but a reader has tipped me off to the fact that they say it is not available even though the here! website says it is only available through a special online subscription, it is nowehere to be found on the Dish Network website.
So if they don't want to have an anti-discrimination bill for their gay employees, and they don't want to offer gay tv, do they want gay customers?
E-contact form for Dish Network.
Phone: (303) 723-1000
Word of the Gay: "Pomo Afro Homo"
"Pomo Afro Homo" stands for Post-modern African American Homo, they shun labeling their sexual orientation, and choose to be avant-garde.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Urge Congress to Support the Stonewall Resolution
The National Center for Lesbian Rights is urging us to support The Stonewall Resolution, also known as H.R. 433 which was introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Tammy Baldwin, Barney Frank, and Jared Polis.
The Stonewall Inn, a popular LGBT bar in the Greenwich Village section of New York City, was raided by police in late June 1969. The resulting protests were a vivid demonstration by LGBT people of their resolve to publicly resist government harassment and discrimination. These actions, collectively referred to as “Stonewall,” helped inspire unprecedented activism for LGBT rights and fair treatment. For these reasons, Stonewall occupies a rightful place in the history of the LGBT community, and of the nation as a whole.
H.R. 433 pays homage to this history and, appropriately, recognizes both how far we’ve come as a community and the work that remains to be done.
We are urging our supporters to contact their Congressional representatives and asking them to co-sponsor this resolution. Please call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121. Ask to be connected to your Representative's office.
New York Statewide GENDA Call-In Day
Today is New York statewide Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) S.2406 Call-In Day. The bill has passed the assembly and not awaits action by senate committee.
Take action to get S.2406 approved by the senate and signed into law.
Tell Senate sponsor Tom Duane - (518) 455-2451 to bring GENDA to a full senate vote. Then contact your state senator if you are resident of New York state to vote in favor of the legislation.
Word of the Gay: "Kinsey Scale"
The "Kinsey Scale" is a concept allowing one to more accurately define their sexuality. The scale ranges form 0 being exclusively heterosexual to 6 being exclusively homosexual, with anything in the middle being a degree of bisexuality. The Kinsey Reports used X to define someone who was asexual.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Vote NOW for Adam Lambert on American Idol!
O'Reilly wanted a culture war at American Idol, talking about whether Christians will vote against Adam Lambert who is likely gay. Well, let's give him a culture war, keep calling in for Adam Lambert and lets have a talented young man, who likely happens to be gay win!
1-866-IDOLS-01, 03, or 05 or text your vote to 5701!
Organization Spotlight: Out in Africa - South African Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
The Out In Africa South African Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (OIA). The Festival seeks to address the lack of visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex individuals (LGBTIs) in South African social and cultural life after decades of apartheid repression, to counter negative images of LGBTIs that prevail in traditional and religious communities, and to serve as a platform for discussion and debate about the situation of LGBTIs in a newly founded democracy.
World Hepatitis Day - Why the Gay/Bi Community Must Take Action!
Today is World Hepatitis Day and we must be aware of the alarming statistic that one in twelve people have chronic hepatitis. Many of those infected are unaware due to a lack of symptoms, and many others don't know about easy steps to take to protect themselves.
Hepatitis is of major concern to the gay/bisexual community, partners can be infected through anal, vaginal and oral sex, as well as through rimming, fingering, and sharing sex toys.
The hepatitis B virus is spread through direct contact with infected blood as well as most major body fluids, including blood, semen, sweat, tears and breast milk. The hepatitis C virus is spread through direct contact with infected blood. Very rarely it may be passed on through other body fluids.
The most common routes of infection are:
* Blood transfusions and receiving blood products before screening was introduced
* Medical or dental interventions without adequate sterilisation of equipment
* Mother to infant during childbirth
* Sharing equipment for injecting drugs
* Sharing straws, notes etc. for snorting cocaine
* Sharing razors, toothbrushes or other household articles
* Tattooing and body piercing if done using unsterilised equipment
Tips for protection:
Make sure to take precautions by getting vaccinated, using condoms, and dental dams, washing your hands after the bathroom and before you eat, and avoiding sharing sex toys.
It's easy to get tested, and to get vaccinated to prevent the spread of the disease.
Bill O'Reilly Dividing American Idol's "Gay" and "Christian" Vote
Bill O'Reilly is engaging in his gay versus straight and Christianity versus secular America, even on his latest segment discussing American Idol! This is a talent competition to find the best singer, not the best preacher.
On his show the O'Reilly Factor he says "might be gay Adam Lambert" versus straight Kris Allen. Where does he come off having the right to discuss anyone's alleged sexual orientation, and how as a "journalist" does he find his sources to know either of these mens actual sexual identification. To play devil's advocate Adam Lambert may be gay but that doesn't negate the fact that he could be a Christian, but just because Kris Allen is married and identifies as Christian doesn't make him straight, he could be bisexual.
Bill O'Reilly maintains that Christians may vote for the Christian candidate and then engaged in gay-baiting by showing irrelevant pictures of Adam Lambert kissing men.
Tell Bill O'Reilly to stop his "culture war" against LGBT Americans:
Word of the Gay: "Butchilinity"
Monday, May 18, 2009
Democrats Want More of the Pink Dollar - Some Say NO!
On June 25th there is going to be a Democratic National Committee LGBT Leadership Council fund raising dinner at Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, DC.
It will be featuring Vice President Joe Biden as the guest of honor… the prices run from $30,400 to $1,000 per seat.
A President we can be Proud of?
Easter egg rolls while fun and PR good, they do not really provide us with much in the way of protections… and I think there is some kind of reality disconnect going on here.
Anyone remember Rick Warren at the inauguration? Anyone remember the discharge of Lt Dan Choi? Anyone remember the half-heart press release just hours before the vote on the Mathew Shepard hate crime law? Or the surreptitious write out of our issues from the White House web site? Or National Security Adviser James Jones saying he did not know if DADT would be repelled in our lifetime?
Anyone remember seeing any real leadership from President Obama or the congressional democrats on any of the issues that affect our LGBT community or our daily lives whatsoever?
The Democrats and President Obama must think we do…. Because they are coming to us for money again and don’t seem to get it… what we see is while they like gay dollars and votes, they don’t really like to do much on gay issues.
Lez Get Real is asking everyone in the LGBT community to let the DNC know… “NO WE CAN’T… till they can.”
DNC- 202-863-8000
Organization Spotlight: United Kingdom Intersex Society
The United Kingdom Intersex Association (UKIA) is an education, advocacy, campaigning and support organisation which works on behalf of intersexed people.
DC vigil for Durval Martins Tomorrow
For those in the DC area, DC’s GLBT Anti-Violence Task Force GLOV will hold a candlelight vigil and march through Logan Circle on the evening of May 19, 2009 to honor the life of Durval Martins and raise awareness of biased crimes against members of our GLBT community.
On Tuesday, December 16, 2008, Durval Martins was shot and killed while walking home at the intersection of 11th and Q streets, NW in D.C.’s Logan Circle neighborhood. Local community leaders will be in attendance to raise awareness, enlist community support in finding those responsible and condemn hate-biased violence. Please join us.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 19, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (estimated)
WHERE: Introductory remarks at Reeve Center Courtyard (Corner of 14th and U streets, NW). Procession will head South on 14th street, East on Q street, end at 11th and Q streets, NW and end with a moment of silence at corner of 11th and Q streets, NW (the site of Durval Martins’ murder).
WHAT TO WEAR: Attendees are encouraged to show solidarity by wearing white.
Crossposted via HRCbackstory
March for Equality 6.28.09 Nationwide!
On June 28th 2009 there will be nationwide rallies for solidarity and to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. This will be an opportunity to honor our hero's who spearheaded the movement for equality and to demand that the country eliminate discriminate against queer people.
Formerly, the march was titled "The Million Gay March" but organizers felt that it was not inclusive of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, and asexual people.
MyLGBTRights the homepage for the March for Equality has a listing of nationwide demonstrations, tips for action, and opportunities to network.
Word of the Gay: "Blue Discharge"
"Blue Discharge" is a term for the dishonorable discharge from the military due to violating their policy on homosexuality.