Tyra Banks often has gay people and stories on her shows, which can be seen as positive. As of late however the topics seem to be getting more offensive. In the past few months, the Tyra show seems to be giving a lot of airtime to debating whether sexuality can be changed, and to insinuate that orientations like bisexuality are fake!
A recent poll on Tyra Banks website called "Flip the Gay Switch?" asks whether viewers believe it's possible to stop being gay. Is it appropriate to even ask this question in light of scientific findings that one cannot alter their orientation? How about some reverse psychology, is it possible to stop being straight, or any of the other reverse questions heterosexuals should ask themselves?
Also caving into bi-phobia is another poll question asking about the reality of bisexuality. Titled Bisexuality: Real or Bogus? The question alone is highly offensive, it not only insinuates that this orientation is not valid or legitimate, but it also goes so far as to suggest that bisexual identified people are liars.
The Tyra Banks show has received praise from this blog for her past commitment to accurately portraying the lives of LGBT people. But with the recent polls above, and other shows seeking "ex-gays" or programs on people who "hate being gay" and want to change, one seriously needs to re-evaluate whether Tyra Banks is just aiming for shock-value and ratings, and taking advantage of the LGBT community.
Tell Tyra Banks to use her show to accurately and positively discuss LGBT people as she has done in the past, and not to go for unscientific and offensive programs such as "ex-gays" or questioning of whether bisexuality is real.
To comment on the show please click here.
To contact her via her fan mail please use the following email address:
To suggest LGBT-friendly shows click here.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Is The Tyra Banks Show Promoting Bi-phobia and "Ex-Gay" Myth?
Ken Garff Automotive Group Boycott Called Off
2/28/09: A California gay-rights group announced Friday it is formally ending a boycott of one of Utah's most high-profile car dealerships.
Fred Karger, director of Californians Against Hate, said Friday the two-week boycott of Ken Garff Automotive Group was being called off immediately, following a series of meetings that included face-to-face discussions between company principals John and Robert Garff and Utah philanthropist Bruce Bastian, a leading gay-rights advocate. (Californians Against Hate)
2/11/09: Mrs. Katharine Garff, mother of Ken Garff Automotive Group Chairman of the Board and CEO Robert Heiner Garff, gave $100,000.00 to the California’s Yes on Proposition 8 campaign to take away the rights of gays and lesbians. In the past 9 years, Katharine Garff had only given $3,000 in political contributions, all to U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch. Now all of a sudden she becomes one of the largest contributors to Prop. 8 in the country.
The Garff family owns dozens of car dealerships in 4 states — Utah, California, Texas and Iowa. Please support this important Boycott and support equality for all.
Utah Dealerships
- Ken Garff Chrysler Jeep Dodge
4175 W 3500 S
West Valley, UT 84120 - Ken Garff Ford
597 East 1000 South
American Fork, UT 84003
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Honda Downtown
64 E. 900 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 - Ken Garff Honda Ogden
900 W. Riverdale Road
Ogden, UT 84405 - Ken Garff Honda of Orem
115 E. University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058 - Ken Garff Hyundai
198 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Jaguar
543 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Mercedes
575 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Mitsubishi Downtown
150 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 - Ken Garff Nissan Riverdale
615 W. Riverdale Road
Riverdale, UT 84405 - Ken Garff Nissan Salt Lake
777 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Nissan of Orem
285 W. University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058 - Ken Garff Porsche Audi VW
196 E. University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Buick Pontiac GMC Mitsubishi
900 W. Riverdale Rd.
Ogden, UT 84405
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Saab
560 S 200 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Ken Garff Volvo
525 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
California Dealerships
- Surf City Nissan
17331 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
800-615-9640 - Stadium Nissan
1140 W. Katella Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
866-374-8080 - Puente Hills Subaru
17801 E. Gale Avenue
City of Industry, CA 91748
626-626-4800 - Ken Garff Chevrolet Cadillac of the Desert
78-611 US Highway 111
866-889-2520 - Acura of the Desert
68-100 Perez Rd.
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Toyota of the Desert
68-105 Kyle Rd.
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Leave feedback on Yelp.com
Texas Dealerships
- Texan Pontiac GMC Buick
18225 Eastex Freeway
Humble, TX 77338
281-973-5827 - Casa Pontiac GMC Buick
1701 I-10 East
Baytown, TX 77521
800-481-4397 - Northwest Dodge
19616 NW Freeway
Houston, TX 77065
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Clearlake Dodge
15711 Gulf Freeway
Webster, TX 77598
Iowa Dealerships
- Dewey Ford
3055 S E Delaware Ave.
Ankeny, Iowa 50021
800-807-8240 - Dewey Dodge Jeep
3175 S E Delaware Ave.
Ankeny, Iowa 50021
888-364-6908 - Stew Hansen Dodge City Jeep
12103 Hickman
Des Moines, Iowa 50323
Leave feedback on Yelp.com - Stew Hansen Chrysler Dodge Jeep
2412 N. Jefferson
Indianola, Iowa 50125
Help spread the word through Yelp.com that Mrs. Garff’s $100,000.00 contribution to Yes on 8 will cost them lost car sales. Follow the link to Yelp.com and enter Garff Automotive Group. Leave a comment on what you think about their enormous support for Prop 8. Comments can be posted for any of Garff Automotive owned dealer around the U.S.
Open Forum: Gay Civil Rights and The Bible
The Bible has long been used as a weapon against civil rights battles for African Americans and women, and on the contrary has also been used as a tool to empower and institute government reforms for minority groups.
The Bible has long been used to justify slavery and to subjugate women. Multiple verses can be pointed to in making any case that fits the philosophical view of the majority opinion.
Many religions and denominations are coming to see homosexuality as based in science and psychology and are rendering different interpretations of what it means to be gay. We are in the epicenter of a civil rights battle between secularists, those who believe church/state must be separate, and those who take the Bible at its literal word.
Verses in the Bible were ill interpreted to condone slavery of African-Americans, and the repression of women. As a society we are beginning to see that these groups are not to be treated as second class citizens and that they are fully capable of leading healthy, independent and productive lives.
Is it possible that the shift in religious views on homosexuality will change beyond the realms of progressive/liberal denominations? Will people come to see the authors of the Bible as having not referenced homosexuality, or how the verses have been misinterpreted, or will there always be some element of society that continue to point to religion as a basis for denying gay civil rights?
Word of the Gay: "Intersex Pride"
"Intersex Pride" is about recognition of the unique status of intersex people, and a dedication to recognition, awareness, and acceptance of sex-variant individuals.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sean Hannity Singles Out Gay Kissing at Oscars
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity has singled out gay kissing at the Oscars, as something society should not be exposed to. GLAAD makes a nice little video, to showcase his level of hypocrisy.
Contact form for Sean Hannity.
Cambridge Phelps-A-Thon
Fred Phelps and his anti-gay cult God Hates Fags will protesting against Cambridge Rindge and Latin school in Cambridge, MA, home to one of the oldest gay-straight alliances in the United States.
God Hates Fags is planning their demonstration for March 13th.
For every minute they protest, equality minded people worldwide will be donating to the Phelp-A-Thon.
TransAction Day 2009
TransAction is a national day to encourage dialogue about gender, gender roles and the full range of gender identities, and to advocate for inclusive, safe schools for all students.
The 2007 National School Climate Survey, a national study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) found:GLSEN is encouraging people to celebrate, educate, and advocate on behalf of transgender people.
85.1% of transgender students reported being verbally harassed based on their sexual orientation and gender/gender expression
96.1% of students heard negative comments related to students’ gender expression
38.4% of students reported feeling unsafe at school because of their gender expression.
Transgender students reported experiencing higher levels of harassment and assault related to various personal characteristics than other students.
To sign up or to see the resources available, please check out TransAction Day!
Word of the Gay: "Little Sodom"
"Little Sodom" is a term used to describe a gayborhood or any place with a high concentration of gay people.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
O'Reilly, Miller Falsely Suggested Obama Supported Prop 8
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller falsely suggested President Obama supported California's Proposition 8. After Miller described a call to his radio show in which the caller suggested that "had [Obama] been a California resident," he "would have voted for Proposition 8," O'Reilly stated that the caller "probably listened to The Radio Factor and then called you because we had said that." In fact, Obama opposed Proposition 8.
To contact Bill O'Reilly:
To contact Dennis Miller:
Crossposted via Media Matters.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
XBOX Live Bans Words 'Gay' and 'Lesbian'
There have been a number of reports that Microsoft is banning people from using their XBOX Live video game console for simply having the word gay or lesbian in their username and/or profile. These players have been harassed and chased to different games by other users. One situation involved a guy last May whose tag theGAYERgamer was banned. Now, a lesbian user has been banned for identifying her sexuality.
These users have had their account suspended and xbox live did nothing to solve the issue, but instead said others found it offensive.
Please tell Microsoft that while it is getting 100% ratings on the corporate equality index by the Human Rights Campaign, in this scenario they are siding with the homophobes and penalizing the victim.
Email support for XBOX Live.
Assistance by phone seven days a week.
Stop the North Carolina Marriage Amendment!
They're at it again North Carolina. With right wing legislators filing a constitutional amendment denying same-sex couples access to marriage and any other kind of relationship recognition this week, we need you to ask your elected officials not to sign on as a sponsor.
Take action now to ask your legislators to oppose the amendment. Have an even greater impact by putting a message via this form in your own words!
Irish University Conducting Study on Asexuality
The National University of Ireland, Galway is conducting a new study on asexuality. They are examining the psychology and experience of asexuals. There is very little in the way of scientific research about the asexual orientation, click here to help with the online research.
Colorado Senator Scott Renfroe: "Gay Sin Is Equal to Murder"
In a deliberation over whether the state of Colorado should extend health care coverage to same-sex partners of state employees, Senator Scott Renfroe (R) quoted scripture and pointed to verses that he believes are about homosexuality in his effort to encourage his colleagues to vote against the bill. He also equated homosexuality with other sins such as murder and made other offensive comments that can be seen in the audio portion on you youtube below. It is unacceptable for an elected official to make these outrageous statements and get away with them in the name of religion, when government should be a separate entity from church politics.
Use Progress Now Colorado's online form to let Scott Renfroe know what you think about his bigoted position.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wanda Sykes Says "I Do" Do You?
Out comedian Wanda Sykes is sharing her commitment to marriage equality and asking us all to join her in the fight to achieve civil rights.
To purchase buttons, shirts, stickers, and signs here.
Buttars-Palooza (Utah Party for Truth & Justice)
Who knew that prop 8 would stir up such fervor and mobilize Utah's gay community as it has. Having the Common Ground Initiative defeated, and hearing Utah Senator Buttars call "gays the biggest threat to America" the community is not giving up.
There will be a party at the Capitol for truth and justice with music, dancing, street artists, food, fun and feature a special "tribute" to everyone's favorite Senator.
Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Utah Capitol - South Lawn, 350 N. State St., Salt Lake City, UT
Feel free to RSVP on facebook.
Demand Family Policy Council of West Virginia Take Down Sniper Ad
Truth Wins Out (TWO) has called on The Family Policy Council of West Virginia to immediately remove an online video ad that compares same-sex marriage supporters to snipers targeting families. The goal of the ad is to rally supporters to lobby in favor of amending West Virginia’s constitution to prohibit same sex couples from marrying.
“This kind of overheated rhetoric creates a climate where hate crimes can occur,” said Truth Wins Out’s Executive Director Wayne Besen. “We demand that The Family Policy Council of West Virginia apologize and take down this violent ad. This video is reckless, wrongheaded and irresponsible.”
Pay It Forward: Thank Dustin Lance Black, Sean Penn and Cleve Jones
The Courage Campaign is urging us to send a thank you letter to Dustin Lance Black, Sean Penn, and Cleve Jones for making the movie MILK possible, and for their commitment to LGBT rights and equality. Their acceptance speeches at the oscars and their inclusion of gay rights in their speech is heartfelt and has been heard by millions.
Click here to fill out the letter
Intersex Bashing on Fox Network
House is a popular medical drama that can be seen on the Fox Network. The program recently featured a storyline about an intersex child. The terms "shemale" and "freak of nature" were used to make reference to the child. The House character is usually seen as offensive and other characters are disapproving, and while the shows effort to discuss intersex issues is important, this sort of language is unacceptable as it perpetrates misunderstanding and violence against intersex and gender variant people.
Demand that Fox stop bashing sexual and gender minorities, and to provide more positive and accurate depictions of intersex people.
Word of the Gay: "Pink Sheep"
"Pink Sheep" is the person who sticks out as different, the term is usually used jokingly as "pink sheep" of the family to indicate someone is LGBTQ.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Urgent Alert: Help Pass Civil Unions in Hawaii Senate Judiciary Committee
The Hawaiian Senate Judiciary Committee meets tomorrow morning to vote on whether the entire senate should vote on the civil unions bill.
The six Senate committee members appear to be deadlocked on the bill, as Sen. Robert Bunda, considered the swing vote, announced that he will vote against it.Senator Bunda has stated he is open to recognition of same-sex couples, but he feels this legislation is a move to bring HI closer to gay marriage, while Senator Slom is completely opposed on the grounds that only those who can procreate should have access to the institution of marriage.
The expected count has Sens. Brian Taniguchi, Dwight Takamine and Clarence Nishihara in favor and Sens. Bunda, Mike Gabbard and Sam Slom opposed. (Star Bulletin)
Please email ALL 6 senators and explain why they should vote in favor of civil unions. The list starts with the most crucial, those who are currently opposed.
Senator Robert Bunda [OPPOSED]
Senator Sam Slom [OPPOSED]
Senator Mike Gabbard [OPPOSED]
Senator Brian Taniguchi [SUPPORTS]
Senator Clarence K. Nishihara [SUPPORTS]
Dwight Takamine [SUPPORTS]
Equal Rep: Fred Hochberg for Commerce Secretary!
Fred Hochberg is extremely qualified to be Commerce Secretary. Although he has been tapped to become Chair of the Export-Import Bank, he is only being vetted and he hasn't been confirmed yet. We believe that Mr. Hochberg would be better utilized as Commerce Secretary.
Hochberg has more than 25 years of experience in business, government, civil rights activities, and philanthropy. From 1998 through 2000, he served as deputy then acting administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA), an agency elevated to cabinet rank by President Bill Clinton. He also served on President Clinton's Management Council.
Hochberg is also an Agency Review team leader on President-elect Obama's transition team. He has served on the boards of Playwrights Horizon, the Wolfsonian Art Museum, and on the Democratic National Committee. And he was appointed Dean of the Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy in 2003.
From 1994 to 1998, Fred Hochberg worked as founder and president of Heyday Company, a private investment firm managing real estate, stock market investments, and venture capital projects. Prior to that, he was president and chief operating officer of the Lillian Vernon Corporation, where he led the transformation of a small family mail order company into a publicly traded direct marketing corporation.
Fred Hochberg also brings a lot to the table in terms of diversity. He would be the first EVER openly gay Cabinet member in the entire history of the United States. Mr. Hochberg is also Jewish.
STEP 1. Call Obama 202-456-1111
STEP 2. Email Obama: comments@whitehouse.gov
STEP 3: Repeat on Thursday and Friday.
Gayness at the Oscars
Dustin Lance Black's acceptance speech for Best Original Screen Play for MILK, included a shout out to LGBT youth.
Sean Penn's acceptance speech for Best Actor included a plea for equality and pointed the finger against those who voted for proposition 8.
Texas Independence Lobby Day March 2nd
Don't miss this opportunity to share your concerns and your lives face-to-face with the Texas lawmakers elected to represent you.
Opening Welcome Reception on Sunday, March 1st from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Doubletree Hotel Austin - University Area, located at 1617 North IH-35
Cash bar and free hors d'oeuvres
Lobby Day Schedule on Monday, March 2nd
8am – 9am Breakfast & Registration (TBA)
9am - 10am Group photo & Press conference (Capitol South Steps)
10am – 11am Lobby Training (Capitol Extension Auditorium E1.004)
11am – 12pm Team Lobby Visits (Assigned Capitol offices)
12pm – 1pm Lunch (provided); Capitol City Men's Chorus Performance (Capitol Rotunda)
1pm – 2pm Team Lobby Visits/Lobby Your Legislator (Assigned Capitol offices)
2pm – 3pm Thank you letters/debrief (Capitol Extension Auditorium E1.004)
Host Hotel
Doubletree Hotel Austin - University Area, located at 1617 North IH-35
Special room rate of $109, plus local taxes
Queen/Queen, or King. Free Wi-Fi
For reservations, call 512-479-4000; Specify "Equality Texas Discount Rate"
Date: 3/2/2009 from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Central Time)
Hosted By: Equality Texas
Lindsay Marsh, Field Organizer
Crossposted via Planet Transgender.
Word of the Gay: "M.S.M."
"M.S.M." is an acronymn used for men who have sex with men. The acronymn is used to reference the assertion that males who have sex with males are at a higher risk for HIV.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Blog Spotlight: My Heart Goes Out
My Heart Goes Out is a blog run by Carol Boltz the former wife of openly gay Christian singer Ray Boltz. She now shares her story as an LGBT ally, her struggle of having been married to a closeted gay man, and her commitment to fighting the sham and myth of the "ex-gay" movement.
Demand Investigation into Attack on Trans Woman
On January 28th, 2009, a television news report showed an incident in which neighborhood watch patrols in the city of Tarapoto, Peru, chased and caught a travesti (transvestite) and her companion and then physically humiliated and insulted them. Neighborhood watch members cut their victims' hair and forced them to strip before subjecting them to a series of military training exercises until they collapsed from exhaustion. Throughout the ordeal, a crowd of onlookers made fun of the victims.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) joins MHOL and RedLacTrans in requesting that you send emails asking Peruvian authorities to investigate this incident.
Please send your letters to:
- Sr. Remigio Hernani Meloni
Ministro del Interior - Ministeriodel Interior Plaza 30 de Agosto s/n Urb. Corpac - San Isidro
ministro@mininter.gob.pe - Gral. PNP Luis Hugo Mezarina Ponte
Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Sector Interior - sp-cndh@mininter.gob.pe
- General de Policía PNP Mauro Walter Remicio Maguiño
Director de la Policía Nacional - dgdinfo@pnp.gob.pe
Please also send a copy of your letter to:
- Fernando D'Elio
- fdelio@iglhrc.org
- Jana Villayzan
- transgeneridad@yahoo.com
RedLacTrans Peru - Jorge Chavez Reyes
- chavez@mhol.org.pe
MHOL - Marcela Romero
- marcelaromero_40@yahoo.com.ar
RedLacTrans – Directora Ejecutiva
Serious Outreach Campaign: Local Media
Serious Outreach will identify and publicize outreach dates to meet with specific communities across the country. The first is outreach to the LOCAL MEDIA, which is scheduled for Thursday, February 26, 2009.
Shameless Self Promotion Sunday
Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kentuckians Value Fairness Statewide Rally in Capitol
The Kentuckians Value Fairness rally to promote the passage of a statewide Fairness law in Kentucky prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, and public accommodations will be held in the Frankfort Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday, February 25.
Statewide Rally
Capitol Rotunda, Frankfort
February 25, 2009
8:30 am: Meeting and Lobby Training in Capitol Annex 111
9 am-Noon: Meet with Legislators
12:30-1:30 pm: Rally in Rotunda
*Meet at the Fairness Campaign office at 7:30am to carpool.
Call 893-0788 with any questions
"Ex-Gay" and the Law - A Survivors Guide to Taking Action
Truth Wins Out and Lambda Legal have created a booklet to educate survivors of the so called "ex-gay" movement who believed they were harmed by their radical and fringe tactics.
If you are a victim of the "ex-gay" movements psycholocially damaging practices, and have been sold under the false guise that your orientation or identity would change there may be legal options for you by reading the newly produced guide.
Ex-Gay and the Law.
You can also call Lambda Legal toll free at 866-542-8336.
Boycott Jamaica!
There have been increasing calls from gay rights groups about boycotting Jamaica over its fiercely homophobic culture and the violence and danger faced in the country by gays and lesbians as well as gender variant people. The Jamaican tourism industry has been ignoring the cries of human rights and LGBT rights activists who are demanding change in the country.
The violence is staggering, people are being murdered or beaten on an almost weekly basis, and the musical lyrics are blatantly anti-gay and violent.
Tourism accounts for 1/3 of all employment in Jamaica, let the tourism officials know you will spread word to boycott Jamaican travel and goods until they do something to combat hate crimes against Gay citizens.
Nearing an Aloha for Civil Unions?
The Hawaii House has passed a civil unions bill and now the bill moves up the way for a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee where the fate of the legislation is uncertain.
Please contact members of the senate and urge them to support civil unions. A full list of senators can be found here.
Open Forum: "I Hate Being Gay" Program on Tyra Banks Show
The Tyra Banks Show has hosted a program called "I Hate Being Gay" and the program is split over 5 clips that can be seen below, please double click the videos to see it in full screen.
The program has received a mixed reaction from the gay community, some feeling that the show is a trophy for the right wing which seeks to demonstrate how psychologically damaging the "gay lifestyle" is, and to reintroduce terms like "sexual orientation disturbance". Others feel that the program highlights serious issues many gay people face at some point in their lives and that it is a healthy discussion to have.
The program begins by featuring one young man who finds being gay disgusting, he hopes to become "straight" by the age of 30 in hopes of having a family. He feels he can be emotionally attracted to women, but not as sexual as he would like to be.
The next clip shows a guy who feels very intimidated by gay men. Tyra sends him out to meet with some gay men and helps increase his confidence and he reported feeling better about his identity.
Following that a man is introduced who identifies as gay but has fallen in love with a woman and decided to marry her. The couple occasionally brings an additional man into the bedroom, and they are unsure as to whether their relationship will prevail.
Finally, the last man is conflicted about being gay because he also desires a family. On the request of his father, he attends an "ex-gay" seminar only to find out that it takes years and thousands of dollars and would only help to possibly supress his desires as opposed to change his orientation. He seems conflicted as to which path in life he will ultimately take.
Tyra Banks has traditionally been very gay supportive, and always says "the gays love Tyra and Tyra loves the gays." But, recently she had a program on "ex-gays" and now this program also toys with the idea of "orientation conversion." Tyra Banks continually throughout the show makes positive statements about how orientation cannot be changed and that these men should accept themselves.
Some in the gay community are outraged that Tyra is showing a few "dysfunctional" people and that this reflects poorly on many in the community who never questioned their identity. Should we shun the voices of those who are struggling and pretend everything is just fine, or is it ok to discuss openly how some people are struggling and how some experience sexual fluidity in the hopes of making the public more aware how ingrained in our lives sexuality is and how complicated human sexuality really is, regardless of orientation?
Word of the Gay: "Gayleidoscope"
"Gayleidoscope" is a term used to describe the wide spectrum of culture among the gay and lesbian community.
Friday, February 20, 2009
CALL TO ACTION: Sean Delonas & The New York Post
Sean Delonas recent cartoon in the New York Post depicts police having shot and killed a chimpanzee while making reference to President Obama’s recently passed economic stimulus bill.
The cartoon has sparked widespread anger and outrage, and community leaders have coordinated ongoing protests of the New York Post.
GLAAD’s President had this to say about the controversy:
"Sean Delonas has a history of defamatory work and we stand with those who decry this recent cartoon as unacceptable and a vicious portrayal that neither enlightens nor entertains. It’s unacceptable that the New York Post continues to provide a platform for such instances of hateful defamation".
GLAAD is urging us to speak out against these bigoted cartoons which portray minorities in a negative light.
Mr. Col Allan
Editor In Chief
New York Post
Phone : 212-930-8272
Email: col.allan@nypost.com
Teri Everett, Senior Vice President
Corporate Affairs & Communications
News Corporation
Phone: 212-852-7070
E-Mail: teverett@newscorp.com
Jack Horner, Director
Corporate Affairs & Communications
News Corporation
Phone: 212-852-7952
E-Mail: jhorner@newscorp.com
Organization Spotlight: Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists
The Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists (SOLGA) of the American Anthropological Association was founded in 1988. SOLGA promotes communication, encourages research, develops teaching materials, and serves the interests of gay and lesbian anthropologists within the association.
Save Sexuality and Gender Studies Petition
Lawmakers in Georgia and Florida are using 'budget cuts' as an excuse for a witchhunt--targeting sexuality, queer and women's studies courses and cloaking a moral agenda as a fiscal decision.
We need to act now to protect the integrity of scientific research and the importance of sexuality and gender studies--including those who do sexuality work in complementary programs like anthropology, gerontology, sociology and ethnic studies.The work of these researchers and academics contributes greatly to a healthier sexuality for all of us, preventing disease, addressing stigma and promoting lifelong sexual literacy with accurate, science-based evidence.
For more information and to sign the petition please access the link below:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Organization Spotlight: Intersex Initiative
Intersex Initiative is a Portland, Oregon based national activist and advocacy organization for people born with intersex conditions. It was founded by Emi Koyama, a multi-issue social justice activist and former intern at Intersex Society of North America (2001-02).
Call for Senator Buttars Resignation
The All For One Initiative is calling on us to contact Utah Governor Jon Huntsman as well as the Senate President Michael Waddoups and urge them to speak up in favor of Senator Buttars submitting his resignation. The senator has recently called "gays the greatest threat to America" among other highly offensive comments. The current and past comments by this senator illustrate his lack of ability to represent all Utahn's due to his racist and homophobic rhetoric.
Please use the contact info below to urge them to speak in favor of his resignation.
Governor Jon Huntsman
Phone: 800-705-2464
Senate President Michael Waddoups
Office (801) 355-1136
North Carolina Protest of "Ex-Gay" Love Won Out Conference
CRANE presents the following events to raise public awareness and challenge the myths and lies of anti-gay organizations like Focus on the Family and the “ex-gay” Exodus International. The “ex-gay” conference Love Won Out will be held in Charlotte on Feb. 21, the same day as the HRC Carolinas Gala.
Pray Away the Gay Feb. 19, 2009, 7 p.m.
Lesbian & Gay Community Center of Charlotte
820 Hamilton St., Suite B-11, Charlotte, NC 28206
Non-violent protest of Love Won Out conference Feb. 21, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Central Church of God
5301 Sardis Rd., Charlotte, NC 28211
Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd Wants To Fire "Disgusting" Queer Theory Profs
Georgia state Rep. Charlice Byrd wants to fire every university professor who teaches such "disgusting" classes as queer theory. (Or anything else to do with sex or gayness, apparently.) Sounds like somebody wants to be the next Sally Kern.
Since Byrd wants you to contact representatives and complain about perverted classes on dirty homo sex, you should start with her: 404.656.0126.
Crossposted via Joe My God.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
HRC Celebrates Black History Month
The Human Rights Campaign has put out a video in honor of Black History Month. I applaud this decision, as major LGBT organizations have failed to adequately reach out to communities of color thus far. It is far past time when we need to unite rather than divide. This is one step in the right direction and we must hold HRC accountable to their message of being committed to diversity, we also must ensure that they protect our transgender brothers and sisters during this legislative season and beyond.
Utah Senator Chris Buttars Calls "Gays Greatest Threat to America"
Utah state senator Chris Buttars has made homophobic remarks against the gay community in an upcoming documentary on proposition 8. He is saying that "gays are the greatest threat to the country ever" and that "gay marriage is the beginning of the end." This senator has also made comments that are racist and offensive to the African American and Muslim communities.
Email contact for Senator Buttars below:
Organization Spotlight: Truth Wins Out
Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that counters right wing propaganda, exposes the “ex-gay” myth and educates America about gay life.
Minnesota Gay Republican To Vote Against Marriage Equality
"Minnesota State Sen. Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley, told KLKS on Friday that he will not vote for the Marriage and Family Protection Act, a bill that would make Minnesota’s marriage laws gender-neutral, allowing same-sex couples many of the rights currently denied by Minnesota statute. Koering, who is gay and a Republican, said he would vote against it because the state faces bigger problems.
“I think some of the gay activists will be upset with me for this, but sometimes I think an agenda is pushed so far and so fast that people have no alternative but to push back,” Koering told Raw Story at the time. “And I think that sometimes you have to move slowly." (Minnesota Independent News)
This is a pot of gold for the right wing! Tell Mr. Koering we have enough enemies opposed to equality and that it's one thing not to bring up the legislation but quite another to vote against it once it comes up for a vote.
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
State Office Building, Room 131
St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Blog Spotlight: Bent Alaska
Bent Alaska offers GLBT news and events with a local Alaskan Bent
24 Hours for Marriage Equality in the Garden State
If you’re fed up with inequality, join Garden State Equality for 24 HOURS FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY. It all begins at 7:00 pm on Fight Back Night, Wednesday, February 18, 2009, and continues through Thursday night, February 19th. The events, listed below, are in North and South Jersey.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 7:00 pm in Montclair, Garden State Equality headquarters, 500 Bloomfield Avenue, with a free pizza and pasta dinner. It’s Fight Back Night! Together, we will work the phones and speak with leaders from all walks of life in recruiting them to join our fight for marriage equality.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 from 7:00 am to 9:30 am at the Maplewood Train Station, 161 Dunnell Road, downtown Maplewood, with free donuts and coffee. Yes, the early morning! Kick off Anniversary of a Failure Day as we meet and talk to commuters about the dire need for marriage equality, and enlist their support.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in Montclair, Garden State Equality headquarters, 500 Bloomfield Avenue, with free lunch from Panera. In our Anniversary of a Failure Day open house, you will speak with decision makers about why you demand marriage equality now.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 5:00 pm in Collingswood, Grove Ground Coffee Bar, 647 Haddon Avenue. Anniversary of a Failure Day continues in South Jersey. Join us as we walk from merchant to merchant to enlist their support for marriage equality.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 7:00 pm in Cherry Hill, Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 Kings Highway North, with a free pizza and pasta dinner. It’s South Jersey’s own Fight Back Night! Together, we will work the phones and speak with leaders from all walks of life in recruiting them to join our fight for marriage equality.
Garden State Equality:
Statewide headquarters (973) GSE-LGBT
Crossposted via Daily Queer News.
Help Nominate A Strong Health & Human Services Secretary
Most candidates President Obama is reportedly considering as his nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services are progressive leaders who will keep in mind the LGBT community's health-related needs, including respect for our families and inclusive data collection.
However, at least one of the candidates rumored to be in the running has been less than helpful to our community, so we need your help.
Please sign our petition urging President Obama to make sure an equality-minded progressive is in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. This information will be shared with the White House.
The petition can be found via Stonewall Democrats.
Word of the Gay: "That Way"
Monday, February 16, 2009
South African National Party Will "Rehabilitate Gays"
Independent Online, a South African news provider is reporting that the revived National Party in South Africa will allow gay and lesbian members to serve, but that the government will help to "rehabilitate" them. The party is also advocating that the country stop performing same-sex marriages, which became legal in November 2006.
A NP representative said:
"The party is open to all. We don't approve (of homosexuality), but there is nothing we can do about people's lifestyle. We won't exclude them, we will rather rehabilitate them. We regard them as South Africans and we will still serve them," Sprague said.Contact the National Party via the address and email below and let them know that science shows homosexuality is not a disease in need of treatment and that "reparative therapy" does not work and is dangerous. Also, tell them not to interfere with the constitution which guarantees marriage rights for same-sex couples.
P.O. Box 1344, Sea Point 8060
Fax: (+27) 086 627 7405
E-mail: mail@nationalparty.co.za
Blog Spotlight: BiNet USA
BiNet USA provides news, updates, and essays by and for America's bisexual community.
Tip Line Created to Uncover Truth of Financial Involvement of LDS Church
Californians Against Hate has set up a toll-free tip line for anyone who has information regarding the Mormon Church's involvement in proposition 8. Any information that you want to pass along will be kept strictly confidential and will be used to file a second complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
The graph below courtesy of Californians Against Hate shows a suspicious report of their financial filings. The graph shows the lump sum of financial involvement being in the last week which raises serious questions as to whether some information is being hidden, due to the fact that the LDS Church has been involved in the campaign for months.If you have any information on Mormon Church spending anywhere in the country that occurred during the summer and fall leading up to the November 4th election, please let Californians Against Hate know.